Chapter 49 It exploded, it exploded!

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A teacher with horns on his head! And it's a unicorn. I saw that the horn was blue-gray, with a mysterious and strange spiral pattern, about ten centimeters high. At this time, the teacher took off his fisherman hat, which was extremely dazzling.    The freshmen were once again shocked, and everyone stared at the teacher with a horn on his head.   Today, these students felt like they were being vibrated by a vibrating massager with the power switch turned on. (Author's narration: What an evil metaphor, I'm sorry, the main reason is that Xu Tui's evil has nothing to do with me) Xu Tui is also very surprised! His first reaction was that this teacher should be a reformer!    What is the Huaxia Gene Evolution University, how can there be modified people? However, Xu Tui immediately realized. It is also impossible for Huaxia Gene Evolution University to have modified people. The   Genetic Committee defines human transformation as human and other species transformation facilitated by cross-species artificial intervention. Therefore, the teacher with the one-horned head in front of him should not be transforming people, but it is most likely a strange change. "Hello classmates, my surname is Wen, my name is Wen Shao, a professor at Huaxia Gene Evolution University, and the deputy director of the Transcendent Department of the Mystery Academy. Well, if nothing else, in the next few years, the "Mental Power" in your Mystery Department's public courses will be "Cultivation", "The Practical Application of Mystery Department", and "Mystery Department's Practical Application" will be taught and guided by me." Teacher Wen, who has a horn on his head, speaks a little slower, and with his round face, he is gentle and gentle. His smile, it seems that the horn on the top of his head has become less irritating and dazzling. "Let's talk about two points first. First, the public classes I teach are all large classes. I hope that when I teach, the students will listen carefully and not make noise, so as not to affect other students. Second, these three public classes, For you, it is very important. I hope that the students will not be absent. If you are absent for special reasons, you can watch the video of the course or ask your classmates. Of course, in our Department of Mystery, some things are still very mysterious, not high-tech can completely Restored. The above two points, please remember the above two points. Then let's talk about the first question of the class, which is actually the beginning of today's public class-spiritual cultivation." Smiling, the mellow Teacher Wen Shao touched his hand with his hand. Touching his blue-white horn, "Students think, what's the matter with this horn on my head?    Invite students to guess at will. If you guess wrong, I will not be angry with the teacher. "    "Teacher, is it a special bone hyperplasia?"    "Teacher, is it because of spiritual power?"    "Teacher, is this an atavism?"    "I can still believe that your ancestors have long tails, and you have long horns. What do you think you evolved from?"    Amidst the lively reply, some classmates pinched each other first. The mellow teacher Wen Shao once again touched the horn on the top of his head, and the whole big class immediately became quiet again.    Xu Tui found out that this teacher is really good. He just showed a single role, and he perfectly controlled the entire classroom. "Some classmates are right. It's because of mental power. This is because I used too much mental power in my practice, and inadvertently opened an unknown gene base point, a unique silent gene response and dominant phenomenon appeared. For me, the side effect is the growth of horns, which is inconvenient. Of course, the advantage is that the mental power is slightly stronger. If the students also want to grow horns like the teacher, they should cultivate their mental power." Wen Shao said.    As soon as these words came out, more than 800 new students in the mystery department immediately changed their color. Especially those girls are even more pale, exclaimed one by one not to do not want. There is no problem in cultivating spiritual power, but there is a horn on the head, but none of the female classmates are willing.    From a distance, Xu Tui saw Gong Ling, and Huarong shook his head and said no. The head shook, and even the body shook.    "As expected," Xu Tui added silently. "It seems that none of the classmates like to have unicorns." Wen Shao, who was laughing, put his hands down from the unicorns, his face suddenly turned solemn, "Since you don't want to have unicorns, then give me a good lecture. Strength training is extremely rigorous. If anyone doesn't listen to the lectures carefully, they will grow a unicorn or even grow some strange things. For example, if someone has a mushroom on their face, don't blame the teacher for not reminding you. ."    In an instant, many girls covered their mouths and screamed. You must know that for them, it is unbearable to have a single horn on the top of the head. If mushrooms really grow on their faces, they might as well die.      In an instant, the entire class became quiet. Xu Tui also became quiet and focused. He is so handsome, with a single horn on his head and mushrooms growing on his face, he can't bear it!      "Let's hand out the training utensils." After the foreplay, Teacher Wen snorted lightly, explained to his assistant, and put on the fisherman's hat again. The original mellow and gentle Teacher Wen, after wearing the fisherman hat, inexplicably has a gloomy temperament.    makes people feel that it is better for this teacher not to wear a fisherman hat. The teaching assistant instructed dozens of classmates to start distributing so-called training utensils. In fact, the training utensil is a glass jar, the size of this item is about the size of a cola can, and it is transparent and sealed. Under the sealed bottle cap, there is a precise dial with a line about six or seven centimeters long, and a small silver card is hanging at the end of the line, only half the size of a fingernail and one centimeter square.    Seeing this small silver card, Xu Hui's eyes moved. He found that this silver color seemed a bit similar to the silver pill that An Xiaoxue urged. But the color and overall feel are a little different. Soon, Xu Tui also got an utensil in his hand.    "Students, what is the most important foundation of our mystery department, do you know?" Teacher Wen asked.    "Spiritual power!" The students' answers were almost uniform. Wen Shao smiled and nodded, "It seems that all the students have used the power in private. That's right, for our mystery department, the most important foundation is spiritual power, there is no such thing. If there is no strong spiritual power, don't worry about it. You can't exert your powerful abilities in any supernatural department, any manifestation induction system, or radiation influence department. Therefore, the cultivation of spiritual power will start from the first day of our enrollment and continue until you die. That day!"   Teacher Wen was a little serious, which made many students face tense. "However, spiritual power is invisible and intangible, and it can be manifested or even used to exert amazing power through cultivation. Since the era of genes, countless ancestors have studied for nearly a hundred years, but there is still no materialization theory that can be explained. Whether it is There have been no breakthroughs in human anatomy, nor in genetic research. For many people, this is still the most mysterious! So, the public practice method has always been simple, but very effective."    "This classmate, please speak." Some classmates raised their hands in the audience. "Teacher, if there is a public one, that means there is a secret cultivation method?"    Teacher Wen explained, "Well, yes, but it requires your mental power to reach a certain level, or even meet special requirements, before you can get in touch."    The classmate continued to ask, "Mr. Wen, what requirements do you need to meet?" "When you arrive, you will naturally know. I want to remind the students here, don't be too ambitious. According to the statistics of the Genetics Committee, the current spiritual cultivation method, as long as you persevere, is actually the most effective, and the growth rate is also the fastest. The mellow teacher Wen took the opportunity to remind all the students again. "Okay, now we're officially starting the first lesson of spiritual power training. Can you see the bottle in front of you? This bottle, we call it a vacuum silver tellurium (di) bottle, is specially used for training and testing spiritual power in the elementary and intermediate stages. Note that the tellurium here is not the tellurium you have seen in your textbooks, but the tellurium taken from extraterrestrial Mars, also known as silver ditellurium (di), which is an extremely rare material. It can be incorporated into the spiritual force to minimize the spillover of the spiritual force. After a while, you will try it and you will understand. Well, look at the vacuum silver tellurium bottle in front of you, if you focus your attention on the silver in the bottle Turn it into two tellurium. You can try to push it with your mental power. The maximum amount you push is your current mental power scale. Through repeated practice, this is the cultivation process. When the next day or one day your The mental power scale has increased again, and this is the improvement." Teacher Wen said a long list of words. In order to let everyone digest it, he deliberately paused for a while, and then continued, "Okay, we will start our first practice now, all students, listen to my guidance. First of all, Focus your eyes on the tellurium tablet of vacuum silver tellurium. Then, focus all your attention, all your attention, on the tellurium tablet, and you will have an inexplicable sense of touch . You follow this sense of contact, push the tellurium card, use your full strength! Remember, you need to push with all your strength, and you will be able to get the scale of your mental power. Well, you all start!"   As Wen Shao started talking, all the freshmen of the mystery department began to try the method of spiritual power cultivation. According to Wen Shao, everyone began to concentrate and push the tellurium card with mental power. Many students moved quickly, and the shaking of the tellurium card was very small, so they were a little anxious or even disappointed.    Wen Shao's voice continued to sound. "Students, don't worry, the first time is a bit difficult. You can try several times. After you are familiar with it, take the highest value, which is your spiritual power."   boom! The short and harsh explosion sounded extremely abruptly, interrupting Teacher Wen Shaowen's words. The loud noise also interrupted the cultivation of all the students. The    explosion sounded, accompanied by the harsh screams of several classmates. In the back row of the big class, Xu Tui, who had a piece of broken glass stuck in his face, was stunned! Broken! exploded! He just followed Teacher Wen Shao's request to concentrate all his attention, that is, mental power. Then he pushed with all his strength. The tellurium card in the bottle suddenly rose and hit the wall of the glass bottle. Then, the glass bottle burst!      Xu Tui was stunned on the spot. The eyes of all the students in the entire mystery department also focused on Xu Tui. Gong Ling, as well as a beautiful girl wearing a string of pearl necklaces, and a young man who looked a little thin, looked at this scene thoughtfully.    Teacher Wen quickly came to Xu Tui and frowned as he looked at the shards of glass on the ground. "Are you sure you didn't crush the glass bottle because you were too nervous?" Wen Shao asked with a frown.    Xu withdrawal can be determined not. But at this time, Xu Tui understood that his mental power might be a little different from other students. But he knew that it was better to be less out of the limelight. Like a hand shape. The muscles and bones on the back of the hand and the fleshy palms are the best looking and the most comfortable to touch.    "I'm not too sure, maybe I'm too nervous." Xu Tui took off the glass shards stuck on his face in a daze. He felt some pain.    "Yes." Wen Shao nodded, pointed at a few injured classmates and said, "After class, take a few classmates to take a look. If there is any problem, you are responsible."    "No problem, teacher." Xu Tui nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.    "Well, then students continue to practice, you can get another one. By the way, what's your name?" Wen Shao asked suddenly.    "Mr. Wen, my name is Xu Tui."    "Xu Tui?" Wen Shao's eyes under the fisherman's hat moved slightly, "Which department?"    "Wisdom and heart."    "Well, good!" Nodding, Wen Shao thoughtfully, continued to walk towards the podium, after a dozen steps, suddenly stopped and turned towards Xu Retreat.    "Xu retire, you and I will come to the office after class."    "Mr. Wen, what's the matter?" Xu Tui, who just made a mistake, was a little nervous.   Wen Shao smiled, "It's nothing. But you just damaged a vacuum silver tellurium bottle. This is public property, and you have to pay!"    "Huh?" Xu Tui looked puzzled, then turned into worry.   The vacuum silver tellurium bottle is so precious? You have to go to Teacher Wen's office to talk about compensation? How expensive is that thing?    For the first time, Xu Tui felt distressed about his wallet!
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