Chapter 84 The Conditions Of Xu Tui

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        "Go to my teacher's office upstairs. There is a high-frequency induction laser of the highest level, and there is a dedicated communication channel with the supercomputer Shennong of Huaxia University of Genetic Evolution." Luo Shifeng, who had just turned and left, quickly Step by step came to Xu Tui.    Regarding Professor Luo Shifeng's reaction, Xu Tui didn't say any nonsense, just nodded, followed and left. The fact that Professor Luo can do this means that he already has some belief. The students who were in the training grid around Xu Tui were all shocked. After hearing a few words, they suddenly found that the classmate who took Professor Luo's reward by sleeping in the last class seemed to be a little far away from them. Has he reached the point where he can fool Professor Luo to do research with him? Of course, many classmates are very curious about whether he is flickering Professor Luo.   Xu Tui was brought into the teacher's office by Luo Shifeng. In this large class of 1,500 people, a little movement and various ideas were aroused. But this movement did not last long, not even for a minute. Students who can enter Huaxia Gene Evolution University, no matter what else, in terms of learning ability and habits, there is no doubt. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to get into Huaxia Gene Evolution University.    "Here, um, here, I'm going to re-test your neural response speed. For accuracy, I'll test it three times in a row. Then, you can start your proof, no problem?" Luo Shifeng asked. "No problem, if you can wait, Professor Luo, I want to train for an hour first, and then try to turn on the next gene base point of neural response speed. My last gene base point of neural response speed is still a little short before it can be improved. To the limit. Of course, I also want to more accurately sense the gene base point of the new neural response class." Xu Tui said.    "No problem. Xu Tui requires continuous training for an hour, and the average neural response speed obtained in this way is more accurate and more meaningful for scientific research." Luo Shifeng has entered the scientific research state from the teaching state. When any professor enters the state of scientific research, the first characteristic must be rigorous!    "Okay, then I'll start." Xu Tui didn't talk nonsense, and directly turned on the high-level laser matrix transmitter in Teacher Luo Shifeng's office. In the training grid just now, four laser matrix transmitters were used, but in Luo Shifeng's case, there were 24 hybrid laser matrix transmitters of different lengths. As soon as it was activated, Xu Tui found that the high-frequency induction laser emitted by the 24-head hybrid laser matrix transmitter was more disordered and weirder, and even the speed was not fixed. Xu Tui made several mistakes in a row. This caused Xu Tui's neural response speed in the first test to drop to 53 milliseconds.    However, after the first training, Xu Tui quickly adapted, and the neural response speed of the second training returned to 49 milliseconds. Outside the window, Luo Shifeng checked the information flow from the training equipment in his teacher's office through his personal communication device, and then retrieved the training records of Xu's withdrawal from last week's course, and began to compare them one by one. See if the student has any chance of cheating. After 30 minutes, Xu Tui's neural response speed in the teacher's office had increased to 48 milliseconds. Luo Shifeng also confirmed one thing. The student's neural response speed should be real. There is no possibility of cheating. Xu Tui thought that the possibility of deceiving the supercomputer Shennong ten times in a row was too slim. Of course, if this Xu Tui can be deceived, then he is definitely a talent.    In the teacher's office, Xu Tui, who is constantly training, enters a state of illusory inner vision from time to time, and once again searches and confirms the two newly discovered gene base points related to neural response speed. In the 100 years of the gene era, thousands of new gene bases have been discovered and researched for specific ability directions. However, there are many scholars and professors who are physically disabled or even die in the research. Research represents the unknown, and the unknown is often associated with danger. Therefore, after injecting the neurosensitizer today, Xu Tui wanted to confirm and analyze the gene base points of the two newly discovered neural response speed classes again.    After all, this time I started to study and open the relevant gene base points, and I was trying Xu Tui himself. The reason why Xu Tui chose to come to Professor Luo Shifengluo for research cooperation. It is based on another important purpose. The genetic committee has a general requirement for the identification of all research findings related to gene base points, that is, individual replication is required. Your own research that opens up new genetic bases for this ability category cannot be considered fruitful. There must also be other individuals who have successfully reproduced the results of your research in order to be recognized. It is not difficult for Xu Tui to open up the gene base of this new neural response type by himself. What is difficult is how to use a scientific method to sum up a method that enables others to find and open this genetic base point, and then be recognized as a scientific research achievement. This is the difficulty.    In this regard, Xu Tui is blank and has no experience at all. Therefore, Xu Tui must obtain the help of Professor Luo Shifeng. After another 30 minutes, Xu Tui's neural response speed was still fixed at 48 milliseconds, without any improvement. Xu Tui felt that the speed of neural response from the last activated neural response gene base point was approaching the limit. That means he can start the next one.    Xu Tui just glanced at it, and Professor Luo Shifeng felt it, and immediately walked into the teacher's office.   Professor Luo asked: "Are you going to start?"    "Yes." Xu Tui took out several bottles of E-level energy supplements that had been prepared for a long time, and shook it at Professor Luo. "Professor Luo, I need to take this. Is this a research start? Can these be reimbursed at that time?"   Luo Shifeng looked at Xu Tui with a serious face, and suddenly understood. Xu Tui had asked him if he had set a reward today, but he was not curious at all. Rather, he really wanted to get his reward. Xu Tui wanted to win a few more bottles of E-level energy supplements from him.    Mr. Luo certainly doesn't want to live a simple life like last week. Of course, the reward in the class is that he pays out of his own pocket, and scientific research is different, especially after the scientific research results are obtained. "If you prove all this in a while, and I start this research project with you, then all your research expenses will be reimbursed. If the research is successful, you will be rewarded with a lot of money!" Luo Shifeng said clearly .    "Okay, Professor Luo, then I'll let go and drink it." Xu Tui, who poured a bottle of E-level energy supplement, sat cross-legged again, and entered the sleep state of the previous class. This should be a special cultivation method unique to the Huixin lineage.    Luo Shifeng felt a little embarrassed in his heart, but fortunately, the punishment he gave Xu Tui in the last class was unsuccessful, and he did not criticize Xu Tui for sleeping in front of everyone. Otherwise, he would be embarrassed. The special cultivation method of other students, you, a big professor, actually thinks that you are sleeping? This has to be spread out, and it is strange that it is not laughed at. From this moment, Luo Shifeng basically began to believe that what Xu Tui said should be true.    Xu Tui, this will naturally not open those two gene base points of neural response that have not been discovered by the outside world. If he turned on these two gene points directly, he would not be able to do scientific research. Xu Tui will turn on the gene base of the third neural response class above the spine. Although the speed of neural response can be regarded as a genetic ability, it does not form a genetic ability chain. That is to say, no matter which one is turned on first, it is possible, and it can improve the neural response speed to a certain extent. Therefore, there is no gene base point load characteristic on the gene ability chain. In the gene ability chain, the lower the sequence ranking of the gene base point, the greater the consumption and difficulty of opening.    Xu Tui only spent 1 hour and 15 minutes, and consumed two and a half bottles of E-level energy supplements, and successfully opened the third neural response gene base point. Seeing Xu Tui stand up from his 'sleeping', Luo Shifeng immediately returned to the classroom office.   Professor Luo asked: "Are you finished?"    Xu Tui nodded.   "So fast?" After realizing that his question was nonsense, Professor Luo Shifeng pointed at the training equipment.  "Test it first, it's intuitive."    "Okay!" Xu Tui walked to the 24-head hybrid laser matrix transmitter without any hesitation, and clicked the start button.   Three minutes later, the training results came out. Before Xu Tui could read it, Luo Shifeng ripped off the training transcript first. The score of 23 milliseconds on the training transcript was extremely dazzling in Luo Shifeng's eyes. Although it seems that the improvement is not large, only 25 milliseconds, but Luo Shifeng, a professor of the Department of Neurology, is very clear. When a person's neural response speed is increased to within 50 milliseconds, every 1 millisecond of neural response speed improvement requires long-term training, even if a neurosensitizing agent is injected. Generally speaking, only when the gene base points of the neural response class are newly turned on, the neural response speed can be increased by more than 10 milliseconds in a short period of time. In other words, Xu Tui has proved himself.    "I need an average grade that is more scientifically meaningful. You can train nine more times." Luo Shifeng said.    This time, Luo Shifeng did not leave, but was in his teacher's office, watching Xu Tui training, and began to record while training. Thirty minutes later, Luo Shifeng looked at the average score obtained, his lips pursed tightly, but his eyes were filled with surprise. "The average neural response speed is 21.4 milliseconds, and the optimal neural response speed is 21 milliseconds." Xu Tui's optimal neural response speed reached 21 milliseconds, which is a continuous improvement effect after opening a new neural response gene base point.   Luo Shifeng finished reading the transcript, he looked at Xu Tui and said, "Xu Tui, you have proved your statement, and at the same time, you have convinced me. If you have no opinion, then we can start to discuss this research project further."   Luo Shifeng does things without the slightest sloppiness. "First of all, you have to tell me, which part of the body is the gene base point of this brand-new neural response class you discovered?" Luo Shifeng, who entered the state, asked.    "Head." Xu Tui replied.   Luo Shifeng nodded. "More than ten years ago, researchers in the Department of Neuroscience published a conjecture of neural response gene base points. It is said that under the current research progress, if new neural response gene base points can be found, then this new The neural response gene base point is most likely to be in the head."    After a pause, Luo Shifeng asked suddenly, "Have you seen this conjecture?"    Xu Tui shook his head, "First time listening."         Luo Shifeng stared blankly at Xu Tui, and suddenly burst into laughter, "Yes, that kind of extremely professional conjecture, we professors in the Department of Neurology have not seen too much." Before laughing, Luo Shifeng suddenly turned towards Xu Xu. Retire stretched out his hand, "Let's get to know you again, Luo Shifeng, professor and director of the Department of Neurology, Extreme School of Huaxia Gene Evolution University. I am also the leader of the research group exploring the new gene basis of neural response. Welcome to join this research project. Group!"    Looking at Luo Shifeng's outstretched hand, Xu Tui did not hold it. Hold it up, and the cooperation begins. Regardless of whether it can produce results or not, Xu Tui will be of great benefit. However, Xu Tui had to clarify some things in advance.    Xu Tui said solemnly, "Professor Luo, I have the conditions."    "Tell me, I know you have the conditions." From the beginning, Luo Shifeng had already seen that Xu Tui was deliberately showing him his ability to seek the possibility of research cooperation with him. Under normal circumstances, Xu Tui could turn it on quietly, instead of using himself as a test subject to study. Come to think of it, nine times out of ten, it has an extra purpose.       Xu Tui put forward his own requirements: "There is no problem in joining this research, but to produce research results, I want to be the first researcher, or be tied for the first researcher. Moreover, my identity is the No. 14 Research Institute of Huaxia Gene Research Institute. intern researcher.".    Hearing this, Luo Shifeng frowned slightly. The first researcher, no problem. He still has this kind of conduct. But Xu Tui's identity in this research is problematic.         "Are you sure? If you do this, then more benefits and honors will fall to Institute 14, not you personally. And you are currently just a researcher intern at Institute 14. With all due respect , the benefits you can get from it should be very small." Luo Shifeng said.    Hearing this, Xu Tui's mouth cracked and he smiled. "Professor Luo, I'm afraid you don't know yet. We are only Professor An Xiaoxue'an in our research on the 14th."    "Two people, Research Institute No. 14, An Xiaoxue, oh, I remembered." Luo Shifeng seemed to remember something and nodded.    "No problem." Luo Shifeng agreed.    "Professor Luo, I hope that these commitments can be implemented on paper or documents with a legal meaning." Xu Tui added.    Luo Shifeng, who was about to say something just now, touched his forehead with his hand, his head hurting. The little guy in front of him should not have been beaten by the society, why is there so much attention? He is more careful than he is! He actually doubted his character as a great professor! Simply! When there is a chance in the future, I must teach the kid a lesson. He dared to doubt his character as a great professor. "No problem, we will sign the agreement directly." Luo Shifeng murmured in his heart, but he agreed very happily.
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