Chapter Seven

1052 Words
Keidan was quite shocked when Riley told him of the incident that happened in his pack. Messing with a marked woman was forbidden no matter who it was, and after the call from the hospital, there was no denying it. Merida was telling the truth. Riley was sitting in his office, looking at him expectantly. Her green eyes looked darker, he guessed that wolf of hers was threatening to come to the surface. Namira was likely angry and telling Riley all sorts of cruel fates to befall his friends from school. This was a disaster. Riley on the other hand, looked delectable. Her long hair was pulled up into a neat ponytail. She was dressed in a nice black tank top, a cute ruffled mini skirt with black pantyhose and matching dark wedges. There was a gold necklace hanging around her neck. A locket, he was sure and white gold bangles around each of her wrists. She wore very little makeup, but looked so beautiful. He didn’t know if he would be able to keep his hands off her. Take her, do her in the office. She’ll like it! Artemis said impatiently. Keidan had to put up a block to lock him out for now. He sighed, this was an absolute mess. “Beta Jasper!” He yelled out of the door. Jasper walked in, his usual cheerful expression on his face. “What can we do for you, Alpha?” He said, a sucker stick hanging out of his mouth, his hands nonchalantly in his jean pockets. His blonde hair spiked up with his usual frosted tips, and his blue eyes looked inquisitive. “Ace, and those other two idiots assaulted a woman with a mark. Not only that, she’s carrying a pup.” Jasper looked shocked, and his face became serious. “Ace, are you sure?” He asked as he slowly rubbed his chin. “The doc at the hospital confirmed his involvement.” Jasper ran his fingers over his hair and sighed. “What are your orders?” Keidan thought about it only briefly and sighed. “Take some men and capture them. Take them to the dungeon. I don’t care who he is, this is unacceptable.” Jasper nodded his head and left the room, no longer a cheerful demeanor in sight. Keidan kissed Riley’s lips briefly, and allowed her to leave him in his office. Riley returned to her office a while later, after getting some food from the pack house kitchens. She felt stuffed up in this place. She desperately wanted to go for a run. We should go for a run. Let me stretch my legs a bit. This political lifestyle is so stuffy. Riley agreed, and took leave from her office. She headed out to the woods and mind linked Keidan to tell him what she was doing. She went out to the clearing, and delicately removed her clothing. As she stood there naked, she began to shift. Her bones rearranged and the next time she stepped down, it was on the four paws of her wolf. Namira chided happily in her head. Look at our reflection, we are bigger! Riley took the hint and stepped them up to the water and looked at her reflection. She was quite pleased, they were nearly as big as Keidan and Artemis. Namira wagged their tail happily. Riley drank some water from the lake and then turned direction and took a run through the woods. They used their claws to leap from trees, and cornered a deer and took it down. Riley took the backseat and avoided her eyes, as Namira took over and decided to dig into their kill and eat raw meat. Riley didn’t mind, but she felt like she’d let Namira have that one as the metallic taste of blood, wasn’t exactly appetizing. They played in the wild flowers, but when a familiar scent filled her nostrils she knew Keidan had caught up with her. Sandlewood and spice, it was mate! Namira cheered happily as Keidan’s wolf tackled hers. Riley sat back as Namira and Artemis played, nipping at each other and taking turns licking each other. Things quickly got physical as Artemis claimed his wolf mate and then returned as they trotted through the field with their fluffy tails intwined. They hunted down another animal, and shared it with their mate. Eventually, they would return to the lake. Both wolves would drink from the water, before shifting back to their human forms. Keidan spared no time and gathered Riley in his arms, a mischievous look on his face, as he tossed Riley into the water. Riley let herself sink for a few moments before kicking off the bottom and swimming back up. Keidan was already in the water waiting for her. “Did you have fun, my love?” Riley allowed herself to float on her back, her breasts in clear view from her nudity. Her dark hair floated around her head, and Keidan couldn’t help but think she was the absolute essence of beauty. “It was a nice break.” She admitted with a happy sigh. They laid there floating in the water in contentment, when a strong musty metallic scent filled her nose. Keidan seemed to smell it too. “Rogues or bad warriors.” He said pulling them both out of the water. “Smells like at least a dozen. Shift Riley, We have to run, and go! And don’t look back!” He commanded in his alpha voice. Despite his hesitation, Namira took over and they were running ahead on all fours towards the territory line. Keidan mind linked her. Go ahead of me and warn the warriors on the outskirts. They aren’t rogues, we’re under attack Faster Riley! Now!” He commanded in his Alpha voice. Despite wanting to go back and make sure Keidan made it, she had no choice to obey. She couldn’t fight his Alpha commands. Her four paws kicked up dirt and rocks as Namira took over and pushed her forward. Namira! What about Keidan? He’s coming. We need to make it back to the pack. There’s a lot of them. Our job right now, as the Luna is to warn the others. I just hope we make it in time…
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