Chapter 40 Observation Mission No.37

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Xu Tui became a man of high interest among the first-year freshmen of Huaxia Gene Evolution University at the fastest speed. And he overwhelmed several amazingly talented classmates with absolute speed.       For example, Pide, who has opened 25 genetic basis points, has been known as a genius of the enchanting level in the past ten years. On the first day of registration as a freshman, he had already confirmed that he was an F-level gene liberator. It is said that by opening another genetic ability chain, he will be able to advance to the E-level gene liberator.    Another example is Zuo Qingqing, who has opened 24 gene base points, and the admission evaluation F-level gene liberator is still in the mystery department.    Another example is a car scale with 24 genetic basis points turned on, and the admission evaluation is an F-level gene liberator.    Originally, most of the popularity of this year's freshmen enrollment was due to these few. Any school official account, news account, school hotspots, and small experts in campus reporting, all these are the key reports. However, just half an hour after Xu Tui angrily beat the group of four, the news about Xu Tui swiped on the screen!     The power of D-level authority was discovered among the freshmen!    Soybean Superman one-on-four, lore!    The perverts who brought down half of the extreme freshmen were discovered in the freshmen!   D-level authority, Soybean is super god, handsome, high, no reason!    All kinds of fresh reports appeared on social platforms rapidly. Of course, this comes with a lot of downsides as well. At the same time, there are many voices questioning Xu Tui. Everyone knows that there are not many teachers with D-level authority, let alone students or freshmen. Xu Tui, who was a party, looked at it at will, and closed it. Xu Tui didn't want to expose the D-level subordinate authority he just had to the public in the current hot way.    If possible, Xu Tui prefers to make a fortune in silence. It's a pity that Yuan Shu didn't give him this chance. In terms of keeping a low profile and not affecting his academic future, Xu Tui decisively chose the latter. In the crowd of students, Xu Tui went straight to the test point for palm strength testing.   Compared to before, the teachers at the test site obviously paid more attention to Xu Tui, and even took a little care. "Remember, use your palms with all your strength. Here, you can just borrow a little bit of power." In the test center, the test teacher was very kind.    "Leverage?" Xu Tui was a little puzzled.    "After all, finger and palm strength is a small item, and it is very easily affected by forearm muscles and wrist strength. In the test, you can borrow a little strength, it's nothing." The test teacher said.   Xu Tui was stunned. "Teacher, does this count as cheating?" "No!" The test teacher answered firmly, "It can only be regarded as a small flaw in the test at most. Even if the people from the Supervision Department are sitting here, they have nothing to say. You are still young, I will take care of you. What's wrong?"   Xu Tui was stunned, this doesn't sound right. Can the school take care of him during the exam? This shouldn't be the case at all.    "Who dares to have an opinion, there is a way to let his father go to the battlefield, and I will take care of him immediately." The test teacher said while fiddling with the equipment.    At this moment, Xu Tui suddenly came over. It turned out that the teacher had the same misunderstanding as Chai Xiao. The teacher also thought that his D-level subordinate authority was inherited, and that his father was an unknown hero. Xu Tui wanted to explain, but after thinking about it, he didn't open his mouth to explain.   Because it is too much trouble to explain this fact, if he says that the authority is not inherited, the teacher should ask how the authority came. The result must be that he still has to explain another big pass. So he simply didn't explain it, and if others misunderstood, let him misunderstand. However, the result of this incident is that the father Xu Jianguo was only a little tired, of course, he can't be said to be tired.   Because it is now a scientific society, feudal superstition is not taught among the people. Even if someone is regarded as a hero by others, there is a high probability that he will not become a hero.    "Xiao Xutui, you're not bad, your finger strength is 37kg, the burst speed is 22 meters per second, and the accuracy is 82% within five meters. You don't need to take care of it, and you can't run with a good evaluation."    "Thank you, teacher!" Xu Tui thanked.    "Good boy, let's go." The female teacher who took the test had a loving look on her face.    Xu Tui: "..." But Xu Tui was very satisfied when he saw that the ability of finger and palm force got a good evaluation.   Chai Xiao looked a little regretful after reading Xu Tui's assessment sheet. "Almost, if your finger force exceeds 50 kilograms, the burst speed exceeds 25 meters per second, and the accuracy can reach 80% within ten meters, you can basically be considered to have opened a genetic ability chain and obtain finger burst. If you can be recognized as an F-level gene liberator, your new-level rank evaluation can be improved by a small rank." Speaking of this, Chai Xiao For a while, "I'm going, you're a small step up in the palm of your hand, it's a C-level medium evaluation. If there is another F-level gene liberator, it's a C-level high evaluation. You're going to heaven! Fortunately, no. You should only get a C-level medium rating." Chai Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still a little envious and jealous, of course, this state was only for a moment.    In the blink of an eye, Chai Xiao approached Xu Tui again, "I said brother, how did you get this D-level subordinate authority, just tell me?"    "Old Chai, I already told you that I really found a lurking spy on the way here, why don't you believe it?" Xu Tui explained helplessly.    "Are spies so easy to find? Every year during the school registration season, there are several major losses caused by spies leaking secrets.   The Secret Intelligence Agency is working hard every year, but it may not be able to clear all the spy traitors." Chai Xiao said.    "That's not what I said. If there is no special intelligence agency, there may be more heavy losses caused by spies and traitors." Xu Tui said.    "Yes." Soon, Xu Tui came to the testing center of the Mystery Department again. As soon as he came to the testing center of the Mystery Department, Xu Tui had an indescribable feeling of ease. There are too many people over there, it's too crowded. Coming from the Extreme Academy to the Mystery Academy is like stepping into the wild from a crowded city. It was really empty.    In front of Mr. Bian, who is wise and concerned, no one lined up at all. Teacher Bian, with half-white hair, was drinking wolfberry tea while flipping through a book.    "Teacher Bian." Xu Tui greeted respectfully.    "Well, the test is over, why is it taking so long, let me take a look?" Teacher Bian with half-white hair took Xu Tui's assessment sheet. "Oh, so I went to the limit department to test an ability, good, not bad." I saw Teacher Bian check Xu Tui's information, and then he quickly printed out a final evaluation sheet. "Xu Tui, you have activated 20 genetic base points, the basic level evaluation is C-level inferior, and your induction ability evaluation is normal. You can only let your C-level inferior evaluation not be lowered to D-level high, and keep it in place. However, your evaluation of the ability to grasp and palm is good. According to the regulations, the evaluation of your grade can be improved by a small grade. Therefore, your grade evaluation for freshmen entrance is medium C, no problem, right?" Bian the teacher asked.    "No problem." Xu Tui nodded.         After confirming the results, Teacher Bian, who had half-white hair, typed out another assessment confirmation form and handed it to Xu Tui. "Well, this is your final evaluation confirmation form, and it is also your rank treatment list. Within three months, your rank treatment will maintain this standard. If you think there is no problem, sign it to confirm." Bian the teacher said.    Xu Tui took the confirmation form, and he was about to sign it when he was suddenly stunned. "Mr. Bian, are you mistaken? I should have a C-level middle evaluation. Why is the treatment here a C-level high?" Xu Tui said.       Chai Xiao, who was beside , quickly came up and said, "You have such a good thing. Teacher Bian, when will you make a typo for me? The Huixin Department of the Mystery Academy is treated so well?"       "Classmate Chai, if you have this idea, you can apply to the school to transfer to the Huixin Department of the Mystery Academy. If the school approves your request, I will definitely guide you with all my heart." Teacher Bai Fabian's answer was serious, but also very boring. . "Also, it's not a clerical error. Xu Tui has a C-level middle evaluation, but the rank treatment he can enjoy is a C-level high."    "How could this happen?" Xu Tui and Chai Xiao were puzzled.         "Don't you know?" Teacher Bian asked back, "Xu Tui, you are Professor An's special student, and the only special student of our Huixin Department this year. Specially recruited students, within one year, he enjoys the rank treatment. It's a small upgrade. So Xu Tui rated C-level medium, but he was enjoying C-level high-level treatment."    "So that's it, thank you, Teacher Bian." Xu Tui swiped his signature.    "Well, this will be uploaded to the school system for unified review. After passing, you can enjoy the treatment of C-level high grade." Teacher Bian said.   Chai Xiao: "..." Senior Chai's heart was filled with envy and hatred. The Kuxian Induction Department is going to give Xu Tui a special recruitment quota, and the Huixin Department also gives Xu Tui a special recruitment quota, and they all have to give it to the same person. Why was no one rushing to give him a special place when he entered school?        "Teacher An, thank you for giving me a special place." After completing the freshman class certification, Xu Tui sent An Xiaoxue a thank you message.    "Don't thank me, all the teachers in our Huixin Department agree. By the way, have you completed your freshman enrollment?" An Xiaoxue asked.    "Almost, I just finished the level test, and the other procedures haven't been done yet." Xu Tui replied immediately.    "Okay, hurry up, you can come to me after you go through the freshman admissions procedures. I'll come to you if you have something to do." An Xiaoxue said.    "Okay Teacher An." Xu returned a string of messages, and the last message made him a little curious. What is wrong with An Xiaoxue looking for him in such a hurry. He turned his head and said, "I said Lao Chai, hurry up and take me through the registration procedures, my teacher has something to do with me."    "Okay!" Chai Xiao agreed happily. In just half a day, the relationship between the two has rapidly improved, and their names have changed from Senior Chai Xiao, to Senior Chai, and now Lao Chai!    In the same mysterious hall where I don't know where, hundreds of large holographic screens suddenly lit up, flashing a stream of information, making the entire hall instantly resemble a galaxy of stars. All the information flows are finally gathered on the largest holographic screen in the middle. It didn't take long for a string of characters to jump out from the big holographic screen in the middle.    "Comprehensive observation found that the No. 37 long-sequence observation object had deep anomalies and met the contact guidance conditions. Please No. 1 determine the contact guidance plan."    "Comprehensive observation found that the No. 37 long-sequence observation object had deep anomalies and met the contact guidance conditions. Please No. 1 determine the contact guidance plan."    "No. 1 has not responded for a long time and will be dealt with according to the predetermined plan."    "A total of three contact guidance schemes are in line with the comprehensive environment of the No. 37 long-sequence observation target."    "Order No. 9 to try to contact and try to guide No. 37's long-sequence observation target, and perform the observation task!"    "No response on the 9th."    "No. 9 did not respond, choose No. 14 to contact and try to guide No. 37 to observe the target in the long sequence, and perform the observation task."    "Response on the 14th, no time yet."    "Order No. 26 to contact and try to guide No. 37 to observe the target in the long sequence, and perform the observation task."    "No. 26 has responded and agreed and will carry out the task."    "The task begins."
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