Chapter 30 Engine Theory 2.0 Upgrade

2146 Words
The prosperity of Kyoto Prefecture dazzled Xu Tui and other students. Even after arriving at the Freshman Reception Center, they were still very excited.   Most people didn't notice that after arriving at the reception center of Huaxia University of Genetic Evolution, the huge convoy of escorts had disappeared for some time. Xu Tui took a look around, but did not find any dark posts and a large number of protection troops in the new student reception center. But the lady at the front desk of the New Student Reception Center, the aunts and uncles who led the way and other staff, although everyone was busy, were very enthusiastic and relaxed, and there was no trace of tension on their faces.    "It seems that this place should be very safe." In just a few days, he experienced two adventures, one of which was a moment of life and death, making Xu Tui a bit like a quail.   The condition of the new student reception center is still very good. The room is a two-person standard room, which is a bit small, ten square meters, but very clean. Of course, Xu Tui naturally chose to share a room with Cheng Mo. The two of them put down their luggage and the first thing they did was to get food first. Originally, Xu Tui meant to lie down on the bed for a while. They had been in the car for two days along the way, and he missed the big bed so much. Bu Cheng Mo kept screaming for hunger, and then Xu Tui became the focus of the dining hall again.    Well, in front of the freshmen across the country, they became the focus. Originally, it was possible to eat in the dining hall. But Cheng Mo was a wounded man, so Xu Tui had to bring him the meal. Counting what he ate, Xu Tui raised eight meals at one time. And for every serving of rice, Xu Tui asked his aunt to press it to the fullest extent. In the end, six copies were prepared for Cheng Mo, and Xu Tui himself prepared two copies.    Xu Tui left the dining hall with eight meals and a large pot of soup specially ordered by Aunt Guan. At this moment, Xu Tui felt that he was being watched by thousands of people. At this time, he must have become the focus of the canteen of the entire new student reception center. Is it because one person brought eight large portions of rice and one pot of soup? Xu Tujue was not. Xu Tujue's reason why he became the focus is because he is handsome! (The author shows a contemptuous look at this time)    Of course, what Xu Tui didn't know was that some bad rumors had spread because of the curiosity of the freshmen. Back in the room, the two devoured each other. When Cheng Mo looked eagerly at Xu Tui's two meals, Xu Tui was already swept away, and he did not give Cheng Mo a chance.    "Heizi, how much money did you bring this time?" Xu Tui suddenly remembered a very important question.         "Money? Not much. My dad filled me with 200 F-level energy supplement pills that can make me hungry. Then he gave me 100,000 yuan in cash to sign up for tuition and accommodation expenses. Well, my mother secretly gave it to me. 30,000. My grandfather gave me 10,000 secretly, and my grandmother secretly gave me 40,000, that's all. In the future, I should have 4,000 to 5,000 yuan for living expenses every month." Cheng Mo replied.    "180,000? You are also a small local tyrant now." Cheng Mo's family conditions were much better than Xu Tui's, but not much better.    "Why, you're short of money? You shouldn't be short of money when the school just started. Do you want to raise money to buy something? How much is still missing, take it from me." Cheng Mo said.    Xu Tui did not speak, and was silently calculating something. "Why, the gap is big?" Cheng Mo glanced out the window cautiously, for fear of being heard in a low voice, "I tell you, I still have 20,000 yuan of private money, and I can borrow it from you, but you You have to leave me tuition and living expenses."    "Hey!" Xu Tui sighed, "Heizi, do you know how much we spent on this meal just now?"    "How much?" Cheng Mo didn't care.           "The small portion is ten yuan, the medium portion is twelve yuan, and the large portion is fifteen yuan, all of which are student prices. Then we two made eight large portions. Well, even if it's yours, I will get you six large portions, ninety yuan, You haven't eaten enough yet." Xu Tui said slowly.   Cheng Mo widened his eyes suddenly, and said loudly with a look like he had never seen Xu Tui before, "Okay, calf, you are reminding me to give you today's meal money"    "Go away!" Xu Tui patted Cheng Mo's head with his backhand, "I'm worried about what you will eat in the future."    "I will have living expenses in the future. My dad said that it is 4,000 a month. My mother said that she can secretly give 1,000, 5,000, which is a lot." Cheng Mo retorted.         "Five thousand is a lot. But you Tamar, eat 90 yuan per meal, and a little less for breakfast, which is half. The three most basic meals a day, not including supper, you have to eat 225 yuan, and then 30 yuan a month. God. You have to pay 6750 yuan a month to eat." Xu Tui reprimanded angrily when he saw Cheng Mo's unsatisfactory face.    "So much?" Cheng Mo was stunned, "I can't eat three meals a day. I can't have less supper at night. If you include supper and occasional extra meals, if you let go of your stomach and eat it."         "That month's 10,000 yuan is not enough for you to eat, then you need other expenses." Hearing Xu Tui's calculation, Cheng Mo suddenly wailed, "I'm here to plan a formal relationship before I become fat. I need to buy a few larger but handsome clothes, and give my girlfriend a gift."   "I" Cheng Mo looked like he had no love, and fell on the bed with his head up. But when he fell, Cheng Mo gasped on the spot, because his action tugged at the wound. "Xiao Tui, it seems that we have to find a way to make money. With my parents, 5,000 yuan a month is almost the limit.         As the saying goes, it is good to be full and warm to think of l**t. I have to make sure that I can eat enough before I can have the strength to talk about a formal relationship. Xiao Tui, you have to help me, otherwise at my speed of gaining weight, I am afraid I will never have the chance to fall in love again in this life."    "Of course I have to help you. On the way, I have already thought of a few methods for you." Xu Tui said.    "Come on." Cheng Mo became interested as soon as he heard it.           "The first one is to go on a diet, control the food intake within the range of normal people, and increase exercise at the same time, I will go crazy. Moreover, according to the information I know now, after turning on the gastric gene base point, the first one The change is that the digestive juices in the stomach will become very strong. If I don't eat for a long time, my stomach may digest itself first." Cheng Mo looked terrified.    "Fuck." Xu Tui was also taken aback, and continued, "The second method is to eat some very cheap and indigestible food, such as bones."    "Do you think I'm a dog?" Cheng Mo resented, "Can you stop restricting me from eating?"    "Then I have a third method." Xu Tui said. "Practice, life-threatening training."    "But I'm like this now." Cheng Mo pointed to his hands, as well as the ribs on his chest, with a helpless expression on his face.    "I'm not only talking about physical ability training, I'm talking about here." Xu Tui pointed to his head.    "Brain?" Cheng Mo was speechless, "How do you train your brain, can you still grow muscles in your brain?"    "I think you have muscles in your brain!" Xu Tui pointed at Cheng Mo and cursed.         "I mean to think, use your subjective consciousness, think hard, use your subjective consciousness to control the direction of the energy in your body, use it to enhance yourself and consume your energy. For example, you want to open your hands If you have a genetic basis point, you can imagine that you are a commander who has just taken office, ordering the energy from your stomach to digest food to flow to your right hand. Maybe, the energy from your stomach to digest food is really It's flocking to the right hand." Xu Tui said solemnly.    This is a possible solution to Cheng Mo's problem that Xu Tui thought about for a long time on the road for the past two days. Of course, only possible. This is also a bold attempt and experiment by Xu Tui.    "The engine theory you talked about earlier?" Cheng looked at Xu Tui fixedly, "Are you looking for a horsepower application direction for my high-horsepower engine?"    "It can be said that this is an upgraded version of engine theory." Xu Tui said.    "Is it reliable?" Cheng Mo was a little puzzled.    Xu Tui just wanted to say that he was just trying, but looking at Cheng Mo's melancholy eyes, he suddenly changed his words, "It should have an effect. This is the method I discussed with Teacher An on the way."    Well, this is a lie that comes out of nowhere for those who have full lying skill points.    "Mr. An, do you know? The youngest professor of the Department of Mystery at Huaxia Gene Evolution University was promoted exceptionally. It's that goddess Shura. You saw how she was angry that day." Xu Tui added.   Cheng meditated for a while, and there was a touch of emotion in his eyes, he seemed to believe, "Xiao Tui, thank you!"         "Go away, don't mention these words. Teacher An said that the most important thing about this method is that your subjective consciousness must be strong, and your spirit is attention, so you must be highly concentrated. Highly concentrated, understand? Also, This method may not be successful all at once, you have to try more!" Xu Tui said.   Cheng Mo nodded heavily, "I will! By the way, if I have any questions, I will ask Teacher An."         "Don't, ask me, I'm her student, I can ask her for advice when you have time. If you disturb her, I'm afraid she will kill you." Xu Tui said this because he was afraid that after Cheng Mo found An Xiaoxue, An Xiaoxue came to kill him.            "Okay, I'll try it now!" Cheng Mo was very active.    However, just as he was about to try it first, the room phone rang. "Cheng Mo? I'm from the Huaxia Gene Evolution University Medical Center. We were notified that you were injured on the way to the report. According to the regulations, you can go to the medical center for treatment, which should allow your fracture to recover within half a month. Of course, we can also come and inject you with bone-promoting drugs, how do you choose?" The voice on the phone was soft and very pleasant.    Without much hesitation, Cheng Mo made a choice immediately, "I choose to go to the medical center."    "Okay, someone will pick you up in a medical cart later, please bring your belongings." Cheng Mo had a happy look on his face as the phone hung up.    "Just stay alone, kid. I'm going to the medical center to see beautiful nurses and sisters, chat with them, and talk about life. A genius like me will definitely be very popular!" Cheng Mo looked expectantly.    "Good luck! I hope your appetite doesn't scare Miss Nurse." Xu Tujue, this is his best blessing, Cheng Mo was sluggish on the spot.    Not long after, a nurse pushed a medical cart over to pick up Cheng Mo, leaving only Xu Tui in the room. Because of the registered reasons, no other people will be arranged to come in again.    After taking a refreshing hot shower, Xu Tui got into the long-lost bed, stretched his limbs, just two words - comfortable! Regarding Cheng Mo's problem, Xu Tui provided Cheng Mo with a possible solution based on his own experience. Whether it works or not depends on Cheng Mo's own attempts.    Now, what Xu Tui has to solve is his own problem!
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