Chapter 36: A hard night – Part III

2971 Words

-Allen- My heart filled when I sneaked a glimpse of her beautiful face. After so many hours apart, it feels like an eternity. And the need to hold Lorraine and kiss her intensified by a thousand. My mate, my beautiful mate with deep brown eyes... However, I was afraid of my stupidity. “Move!” my wolf snarled at me when I hid behind the door. I could not. I was not ready! Mason has pointed it out earlier, and he is right. “I cannot trust you, Allen!” Victor barked at me. “I will take this in my paws! Back off!” Honestly, it was a relief to be pushed into the back seat of my mind. I have messed things up by overthinking s**t. I let it flow naturally, as it should have happened from the start, with help from my wolf. “Ava… Ava…” Victor used the bond to call his counterpart. We

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