Chapter 24 The Preset Battlefield

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When implementing wartime regulations, military orders must be executed unconditionally at the first time. Without An Xiaoxue saying anything, the driver, who was a soldier, started to brake hard.    "Don't panic. You are about to abandon the car, but before abandoning the car, pull down the red wrench in front of your seat, grab your emergency equipment, and get out of the car."   "Don't be nervous, I told you all about it after getting in the car."    The students here are all elites. And under the strong physical training implemented today, the hands-on ability is good. Even if many people panic, they can still do it.    Xu Tui quickly returned to his seat. Cheng Mo had already helped him take down the red wrench, and immediately got the emergency equipment. The tactical shield disguised as the seat back is 80 cm high, 50 cm wide, 1 cm thick, and weighs about 10 pounds. It is made of special materials. When introduced on the car, it is said to be bulletproof. And then a helmet. A tactical dagger for students to protect themselves. High school seniors who have undergone several years of intensive physical training, their physical fitness and strength are not much different from adults, and they are a little armed, not to mention fighting, they still have a certain ability to protect themselves.   Amid the harsh collision sound, the vehicle suddenly stopped in a low depression, and the rolling vehicle naturally formed a defensive barrier. The front and rear doors and the two emergency doors opened at the same time, and within five seconds, everyone jumped out of the car.   An Xiaoxue and two security guards in military uniforms were the last to get out of the car. Cha Yifeng, who had been tied to death by a microfiber boronized rope, was also thrown out of the car.    "Hold up your shield to protect your vitals and wait for rescue!"   An Xiaoxue stood in front of all her classmates, her chin slightly raised, her black hair fluttering in the evening mountain wind. At this moment, the students who had been terrified by An Xiaoxue's incarnation as a female Shura suddenly became extremely at ease.   In the sky, dense firelight appeared again. Looking at its general direction, all the escorts are aimed at. There are heavy weapons on the escort car. Xu Tui watched this scene, and his heart clenched. Whether the heavy weapons of the escort vehicle were destroyed, or the escort vehicle was destroyed, it represented a fatal blow to the military force on their side. What about the fate of these students?      "When did the traitor organization become so rampant in the Huaxia District? This is completely different from what was advertised on TV." Just as Xu Tui's heart sank a little, the guards here finally started to counterattack efficiently. .   Electromagnetic interference bombs and high-energy decoy bombs rapidly differentiated over the sky. The dense firelight that hit the sky, originally lined up in a neat formation, suddenly became a mess. exploded into a mass in the sky. But very few hit the target.    The firelight, the sound of explosions, the smell of gunpowder smoke, and the cries of the students made a sound, which made the students who had just left Jincheng House feel like they were in a different world. Is this still the world they know? Extremely abrupt, Xu Tui's heart poured out a phrase that was often said on TV - the years are quiet, because someone is carrying the burden for us!    At this time, hundreds of people suddenly appeared in the distance and charged with their personal aircraft. Under the personal command of Colonel Liu Tianhu, the soldiers had already laid a reasonable line of defense in a very short period of time.   Tongues of flames twitched, lightning flashed, and the fierce battle began.    At this time, Xu Tui realized that there were more soldiers guarding him than he imagined or guessed. The security guards in military uniforms in the car were protecting them at this time, but there were still more than 100 soldiers fighting. There should be some soldiers disguised as students.    Many times, the most frightening thing is the unknown. At this time, the enemy appeared, but it was not so fearful.   The heavy weapons of the escort also began to breathe out tongues of flame. Several enemies that could not be avoided were shot and killed in an instant. Over time, more and more heavy weapons of the escort vehicles were activated and joined the battle. The incoming enemy was suppressed by this powerful firepower.    This scene made many students breathe a sigh of relief. But almost at the same moment, an extremely dissatisfied cold hum came from behind.   "Trash, after planning for so long, it's still a miscalculation."    Suddenly, Xu Tui looked at the ground in extreme fear. In that cold snort, Xu Tui felt that the whole ground suddenly became violent.    "Be careful, get off the ground!" Liu Tianhu, who was in command of the battle, roared angrily.   The order of the soldiers to Liu Tianhu had already formed a conditioned reflex. Most people left the ground at the first moment, or climbed trees, or jumped on the roof of the car. The worst, they also took off on the spot.   Whizz Whizz Whizz! Sharp soil thorns protruded rapidly from the ground, directly overturning the escort car. In an instant, the heavy firepower failed. The line of defense was also a little chaotic because of the soldiers' jumping.   Some classmates exclaimed in an instant. "Mystery supernatural class!" "Is this the earth affinity of the mysterious supernatural class?"   "At least a B-level genetic mutant, it may even be a genetic evolutionary. It should also have a not weak limit-type close guard." An Xiaoxue's expression was very solemn.    Almost at the same time, a blade of light appeared on the side of the earth-type superhuman, extremely fierce! The attacks of the earth-based superhumans have already begun to fall continuously, and casualties among the soldiers have begun to appear rapidly. At the same time, the enemy who lost firepower suppression also began to besiege.    "Familiar taste, old man, do you want to?" Liu Tianhu licked his lips, and suddenly a long spear appeared from the black box handed by the orderly behind him.    "Kill!" Liu Tianhu roared!      I saw that his feet slammed a little, and the whole person was like a high-speed guided missile, directly flying the knife shadow guard, and slammed straight at the earth-type superhuman. The speed is extremely fast. Almost as soon as he set off, he crossed a distance of forty or fifty meters.    The sound of 'kill' made Xu Tui's throat a little itchy at the back, and his whole body was boiling with enthusiasm. At this moment, Xu Tui was looking up at Liu Tianhu! Liu Tianhu's indomitable aura, with one enemy against two, made the earth-type extraordinary person in a hurry. The enemies, nearby, began to support the earth-type superhumans with fire weapons. But at this moment, Liu Tianhu was like a god of war. Let these ordinary hot weapons pour out on him. These ordinary hot weapons can only tear his military uniform, but cannot tear his nano ultra-light armor.    Occasionally high-energy bullets hit. Liu Tianhu either dodged lightly, or slammed the spear and flew the bullets directly. The speed quickly became an almost indiscernible phantom. While the earth-type superhuman being forced to retreat again and again, he can occasionally pick and kill one or two enemies. Prominent and dash forward, like a tiger going down the mountain.    Liu Tianhu showed great power, and the elite officers under his command also rushed forward. Some of them, like Liu Tianhu, were not afraid of hot weapons at all, and their combat power was amazing.    "Is this the power of an extreme powerhouse?" Xu Tui, who was holding a tactical shield in front of him, glanced at An Xiaoxue at this moment.    The mysterious strength that An Xiaoxue showed just now is also very powerful. If she joins the battle, will the battle be over immediately? Xu Tui was thinking, when Xi Xi Suo Suo's voice suddenly sounded. In the mountains in the evening, a pair of eyes suddenly appeared, and the mountain wind that was blowing carried a stench and a low roar. An Xiaoxue's face changed abruptly, "The transformed people have appeared. This is the preset battlefield? How much information did you reveal?" With a light finger toss, thirty small balls the size of the head of a silver match suddenly spilled out.    In the next instant, the silver ball like a little girl throwing a toy, followed An Xiaoxue's apricot eyes, accelerated in an instant, and made a shrill and piercing sound. More than 30 beasts were thrown from the mountains and forests, and they fell dead on the spot in an instant. At this moment, an extremely frightening monster appeared in the forest ahead.  This is a monster with a human upper body and a tiger-like lower body with a long tail. The transformed human being mentioned by An Xiaoxue appeared not far away. "It didn't take a long time, it's only an hour." The transformed tiger man laughed, the tiger's tail exploded, and more than 200 beasts of various colors rushed out of the mountains and forests roaring, and above their heads, there even appeared Eleven fierce and fierce flying capture, also pounced on the students.    Fire tongue spit. The on-board security brothers of the cars that have not participated in the war, as well as the on-board teachers, have all taken action.    But, probably because of Cha Yifeng's disclosure, at least one-third of the animals driven by the modified tiger man were besieging the students who went to the No. 3 car. The attacking team also included the eleven fierce and fierce flying captures.    Almost instantly, An Xiaoxue flew up again, Yin Wan flew out, and at the same time that more than 30 animals were killed, An Xiaoxue was already rushing towards the transformed person.    "Is Tutama stupid? Without fire support, how can I arrest people and complete the mission?" The transformed tiger man looked at An Xiaoxue who was rushing towards him, a little scared.    In the distance, the three electric lights made a thunderous sound and slammed into An Xiaoxue. It was the roar of a high-energy electric sniper. An Xiaoxue's face changed, and the five fingers of her right hand snapped.    At this moment, the five silver rings on An Xiaoxue's fingers were dazzling and dazzling. Like a miracle, the high-energy sniper's plasma bomb with a dazzling blue tail suddenly hovered in front of An Xiaoxue. If people are nearby, they will hear a sour grinding sound of sizzling. Then the electric light slowly dissipated in the eyes of the crowd and fell to the ground.    However, the high-energy sniper is firing in bursts. One after another, the high-energy electric sniper's plasma bombs sealed An Xiaoxue in place. There seemed to be an invisible barrier in front of An Xiaoxue, which blocked these plasma bullets, and also blocked many hot weapon bullets fired at the students.    In the distance, the transformed tiger man smiled and rushed towards the students in the No. 3 car who were divided into four or five small teams with shields and defenses. Also rushing over, there are ferocious animals controlled by the transformed tiger man. Almost in an instant, a student was caught in the sky by a ferocious eagle, screaming in fear.    One of the security guards in uniform raised a g*n and shot to save people. call out! The shape of the transformed tiger man rushed through. The security brother in the military uniform lost his head, and the whole person still maintained the posture of shooting with a g*n. Such a terrifying scene made the students scream in horror.   Xu Tui, Cheng Mo, Gong Ling, and an unknown male classmate raised their shields and looked at the animals that rushed over, their breathing became extremely heavy. An Xiaoxue shot more than 60 animals before and after, as well as the beasts that died in the hands of the security brother. At this time, at least 30 animals were killed at Xu Tui and these students.    Almost instantly, the tragedy happened. Under the genetic evolution of generations, these animals in nature have become extremely ferocious today, one to several times stronger than they were a hundred years ago. However, these beasts should be under the control of the transformed people and not mainly to kill, their main purpose is to capture these students alive. There was a big snake here, with one tail blasting the tactical shield, directly engulfing two classmates and withdrawing to the rear. On the other side, a sturdy leopard grabbed a classmate and dragged it away. The screams and calls for help made An Xiaoxue anxious.    But she was blocked there by the high-energy electric sniper, unable to move. Suddenly, blood gushed out of An Xiaoxue's eyes, ears, and nose at the same time. She did this to get close to the position of the high-energy electric sniper.    "Hu, hurry up, this woman is going crazy." A voice came from behind. The transformed man Ah Hu did not speak, but kept making strange roars, urging the beasts who controlled these animals to capture these students alive.    "Be careful, there are beasts coming." Gong Ling's voice was full of trembling. "Don't worry, there is me!" Cheng Mo spread the tactical shield in his left hand a little, stood up slowly, looked at the huge lynx who was pounced first, in a pounce posture, his voice trembled, and then he shouted, "Little retreat, I take the initiative to attack. You three, run to Teacher An, there is a good chance of being saved!"    Xu Tui was very moved. The groves that I have met in the school over the years have always been the one that Cheng Mo has received the most punches and kicks. Gong Ling and another boy were even more moved and didn't know what to say.    Xu retreated and pulled Cheng Mo, and threw the tactical shield in his hand to Cheng Mo, "Protect my back."   Roar! The fishy wind between the lynx's mouth was blowing, and everyone could already see the saliva hanging on it. The lynx jumped up and pounced from a distance. Five meters! Three meters!   Suddenly, Xu Tui repeatedly flicked his right hand. shhhhh! The two shrill sounds of breaking the air mixed into one. The lynx, who was rushing over tensely, suddenly relaxed all of his muscles and fell to the ground. Two iron buckyballs entered the brain from its eyes, and the dead can no longer die. The color of surprise flashed through Gong Ling's eyes, and suddenly exclaimed.   "snake!"   A large python with a body length of more than five meters slammed it fiercely, and directly knocked Cheng Mo, who was holding double shields, to the ground, bleeding from the corner of his mouth. However, it does not have a second chance to attack. The snake's eyes suddenly burst into a cloud of blood and fell softly to the ground.    The sound of breaking the air came from above. Cheng Mo struggled to get up and raised his shield to protect Xu Rei. He wanted to protect Xu Retire from behind.    A Yan Falcon with a wingspan of more than five meters came. This Yan Falcon is also extremely clever. It directly crossed Cheng Mo, who was holding the shield, and the iron claws hooked into Gong Ling's shoulder, and he was about to lift Gong Ling into the sky in an instant.    Gong Ling screamed in pain. "help me!"    Almost at the same moment, Xu Tui again flicked with his right hand. The sound of breaking the air sounded, that Yan Falcon just caught Gong Ling and fell from the sky before he could fly. Three meters away, all hits. Xu Tui's magic power of playing beans has become an eye-popping power! Gong Ling was saved.    In the distance, Ah Hu, the transformed man who was controlling the commanding animals with the sound of a tiger roar, suddenly frowned and looked in the direction of Xu Tui and Cheng Mo.
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