Chapter 73 Genetic Miracle

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          To tell the truth, the forty culture tanks were emptied of the culture solution and pushed to the No. 5 research hall. Although there were pulleys under the culture tanks, it was really physical work. Originally, Xu Tui wanted to be simple and crude. However, when he thought that the clones placed in the cultivation warehouse might be all of him, he was extra careful. It's just this feeling, how to feel awkward.    "Will it be extremely frightening to stand with forty people who are exactly the same for a while?" An image flashed in Xu Tui's mind, and he couldn't help shivering.   After Xu Tui finished moving the cultivation warehouse, An Xiaoxue's three broken fingers on her left hand had already been operated on by a medical robot. All the nerves and blood vessels in her fingers had been connected, and finishing work had begun. "Go and disinfect the console over there! There is a hidden safe at the back of the console, which can be unlocked directly with your biometric password. Please carefully check the capacity of the special medicines from 1 to 43. If any If the capacity of this medicine is less than two milliliters, just tell me." An Xiaoxue continued to explain Xu Tui's work.    These things are not difficult, and they will be done in a while. It's just that Xu Tui was a little curious about what happened to his clone. He glanced at the cultivation warehouse from time to time. It's only been more than a month, and this clone looks exactly like him? If so, this clone is too fast, right?   An Xiaoxue continued to instruct Xu Tui: "Did you see a liquid nitrogen storage tank over there? You bring it over, and after sterilizing it, put it on the workbench."    "Okay." After doing all this, Xu Tui quietly waited for An Xiaoxue's explanation.   An Xiaoxue continued: "This is my ID card. There is an extremely eye-catching red button in the middle of the passage of No. 14 Research Institute. You first swipe my ID card and then press the button hard."    Xu Tui wanted to know what the consequences of pressing it would be, but he still didn't ask Teacher An long-windedly. However, An Xiaoxue took the initiative to explain. "That's the emergency shutdown button. When that button is pressed, the entire Research Institute No. 14 will enter a fully closed state, and even the air will be internally circulated and oxygen will be produced. It can be said that even a nuclear strike will It can't be damaged here." An Xiaoxue said.    Xu Tui was taken aback. An Xiaoxue said so seriously, Xu Tui became more and more curious about what they were going to do now.   After Xu Tui pressed the red button to return to the research hall, An Xiaoxue was receiving a call from the Army Security Department of Genetic Research for verification. "Deputy Director An, does Institute 14 need help? Is it already in a state of disaster?"    "Thank you, everything is normal, no need." An Xiaoxue hung up the phone.    Xu Tui waited eagerly for An Xiaoxue to let him open the cultivation warehouse. But An Xiaoxue pointed to a chair and said, "Now sit down first."   An Xiaoxue turned to look at Xu Tui, and then asked three times, "Do you want to open the cultivation chamber? Do you want to know what is in the liquid nitrogen tank? Do you want to know what experiment is going to be carried out?"    "Think!" Xu Tui nodded honestly. An Xiaoxue nodded, "I also want to finish this right away, I'm a little tired. However, there is a necessary procedure that I have to go through. Our next conversation is very important. Every decision you make may affect your future. So I hope you can listen carefully and think carefully before answering. Because once you answer, you can't go back."    Xu Tui immediately sat up and replied, "I understand." "Okay! First of all, let me explain to you about the cultivation tank. The cultivation tank is loaded with forty clones of you. These forty clones, except that they can be used as your medical clones in an emergency, can be perfect. to solve your residual limb problem. Moreover, because it is a clone, it has no effect on your cultivation and the genetic base point that has been opened. Of course, if your strength has been greatly improved, or after genetic mutation and evolution, you have to make a new clone. You can use it as a medical backup. "An Xiaoxue said.    "I understand." At this moment, Xu Tui couldn't help but think of Deng Wei. Deng Wei's knee joint was basically useless because of the pearl powder. However, Deng Wei did not replace the artificial knee joint in order not to affect the opening of the gene base point. If, if the same thing happened to Xu Tui's head, Xu Tui could get a knee joint transplant to solve this problem perfectly. So here comes the problem. Why didn't the school's emergency center provide Deng Wei with this medical plan? Why didn't the school hospital cultivate a medical clone to do the original knee joint transplant for Deng Wei?            An Xiaoxue seemed to be able to see through Xu Tui's thoughts, she explained, "There is no possibility of this being popularized."    Xu Tui asked: "Is it very expensive?" "The cost of cultivating clones is not very high, and only a few thousand yuan is spent on nutrient solution a month. The key is this whole set of cloning equipment and technology, they are very expensive. In fact, you can't buy this kind of infinitely close to 100% even if you have money. Sophisticated cloning equipment. You must know that there are no more than ten sets of cloning equipment of this level in the world. There are four sets in the entire Huaya region, and two sets in the Huaxia district, one of which is right here with us. "An Xiaoxue said.    Hearing this, Xu Tui was shocked. There are only ten sets in the world, and one of them is right in front of his eyes. Is Research Institute No. 14 so good?           "Don't doubt, don't be surprised, this is the founder of the No. 14 Research Institute. He paid a price that is many times more than this equipment. Basically, it can be said that the treatment you will enjoy is the whole of China. The University of Gene Evolution is unique. And the treatment you are about to enjoy is extremely precious and rare in the entire Huaxia Gene Evolution University, and even the entire Blue Star." An Xiaoxue pointed back to the liquid nitrogen nutrient cabin.    Xu Tui was a little flustered. "Mr. An, what are you trying to say, can you say it directly? I'm a little scared. How can these unique benefits you mentioned fall to me out of thin air? My dad taught me since I was a child that no pie will fall from the sky. , you have to pay to get something. I'm really a little scared."    Xu Tui did not lie at all. The benefits An Xiaoxue gave him were so great that Xu Tui was a little scared. "You're right. The founder of our No. 14 Institute said that whoever wants to gain, he has to give. You must know that the greater the effort, the greater the reward. At this moment, my institute Everything that is said is a kind of contribution of the No. 14 Research Institute to you or you can understand it as an investment." An Xiaoxue said.    "What does the institute want to gain from me?" Xu Tui asked.    "In the future, there is also the exploration of the unknown! How far you can go on our road in the future is our harvest." An Xiaoxue said.    "Then do I need to pay anything extra?" Xu Tui asked.   An Xiaoxue did not answer Xu Tui, but instead asked, "Have you heard of the genre within the new Genome?" Xu Tui's eyes lit up, "Mr. An, I've been having doubts recently. What our school teaches is the most orthodox modern school of genetic evolution. I have a roommate who is a genetic ancient martial artist. He is very powerful. His genes The ancient martial arts lion's roar can directly break my mental sense?"    "Lion's Roar? Luo Murong?" An Xiaoxue wondered.    Xu Tui nodded his head. He didn't expect that An Xiaoxue knew Luo Murong's name. It seems that this roommate in national style Hanfu is more powerful than Xu Tui imagined. But An Xiaoxue didn't say much about Luo Murong.    "You know the ancient martial arts school of genes, which means that you have already thought about this issue. Then I will tell you now that our No. 14 research institute is actually a school of genetic evolution." An Xiaoxue said.    Xu Tui wondered: "We are also a school of genetic evolution? What school is it?"         "The school of genetic evolution in which our Institute No. 14 is located is called miracles, genetic miracles! Many research results of our school have been surpassed so far. Many people are very interested in our research results, but there are also some People, I hate our research results! Of course, you have a little understanding of these things. In short, if you also belong to our genetic miracle, then if you get certain benefits, such as this will These are shown to you. But when you grow to a certain level in the future, it may also bring you some trouble. So, do you decide whether to join our genre now?"    "Mr. An, I've been with you for so long, and you haven't entered this genre yet?" Xu Tui's words made An Xiaoxue stunned, and she couldn't help but caress her forehead. Unexpectedly, her action affected the wound, causing her to frown.    "Looks like I've told you so much in vain, are you sure you want to join our gene miracle genre?" An Xiaoxue said. "I'm sure!" Xu Tui's eyes were full of anticipation, "I want to go to the outside world to see, I want to make the future more exciting, where can I find the benefits here? Besides, you have recruited me a long time ago, saying It must have been misunderstood long ago."   An Xiaoxue continued to hint: "The wonderful is often accompanied by danger."    Xu Tui smiled and said, "Isn't there a teacher here?"   An Xiaoxue: "...Remember, a miracle is something that was impossible but happened again, so it can be called a miracle!"    stared at Xu Tui, and An Xiaoxue ordered Xu Tui again. "You go to the side of the console to open it with your biological code, and the console will turn out a fully automatic genetic information extraction instrument, remember to select the No. 1 extraction program. Then you take out the contents of the liquid nitrogen tank, Chop it up with a cutting machine, and put it all into the genetic information extractor. But be careful when you take things out of liquid nitrogen quickly, or you will be easily frostbitten." Xu Tui put on sterile gloves, opened the liquid nitrogen box, and then Quickly took out a round object and placed it on the operating table.    Xu Tui took a closer look and saw that it turned out to be a head, and it was a rather huge animal head. It's a bit like a bee's head, and a bit like an ant's head, but it's hard to tell exactly. But it is the size of a human head, so it looks very scary.    In the interval between Xu Tui's operation, An Xiaoxue introduced Xu Tui. "This is the head of the queen bee. The black-crowned bee is one of the species that has been in a state of rapid evolution since the era of genetics. As early as a hundred years ago, the number of worker bees controlled by a queen bee ranged from thousands to tens of thousands. However, after this population evolved into the black-crowned bee, the number of worker bees controlled by their queens began to increase rapidly. From tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, and then easily jumped to a million populations. Currently, the black-crowned peak population in the tropics Many of them have reached five million. Some scientists speculate that the number of populations that the black-crowned queen can control and affect may have exceeded 10 million. It is just because of the limitations of natural conditions and living conditions that the population has not been able to break through. Tens of millions. However, in the tropics, the place with the black-crowned bee is almost a f*******n area for life. According to research, the black-crowned bee colony has evolved sociality, and the social class is further divided among the worker bees All these changes are due to the existence of the black-crowned queen bee. According to research, the influence of the black-crowned queen on the black-crowned worker bee can be as high as more than 500 kilometers. Even if the black-crowned worker bee is 500 kilometers away , you can receive orders from the black-crowned queen bee anytime, anywhere. At the same time, the black-crowned queen bee is also one of the few species with spiritual variation in nature. Whether it is the Huaxia Gene Committee or the Bluestar Gene Committee, they are all concerned about the black-crowned queen bee. The corpse has a high reward. The starting price of the reward from the Huaxia Gene Committee is 20 million in cash and 10,000 honor points."    "Twenty million cash? Ten thousand honor points?" Hearing the value of this thing made Xu Rei take a breath.   Honors and Merit Points are not used for calculating personal level permissions, but their value in the Genetic Committee is no different from normal Merit Points. It can be used to buy scarce resources that money cannot buy on the market.    "This is just a reward. If you take it out, you can only get more in return." An Xiaoxue said.    Although Xu Tui had already guessed that this thing might be used on himself. But at this moment, he was still shocked to hear the value.   real! An astronomical figure was used on Xu Tui like this. He has gained so much today, what about his future contributions?    "Mr. An, is your injury caused by this black-crowned queen bee?" Xu Tui asked suddenly.    Hearing this, An Xiaoxue snorted coldly. "No. The colony of worker bees controlled by the black-crowned queen bee is very large. Normally, even the genetic evolutionary can't deal with it. However, with the secret method left by the teacher to deal with the black-crowned queen bee, it is still very easy to deal with it. Yes. My injury was caused by the enemy." An Xiaoxue's face was cold.    "The enemy? What, do you have any questions? Don't you think that because of the extraterrestrial battlefield, the entire Blue Star can unite and live in peace?" An Xiaoxue said.         Xu Tui couldn't believe it and said, "I thought humans would..."         An Xiaoxue interrupted him and continued: "The new human beings are far more cruel than you think, and the extraterrestrial battlefield is not at all what you think. These things are far more mysterious and complicated than you think." Xu Tuan wanted to say something, but An Xiaoxue waved, "Go ahead, the validity period of this thing is not long. The problems I mentioned just now are what every new genetic human will have to face in the future. In the future, you will know what's going on."   An Xiaoxue continued to instruct. "The spiritual gene information liquid extracted from the bee head of the black-crowned queen bee, after injection, will mutate and strengthen the gene related to the spirit of the injector. However, this method is actually very rude and dangerous. Because in the After injecting it, the probability of the injected person's genome collapsing is as high as 90% or more."         "So, do you want to use those clones for experiments?" This time, Xu Tui also thought of it without An Xiaoxue saying it.    "That's right. We can only explore a safe and feasible solution for you through the experiments of these clones." An Xiaoxue said.    "There are only forty clones, what if all of them fail?" Xu Tui asked.    "Actually, this is the probability. The probability of forty clones succeeding is not low. If it fails, all this will be wasted. You can only wait for the next opportunity." An Xiaoxue said.           With a sound of 'ding', the work of the genetic information extraction instrument is over.         An Xiaoxue said: "Okay, you will now extract one milliliter of the genetic information solution of the queen bee, inject it into the transcription carrier solution with serial number 1, and at the same time add one milliliter of regulatory pathway gas, and then you need to shake it for three times. Ten seconds later, it is then injected into the No. 1 culture tank clone."    After a few minutes, Xu Tui finally opened the No. 1 cultivation chamber and saw the clone in the cultivation chamber. It's just that this clone is different from what Xu Tui imagined.
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