Chapter 7 Xu Tui's Mystical Ability

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Comparison of blood samples before and after the injection of gene liberation agents showed that Xu Tui had turned on 14 gene bases. This made Xu retreat, who was a little sluggish, as if he had been injected with stimulants.    He immediately stepped into the Mystery Department test hall with great vigour. Because the blood sample comparison results are there. After all, fourteen genetic basis points exist objectively.    Xu Tui's previous test results proved that the door to the extreme department of the future university has been closed to him. So that means that Xu Tui is a member of the mystery department of the future university, which is a certainty!   Compared to the test halls of the extreme department, which are fully functional and full of various instruments and equipment, the test halls of the mystery department are very simple. Xu Tui had just stepped into the first radiation impact test room in the passageway of the Mystery Department's test hall, and an inexplicable aura enveloped Xu Tui, making him drowsy.    Xu Tui felt that the whole process could take a few seconds or a few minutes. Later, as Xu Tui woke up, he found that there was an extra test sheet in his arms.    "After testing, student Xu Tui did not activate the radiation-affected gene base point." The denial was thorough and quick. This mysterious radiation effect category, the most famous is the mental interference, the folks call it hypnosis!    Xu Tui shook his head and walked to the incarnation test room. Attentive viewers will find that he goes in faster and comes out faster. At the same time, he still has a rejection test sheet in his hand.    Afterwards, Xu Tui entered the mysterious supernormal test room. There is only one straight passage in the superhuman test room, and there are many strange things on both sides of the passage. After Xu retreat walked through the passage as required, nothing happened. Then, Xu Tui received another rejection test slip.    Xu Tui panicked again at this time. Because there are not many classifications in the mystery department, according to the test order, there should be a test room for the wisdom mind. However, Xu Tui walked around in the Mystery Department's testing hall, but couldn't find where the Wisdom Mind testing room was.    Xu Tui was a little stunned.  "Where is the Huixin class testing room?" Xu Tui took the initiative to ask little brother Lu Baobao.    The little brother of security raised his finger and pointed to a room and said, "The test room for Huixin class is in Room 5."    "Room No. 5?" Xu Tui glanced across the row of test rooms in the Mystery Department's test hall, still confused. But he didn't find Room 5.    "Outside." Brother Security added.    Xu Tui asked suspiciously, "Outside?"    The little brother of security explained, "It's the fifth room in the rooms 1 to 40 where you injected the gene liberation agent."    Xu retreated and stopped. It was surprising enough, and even he was a little surprised. After all, the specifications of the mystery department are so high. Why is there not only a separate room for the wisdom mind test room, but also directly overlaps with the room where the gene liberation medicine was injected. This feels a little out of the ordinary.    But Xu Fuhui honestly walked out of the Mystery Department's testing hall and walked to the Wisdom Department's testing room. It happened to be the fifth room where Xu Tui was injected with the gene liberation potion.    "How's it going? What kind of mystery are you? Are you an extraordinary person?" The head teacher and a group of classmates saw Xu exit and gathered around.    Xu Tui shook his head, pointed to Room 5, and said that there was still one test to be done, which made the head teacher and classmates bewildered. Why did Xu Tui want to go back to the previous exam room again? Could this buddy Xu Tui have another shot?    Xu Tui was also helpless. Because if he wasn't even this wise, then Xu Tui would have to consider whether the blood sample comparison sheet was wrong. Although he has opened fourteen genetic base points, he does not belong to the limit department and the mystery department of the known future university.    Xu Tui suddenly thought of an extremely terrifying possibility. "I will be sliced ​​and studied by the Institute of Genetics! After all, Xu Tui may find a new direction after being sliced, isn't it?" Thinking of this, Xu Tui felt very flustered!    He rang the doorbell, indicating his intention, and the teacher inside told Xu Tui to wait. A few minutes later, a student came out of Room 5, and the female researcher in Room 5 called Xu Hui to go in directly.    There is still the female researcher inside. It's just that he was withdrawn from the beginning to the end, and he was already a little cowardly at this time.    "Hello, I'm here to test whether to activate the base point of the Mysterious Wisdom Gene." Xu Tui said.    "The previous test sheet, blood sample comparison sheet." The female researcher said. "The blood sample comparison sheet shows that you have turned on fourteen gene base points. Well, it seems that you have not turned on the penetrating vision gene base point?"   The female researcher brought up this issue again. But Xu Tui, who was concerned about the future at this time, was no longer in the mood to blush. He just wanted to know if he had activated the gene base point of the wisdom mind. Will he be sliced ​​for research in the future.    "Teacher, when will the test start?" Xu Tui asked.    "So impatient?" The female researcher wearing a big mask looked at Xu Zui, whose handsome face was tensed, and her slender eyebrows bent, probably smiling. She took out a card, wrote a few strokes, signed and stamped it. With a swipe, the card accurately flew into Xu Tui's hand.    "Well, the fourteen genetic base points you opened are all mysterious and intelligent. This is the final test list, and it will be entered into the system soon." The female researcher said.    "It's all wise?" Looking at the test sheet, Xu Tuan was a little confused. Seems like this isn't tested at all, right? Because of the radiation impact test just now, he at least fainted. As a result, the wise mind class in front of him, he felt nothing and did nothing, and it was over. This is it?    "Any questions?" The female researcher turned her head to look at Xu Tui.    Xu Tui looked at the female researcher, and then looked at the final exam sheet in his hand, feeling a little dizzy. "That's it? I don't think I've tested it yet?"    "What test do you want? If you can see it, can it still be called a mystery department?" said the female researcher.    Xu Tui was stunned, and what the teacher said was also true. Otherwise, how can it be called a mystery department?    "Goodbye, teacher." Xu Tui greeted politely and was about to leave.    "Wait." Before going out, the female researcher suddenly stopped Xu Tui. "This is my business card. If you want to apply for Huaxia Gene Evolution University, you can ask me if you have any questions about the Department of Wisdom."    "Well, don't bother me if you have nothing to do. Otherwise, be careful and I will block you directly." The paper business card flew into Xu Tui's hand with a swoosh. This extra care made Xu Tui a little puzzled. Because his family doesn't seem to have such relatives and friends. Is it because of the previous perspective episode? He thought it was impossible. The female researcher  once again showed her ability to see through Xu Tui's inner thoughts. "Don't think about it. I gave you the business card mainly because we are a little less intelligent." The female researcher shrugged.  "Besides, as long as you are not stupid, you will come to the School of Mystery of Huaxia University of Genetics in all likelihood. You don't look like a stupid pig, do you?"    Xu Tui shook his head blankly and glanced at the business card. The teacher's name is An Xiaoxue, and her identity is a professor at the School of Mystery at Huaxia Gene Evolution University.   According to Xu Tui's understanding, if the professor is not an old man, he must be middle-aged and old. Although Xu Tui didn't see the teacher's face, the female researcher's voice and the youthful aura all over her body indicated that she should be young. Such a young professor is also a professor at Huaxia University of Gene Evolution, the top-ranking university in China. This is really shocking.    Xu Tui is not a sand sculpture either. In today's era of genetics, with genetic enhancement, mutation, and evolution, everything is possible. He put away the business card, thanked the teacher, and left.    After exiting the door of Room 5, a group of classmates and the head teacher Yu Zeping gathered around. They all stared at Xu Tui with hungry eyes like wolves.  "How about it, are you a mystery department?"    "Well, it's the mystery department, with fourteen genetic base points." Xu Tuiyang raised the final exam sheet in his hand.   Cheng Mo and Tang Ting's classmates stepped forward to surround Xu Tui and cheered. All the students were very happy. It even made it feel like they were happier than they were mystic.    All the stress was completely dissipated in the smiles and laughter of the same classmates. Xu Tui also laughed. The head teacher Yu Zeping smiled knowingly when he saw it, but behind the smile, there was a bit of bitterness that no one could detect.   Because he knew that these children under his management, I am afraid that at this moment, they will laugh so pure. Today, I am afraid it is the last time in their lives that they laughed so happily and so innocently. Taking advantage of everyone playing around and taking Xu Tui's final exam sheet, he glanced at it, and the corner of the head teacher Yu Zeping's mouth suddenly twitched. Xu Tui turned out to be a wise man.   The head teacher, Yu Zeping, as a person in the education field, still has some understanding of the mysterious wisdom and heart system in the Gene University. The students from the Huixin department in Genomics University seem to be engaged in more research.    "By the way, what kind of ability did the mystery department in your Gene University test out?" Tang Ting asked suddenly.    In fact, Xu Tui is also thinking about this issue. "When you get the final test form, go to register as soon as possible, and then get the instruction manual of the relevant category. Everyone is the same. You should know that the three months after the injection of the gene liberation medicine is your continuous improvement period. These three Months, absolutely can't delay." From the beginning, Yu Zeping turned into a nagging mode like his mother. "Starting from tomorrow, until you report to the university in a few days, you must strictly follow the instruction manual you will receive in a while and start training according to your own genetic basis. The future will depend on you." Yu Zeping, head teacher There was a little more choking in the voice, and the two female classmates burst into tears on the spot. "Cry, cry, you still have to meet tomorrow when you fill in the volunteers. You all hurry up and do your work, don't waste time. From now on, you can't miss a day of training." In the push and shove of the head teacher Yu Zeping, the students They went their separate ways to sign in in the direction of their respective genetic base points and collect materials.   Compared with the long queues of other departments, the mysterious department on Xu Tui's side didn't have to queue at all. And the instruction manual of the Huixin class is very thin, very thin. Except for some general overview of the Huixin system, the content of the book does not have any method for training the ability at all.    Of course, up to now, Xu Fu has not found out what his mysterious ability is. Except for the faint smell of blood in his mouth.    When Xu Tui walked out of the genetic research institute as the examination room, he still had many doubts in his heart. But there was an indescribable depression in his heart, so he simply didn't wait for Cheng Motang Hall and others who were still in line, and went home alone.    Along the way, Xu Tui was thinking about a question - what is the ability of the fourteen genetic base points of the mystery system that he opened up? Until he got home, Xu Tui didn't think of one, two, or three.    Xu Tui looked at the business card of the female professor An Xiaoxue, he resisted the urge and didn't fight. Of course, he felt it was useless to fight. Because she is still conducting exams at the Genetics Institute, personal communication devices should be turned off.    With Xu Tui's safe return, father Xu Jianguo and mother Zhang Xiuli were extremely happy. In the afternoon, some parents have been notified that their children's genome has collapsed, and the parent group has already fried the pot. Xu Tu opened fourteen genetic base points, which were still mysterious, but not important.    Of course, when his father Xu Jianguo heard that Xu Tui opened the gene base, he belonged to the class of wisdom within the mystery department. He was still surprised for a moment.    Not long after the meal, Xu Tui returned to his room. He tapped his personal communication device, and an electronic projection and a virtual projection keyboard appeared on the desk. Xu Tui prefers virtual projection keyboards to voice input. Xu Tui began to use various search engines to search the entire network for information. His purpose was to search for all kinds of information about the mysterious department of wisdom.   Unfortunately, today's network has become powerful and convenient to an indescribable level, and information control has reached an unprecedented level, especially some sensitive information. In short, what Xu Tui already knew, especially about the mystery department, was available on the Internet.    But the contents of the mystery department that Xu Tui wanted to know could not be found. Not to mention that he is still a wise man of the less popular Gene University. Xu Tui searched until one o'clock in the morning before giving up helplessly.    "It seems that I can only contact Professor An tomorrow. The professor of the Department of Mystery at the University of Genetics, should give me some advice, right?   Xu Tui finished washing and undressed and went to bed. Then he habitually sat cross-legged and began to meditate at night. Only to hear Xu Tui snorting and spitting, his whole body relaxed, and he soon entered that ethereal, extremely relaxed, meditative state as usual. But at the moment of entering this state of meditation today, Xu Tui suddenly felt that his eyes lit up.    But something is wrong. Xu Tui knew very well that his eyes were still tightly closed. But his eyes really brightened, and he gradually saw a figure. This is a human figure sitting cross-legged, with a shadowy figure around him, as if countless rays of light are flowing, very blurry. Only this guy has fourteen faint light spots on his head.   Where did the image in front of him come from? Xu Tui was surprised. He then opened his eyes to search, but found the image disappeared.    He had to close his eyes again, enter a state of meditation a little, and come again. After Xu Tui tried for another quarter of an hour, he suddenly realized that the image he saw seemed to be himself.    It is a bit empty!
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