Chapter 43: How bad can you be?

2923 Words

-Amelie-     I fluttered my eyes open; it was already dark outside.   After Mason left, I went back to bed, curled into a ball under the blankets, and slept for a long time. Honestly, I just wanted to sleep without thinking, without feeling. And it worked.   While staring at the ceiling, my stomach grumbled. Then, I thought about how wolves can resist longer than any other species without food. Amelie, stop!   I do not want to think about what Mason told me earlier. I dislike the word "hope".   I left my bed to look for something to eat. Apparently, Mason listened to me because I did not find more food than the leftovers from the morning. Unfortunately, it did not look tasty anymore.   Since when am I spoiled? I am not a picky eater. But I guess my new habits come from Mason

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