Chapter 27 Learn to Protect Yourself

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Traitors have no human rights. When An Xiaoxue, Xu Tui, and Gong Ling found Cha Yifeng, he was still tied up like shrimp, and his injuries were more severe than before. After knowing that he was a traitor, many people deliberately came to kick him or throw a stone, and no one would take care of him.    "Professor An, thanks to you today." Seeing An Xiaoxue coming over, Liu Tianhu expressed his thanks slightly, but his voice was a little hoarse.    "You don't need to thank me, this is also my duty." An Xiaoxue said.    Liu Tianhu didn't say anything, it was indeed An Xiaoxue's responsibility to protect the students, and it was also the responsibility of the teacher in the car. But it is rare to see An Xiaoxue working so hard.    "Is there a result of the trial?" An Xiaoxue asked. Liu Tianhu shook his head, "He should have received professional and special training, as well as d**g antibody training. Ordinary psychoactive drugs don't work. That's why he can pass the layers of review." In addition, he added, "Jincheng House There is also feedback from there. His home, office, and personal communication equipment have long been clean and have nothing of value. His family is also gone. Neighbors said that they have not seen him for at least two days. Family. It should have been prepared before departure."    "Then what to do with him?" An Xiaoxue pointed at Cha Yifeng and said.    "Let the higher authorities handle it. Normally, it will be sent to a military court. There will be a dead end, and it will definitely be shot! But..." As he spoke, Liu Tianhu suddenly laughed bitterly and his voice stopped.    "But what?" An Xiaoxue wondered. This situation made An Xiaoxue frown. This also made Xu Tui confused. Let Cha Yifeng accept the legal trial to eat a g*n, this is absolutely deserved.    Liu Tianhu suddenly took out a physical evidence bag. Inside the sealed physical evidence bag were the two dentures that Xu Tui had extracted from Cha Yifeng's mouth. Dentures made of magnetized binary tantalum can emit special signals.    "They may have made a new breakthrough in the magnetization technology of binary tantalum. The magnetism of this thing has almost disappeared." Liu Tianhu said, shaking the evidence bag.   "The magnetism is about to disappear?" An Xiaoxuexiu stared, "That is to say, after a while, this magnetized binary tantalum will become ordinary binary tantalum, and it will no longer be able to send out special signals?"    "It also means that this pair of dentures will not be able to prove that he is a spy." Having said this, Liu Tianhu suddenly took a deep breath. "In this case, although he can still get a g*n in a military court, if this kid randomly clambers up some clues and drags it out, he might still be alive." Liu Tianhu only said half of what he said, but The meaning is clear, and the words are full of depression.    Not to mention An Xiaoxue, hearing this possible outcome, Xu Tui was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.   An Xiaoxue kicked Cha Yifeng all with one kick, "It's really a traitor, your designs are good enough, and your calculations are smart enough."   Zha Yifeng gritted his teeth and said nothing. An Xiaoxue was even more angry, because many times silence means affirmation.    "Scumbag!" An Xiaoxue shouted angrily, but instead of attacking Zha Yifeng, he turned his head and said to Colonel Liu Tianhu. "One of the two students who died was in my car."    "I know." Liu Tianhu nodded.    "Your soldiers sacrificed more." Liu Tianhu's face was heavy.    "I don't like probability, I like certainty, even a very small probability!" An Xiaoxue looked chilled. She asked angrily, "Will this still be the wartime regulations?"    "Naturally, and because of the raid just now, the normal wartime regulations that were implemented were automatically raised to emergency wartime regulations." Liu Tianhu seemed to realize something and replied immediately.    "Very well, I think there is a possibility of being attacked again in the future. In order to rule out possible dangers, I suggest a surprise interrogation of this spy." An Xiaoxue said.    "Intelligence staff, record." Liu Tianhu shouted.    "Yes!" The staff officer replied,    "I agree with Professor An's opinion. For safety reasons, we will immediately use unconventional means to conduct a surprise interrogation against Zha Yifeng." Liu Tianhu shouted.    "Go, hang him up." An Xiaoxue said to Xu Tui. Xu Tui didn't quite understand what An Xiaoxue was going to do, but at this time, he realized that he must clean up Cha Yifeng. Without further ado, he hung Cha Yifeng to the big tree next to him very neatly.    also realized what Cha Yifeng was, and suddenly screamed in horror. "You can't do this! I want to go to court, I have a team of lawyers, I want to go to court!" Zha Yifeng shouted in fear.    "Last chance, tell me your emergency contact information." Liu Tianhu asked. "It's useless. His accomplices have found that he has been captured. At this moment, all the emergency contact methods he knows have been cut off and the possible hidden dangers have been cleaned up. He has no value anymore." An Xiaoxue said.    Xu Tui suddenly felt a chill in his heart. At this moment, An Xiaoxue's voice was full of murderous intent.    "Lend me the dagger." An Xiaoxue broke away from Gong Ling's support and rushed to Xu Tui. Xu Fu returned with the tactical dagger from before. "I'll do it. Even if there is a problem, I'm not worried about the debt." Liu Tianhu stood in front of An Xiaoxue and snorted a few times. The dagger slashed, and he made a few cuts on Zha Yifeng's head and neck. , Because of being hanged upside down, blood rushed out immediately.    At the same time, Liu Tianhu took off the chin of Zha Yifeng who was about to scream. Zha Yifeng struggled violently there, and he could only make a humming sound, but the harder he struggled, the faster the blood flowed.    As a commander, Liu Tianhu caught a spy on the battlefield and resisted and killed him on the spot, but even if he was a commander, Liu Tianhu could not execute him at will. Although theoretically he has the power to execute at will. But he is a soldier and has discipline to abide by. After he captures the spy alive, and then executes it, he must write a report to his superiors, and the necessary reasons for doing so must be written in the report.   This is the program! If the reason isn't hard enough, he's even going to write a check! Afterwards, he may even be subject to relevant political scrutiny!    However, with An Xiaoxue's participation and endorsement, things will become much simpler. At this time, if he executes the spy, there will not be so much trouble. This is also the reason why Liu Tianhu came to find An Xiaoxue.    "This raid lasted five minutes, and the spy, Cha Yifeng, died of blood loss due to previous injuries." The intelligence staff quickly recorded.   Zha Yifeng struggled like crazy, his expression distorted with fear. With so many wounds and bleeding like this, he would be finished in three minutes in less than five minutes.    Looking at this scene, the sullen sullenness that had been smoldering in Xu Tui's chest was suddenly swept away. Comfortable!   An Xiaoxue looked at Cha Yifeng who was struggling fiercely, with a murderous look on his face. "I, An Xiaoxue, hate traitors and traitors the most in my life!" After speaking, she turned and left.    These words made Gong Ling and Xu Tui, who stayed in the same place, feel a chill all over their bodies. In all honesty, whether it was Xu Tuan or Gong Ling, they all wanted to give the most serious punishment to Cha Yifeng, who was a traitor and traitor, or even kill him. It is human nature to think that it is one thing. But really when you do it is another matter. Xu Tui and Gong Ling watched all this happen with their own eyes, and the shock it brought to them was indescribable.    After a few breaths, Xu Tui and Gong Ling hurriedly followed, and Gong Ling carefully supported An Xiaoxue who was staggering. The gaze that looked at An Xiaoxue was suddenly a little strange.    "Why, do you think I'm cruel?" Maybe An Xiaoxue noticed their strangeness, she asked,    "No!" Xu Tui said, Gong Ling shook his head.    "Mr. An, I just don't understand why such a spy is not shot on the spot" Gong Ling wondered.    "Everything is governed by rules and procedures. The law is also just." An Xiaoxue replied suddenly, "However, in many cases, bad people tend to understand the law better than good people." Therefore, in many cases, we understand the law better than the bad guys, understand the rules better, and use the rules to better protect ourselves and more people. An Xiaoxue's voice suddenly had a bit of meaning. "I am afraid that everything you have encountered today has subverted your cognition. After you arrive at Huaxia Gene Evolution University, you will gradually discover that the world you are about to come into contact with is completely different from the world you knew before. The same! Remember, the first thing is to learn to protect yourself." Speaking of which, An Xiaoxue looked back at the big tree on which Cha Yifeng was hanging, "The reason why Liu Tianhu agreed with my proposal was actually because of Protect himself."    "As for myself, it's more pure. I, An Xiaoxue, hate traitors the most!" An Xiaoxue's last sentence was more like speaking to herself. Gong Ling and Xu Tui looked at each other and suddenly realized. At this point, Teacher An Xiaoxue'an may have a story.    About half an hour later, after disposing of the wounded, everyone boarded the vehicle again. Originally, the seriously wounded had to get on the medical vehicle. Cheng Mo is a seriously wounded man. It's just that there are not enough beds in the medical car. Cheng Mo is considered a minor injury among the seriously injured, so he will go with the bus first and deal with it later.    On the bus, Xu Tui used the seat to make a bed for Cheng Mo and let him lie down. This fellow has a big heart, and he doesn't need to retreat to take care of him. After eating frantically, he actually fell asleep.    Bored left and right, Xu Tui came to An Xiaoxue again. "Mr. An, I have a question for you."    "Sit!" An Xiaoxue took the initiative to stand up to give up her seat and let Xu Rei sit next to her. "Teacher An, can you tell me about transforming people? Why have I never heard of transforming people before? And that earth-type superhuman, why is he so strong? And teacher, what kind of ability do you have in the mystery department? Why? So powerful. Not only can it block high-energy sniper plasma bombs, but it can also fly? Can we learn it in the future?" Xu Tui asked a question as soon as he sat down.    Sitting aside, Gong Ling, who heard Xu Tui's question, also came up, "Mr. An, I want to know too."    "By the way, Gong Ling, is your mystical ability controlling plants?" Xu Tui asked in a blink of an eye.
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