Chapter 35 The First Practical Utilization

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The Sensation Department is not far from the test point of the Huixin system, just over a hundred meters. In contrast, at the Mystery Academy, the Sensation Department is much more lively than the Huixin Department.    There is only one test teacher at the Huixin Department. On the side of the Sensation Department, there are three test teachers alone, and one of them has a very leisurely bald-headed badge, who is actually an associate professor. Just a glance at the individual knows who is in the lead.    When Xu Tui arrived, there were just two classmates taking the test in front of him. The results of the first classmate have just come out. Soon, the test teacher issued an assessment sheet and swiped his signature.   Although the teacher didn't read out the grades, Xu Tui focused his attention a little bit (you know it's induction), and then he saw the content on the assessment sheet.    Xu Tui didn't even notice at this time. When he 'looked' the content of the assessment sheet with his induction, the bald male professor who was leisurely brushing his Moments, glanced at Xu Tui inadvertently and thoughtfully. Xu Tui "sees" that the content on the list reads: "Well, you have activated thirteen genetic base points, the basic rank is E-level and higher, and your induction ability is rated as good. If you have no other abilities, a comprehensive evaluation will be made. The recommendation is a D-level medium."    Xu Tui saw that the sensing distance of this student on the assessment sheet was 2.26 meters, and the sensing clarity was normal (more than two centimeters).   At this time, the second student in front of Xu Tui started the test. The result of this classmate is a little worse than that of the previous classmate. The sensing distance is only 1.1 meters, and the sensing clarity is fuzzy. So this buddy's rating is only maintained at the original level.    "Hui Xin is related?" Seeing Xu Tui's test application form, the test teacher was a little surprised, but still guided Xu Tui to take the test. Sense the situation in the box behind me, and write down which position you see, including markers and contents. "    Xu retreated and nodded. Then he closed his eyes slightly. With his high concentration, the situation in the box immediately appeared in front of Xu Tui. This is a long and narrow box, the inside is very bright, there is a scale on the far left of the box, and at the parallel positions of the scales on the right side of the box, there are various things from large to small. . These things include apples, toy balls, ping-pong balls, and square stickers. The smallest position of the things is all a small piece of paper, and on the small paper is a small handwritten font. But the font is smaller and thinner than the font on the supermarket receipt. The size is only one millimeter. However, Xu Tui can see it clearly.   3.24 meters! This is the farthest distance Xu Hui can see. Compared with when he was away from home, the distance of Xu Tui's induction force increased by 12 cm.    "Does this mean that my mental power has grown in the past few days?" Xu Tui thought. At this moment, Xu Tui felt a little impulsive. Is he going to tell the truth? If it is stated truthfully, Xu Tui may get an excellent evaluation on the ability of induction. Not only does his sensing distance exceed three meters, but the corresponding sensing clarity is also ultra-clear. In this way, it is absolutely no problem for him to get a good evaluation. No, even the teacher might give him an excellent rating. To know the evaluation of excellent ability, you can at least help Xu Tui to raise two small-level evaluations. If he can get an excellent evaluation, then it is possible for Xu Tui's final evaluation to rise by three minor levels.    Xu Tui made a general comparison. If he truthfully stated the results, Xu Tui may receive a C-level high or C-level medium evaluation and treatment. Likewise, if he conceals the result, he can only get a C-level inferior evaluation and treatment. The difference in the treatment of these evaluations is one to two bottles of E-level energy supplements a month. The cost-effective money is equivalent to an extra 10,000 yuan a month, of course, a lot of money, enough to cover the salary of father Xu Jianguo for two months.    But what about the risks he needs to take? It is to report truthfully that he may be selected as a special talent, carry out special training, perform special tasks, and directly orient Xu Tui's future work direction - intelligence work. Well, for the Alliance, the best application direction for this type of talent is to be a spy. But Xu Tui also knew that being a spy was too risky. People just disappear out of thin air. If you think about it this way, it is obvious that the risk is not proportional to the return.    Crucially, Xu Tui did not like intelligence work. Because there are too many constraints and rules in intelligence work, and Xu Tui prefers to be more at ease. He had just flown out of Jincheng Mansion, and he had not yet started to let himself go. Xu Tui didn't want to be locked in another cage. At least have a date in college, right? (The author despises his idea, his ambition is too low...)   Xu Tui made a decision in an instant - still listen to An Xiaoxue.    "Students, don't force it if you can't see clearly." The test teacher's reminder sounded.    "Hey, I said, the ability to sense depends on mental power, not just by holding your breath." A discordant voice suddenly sounded behind Xu Tui.    Xu Tui opened his eyes and looked back. The speaker was a young man who was not very tall, with a flat nose, but bright eyes. This guy didn't Xu Shuai at all.   Because this guy is not as handsome as himself, Xu Tui was not very angry when he heard this (what kind of weird logic?), glanced at it, and wrote down his own test answer.    "The sensing distance is 1.63 meters. He can see apples, ping pong balls, square notes, and the square notes are dark and hard to read."    The test teacher looked at it and immediately came to a conclusion. "The sensory ability evaluation is normal. You have activated 20 genetic base points, and the ability evaluation is normal. You cannot improve the evaluation. You can only maintain the basic evaluation. If you think there is no problem, it should be a C-level inferior evaluation."    The test teacher swiped his signature and handed the assessment sheet to Xu Tui, "If you have no problem, then you can ask your wise teacher for final confirmation."    "Twenty genetic basis points are turned on, but the ability evaluation is ordinary, so useless?" The slack-nosed youth behind him was a little anxious.    This made Xu Tui a little unhappy, and turned to look at the young man with the flat nose. "Classmate, did you not provide you with dental kits in the room you were staying in the reception center?" Xu Tui asked thoughtlessly.    The slumped-nosed young man was also a little puzzled, but he was still puzzled, "Is there a provision, what's wrong?"    "There is a toothbrush provided, so why is your mouth so stinky?" Xu Tui said with a sneer, "Is it because you don't have the habit of brushing your teeth? Or do you have a natural stinky mouth?"   The flat nosed youth reacted instantly and became angry, "You dare to curse? I..."    "It's just that your mouth is too stinky." Xu Tui was still laughing, being cheap.    In this large audience, the young man with a flat nose couldn't get off the stage, his fists were clenched tightly, and he was staring at Xu Tui, and he wanted to do something.   Xu Tui smiled, stepped forward slightly, pointed to his chest and said, "Come, if you want to do something, even if you come, I will never fight back."    The flat nosed youth's chest heaved violently, as if he was thinking about something. The voice of the teacher of the Induction Department sounded, "Private fights between freshmen are prohibited, the serious ones will drop out of the school, and the light ones will be reduced in rank. Do you want to try?"    One sentence turned the anger of the flat nosed youth into a cold sweat. The buddy glanced at Xu Tui angrily, then turned around and went to test. Beside   , Chai Xiao, who had not spoken for a long time, pointed out Xu Tui with his thumb, "Brother, it's ruthless, this kid almost got hit. Once he gets hit, he will suffer a big loss!"    Xu Tui said lightly, "It's not ruthless, I'm just here for a quiet test, I'm not arrogant, you can't tell me to swallow my anger?"    "Yeah, this kid's mouth really stinks. If something were to happen, he deserved it!" Chai Xiao agreed.    "We don't cause trouble, but we're not afraid of trouble." Xu Tui made up for himself.    This is Xu Tui's first practical application after An Xiaoxue learned to protect herself on the bus. Last night, Xu Tui carefully read the freshman admissions handbook. People have to learn to understand the rules, and at the same time learn to use the rules!      The young man with a flat nose went to the test, Xu Tui and Chai Xiao were about to leave the test site of Huihui Huixin.    The bald associate professor of the Incarnation Department, who had always been very laid-back, suddenly got up and came to Xu Tui,then he said, "Xu Tui, wait a moment."
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