Chapter 76: Taking over – Part III

3568 Words

-Amelie- Harper's little heart was speeded up. He was still afraid. His forehead was wet. “My sweet little boy,” I told the pup before kissing his forehead to comfort him. “It was only a bad dream, baby.” “Mommy…” He caressed my cheeks with his little hands. "Don’t leave me!" He sniffled. “Oh, baby, no! Mommy is here, baby. Mommy is here” I pressed my cheek against his, hugging him tighter. I should have noticed it before, everything the pup knows and makes him feel safe is missing in the pack house. If I’m struggling, missing Mason, for Harper must be even worse. "Mommy is not going anywhere," I promised Harper, rubbing his back. Harper was holding onto me as if I were to disappear at any minute. He has asked me not to leave him so many times… I cleaned his face with the back of

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