Chapter 17 Eighteen Genetic Basis Points

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In the small box were ten plastic-sealed capsule boards. The first instant he saw it, Xu Tui's eyes became wet. Inside this plastic-sealed capsule board are the F-grade energy supplement pills that Xu Tui bought in the afternoon. Xu Tui only bought one board. A plate of ten grains. My father sent ten plates, that is, one hundred grains. This is a full ten thousand dollars.    However, what attracted Xu Tui's eyes were two rows of ten thumb-sized hard transparent sealed boxes, each with a blue soft capsule. This thing, Xu Tui did not know. But it has small print on it. When Xu Tui looked down, he was taken aback, raised his head sharply, and looked at his parents. "Dad, this is an E-level energy potion. One pill costs 5,000 yuan, and ten pills are enough." Xu Tui was very surprised. These medicines alone cost 60,000 yuan.    "Why, look down on your dad?" Xu Jianguo smiled, "Although your dad and I don't have a high salary, I have saved a little over the years."    Xu Tui asked again: "But Dad, I heard that buying this E-level energy potion is said to require E-level authority."    "I underestimate your father again. Your father still has E-level authority." Mother Zhang Xiuli looked proud.    Hearing his father Xu Jianguo's proud face, he was rarely praised by his wife. "Progress, your father is also a past person. He knows that the University of Genetic Evolution is also very resource-intensive. Your father also knows the reason why you have lost weight these days. Use these first, and it should be able to cover the consumption of your cultivation." During that time, his father Xu Jianguo pushed another card and pushed it in front of Xu Tui. "When you go to college, you will definitely have to spend money to buy something. What you young people like now is different from us. So my mother and I didn't buy it for you. There is 50,000 yuan in this card, what do you like? Or buy what you need." Xu Jianguo said.    Xu Tui was silent. Xu Tuan knew about his family's economic situation. The parents took out 110,000 yuan for themselves in one go, and basically it can be said that they took out all the savings in the family for themselves. "dad"    "Be obedient!" Before Xu Tui could say anything, he was interrupted by Xu Jianguo, who knew what his son was going to say.    Suddenly, Xu Tui's personal communication device vibrated. "Hello, the citizen is allowed to retire. Your personal merit system has been activated. At present, the merit point is 6:00, and the F-level authority. Hello, your personal identity-bound account has received an allocation of 50,000 yuan from the special financial account. Remarks - —Bonus." After reading it, Xu Tui was happy. He quickly pushed the card back in front of his father. "Dad, you see I have received a bonus. There are fifty thousand yuan. You should keep this money."    "The bonus, 50,000 yuan?" Xu Jianguo and his wife were confused.    Xu Tui explained it, and the couple looked at each other. It turned out that the wise, brave and handsome student on the news was actually their son. No wonder the back looks so familiar. "Progress, why are you so daring to provoke the members of the Dawning Redemption Traitor Organization? Those people kill people without blinking an eye. Mom doesn't want you to make meritorious deeds, I want you to be safe." After her mother knew the truth, she became anxious . Xu Jianguo was silent for a while, then pushed the card to Xu Tui again, and said in an unquestionable tone, "You take it, your parents still have wages. When you go to university, study hard and improve yourself. Remember your mother's words, no matter what you do. , you must be safe!"    entered the room, Xu Tui took a long time to calm down. He took some time to pack his clothes and stuff. Although Xu Tui is very handsome, the things he brings when going out are still very simple, even if it is a long trip. A larger suitcase will suffice.   After Xu Tui packed his luggage, he washed and went to bed. He first swallowed an F-level energy supplement pill, and then he began to meditate and quickly entered a state of illusory inner vision. This time, it took only four seconds.    At this moment, Xu Tui was to observe the effect of the F-level energy supplement pill, and did not use his mental power to cultivate. After about 30 seconds, the white light flashing from the abdomen to all directions of the body suddenly increased exponentially. Thirty seconds ago, before he took the medicine, about three to four white lights representing energy flowed out every second. After 30 seconds, it should be after the effect of the F-level energy supplement pill began to exert its effect, and the number of energy white light flowing out to the whole body per second suddenly increased to more than double. There are between ten and twelve energy white light per second.    Xu Tui was not in a hurry to cultivate. Instead, he began to observe quietly, quietly realizing it in this illusory state of inner vision. He occasionally switches to a state of true introspection to observe changes in his body. In the quiet realization, when Xu Tui found himself in a state of illusory introspection or real introspection, his mental power would also be consumed. But the consumption is very low.   If Xu Tui's consciousness, that is, his mental power, does not interfere, most of the white light of energy flowing from the abdomen is supplied to various organs of the body, accounting for 70%. Of the remaining 30%, 25% flows into the gene base points that have been turned on. Only half of the remaining is randomly flowing into those gray dots that are turned on.    Xu Tui observed it for half an hour and found that the energy flowing into the gray dots was not purely random. In Xu Hui's body, the frequency of energy white light flowing into the gene base points that are not turned on in the brain is significantly more frequent. The gene base point that is not turned on at the left calf also occasionally has an influx of energy white light. As for the gray spots in other parts of the body, the probability of the inflow of energy white light is very small.    An F-level energy supplement pill, the energy supplement effect only lasted for half an hour and disappeared. After the practice, Xu Tui not only was not hungry at all, but also felt full of energy. This should be the effect of the F-level energy supplement pill, and he swallowed another F-level energy supplement pill. This time, Xu Tui began to use his mental power to influence the direction of energy flow. The direction of energy flow is still the genetic basis of the left calf region. The ability involved in the genetic base point of the head is too complicated, Xu Tui does not dare to touch it now, he wants to wait for the opportunity to try to open it after entering Huaxia University of Genetic Evolution to improve his cognitive level.    Half an hour later, the effect of the F-level energy supplement pills was finished, and the gene base point of the leg only swelled a little, but was not turned on. Only this time, Xu Tui had a clear feeling. He felt a little sore in his left calf. He felt as if he had reached the genetic basis for the left calf this time. After    practice ended, Xu Tui felt it again. I no longer have the feeling of power that was full of power after taking the first F-level energy supplement pill. It should be that the cultivation consumed the energy that he had absorbed just now, but he also did not have the extreme emptiness that he had after cultivating two days ago.    "Try the effect of the E-level energy supplement?" After a few breaths, Xu Tui swallowed a small blue pill, er, it should be a blue soft capsule. Then he entered the illusory inner vision state again. In fact, even if Xu Tui didn't enter the illusory inner vision state, he still felt it. The moment he swallowed the potion, his stomach felt as if something had exploded. He found a wave of heat rushing to all sides of his body. Xu Tui's whole person became extremely spiritual. In an instant, Xu Tui's mental power began to intervene and guide. The energy white light brought by the E-level energy supplement medicine is more than ten times that of the F-level energy supplement pill. The energy white light emitted each time is between ten to twelve times that of the F level. At this moment, under the active guidance of Xu Tui's consciousness, they all flocked to the genetic base of the left calf that Xu Tui had attacked before. Almost at the same moment, Xu Tui's entire left calf became sore and even started to hurt.    "It seems a little too much." The strengthening of gene base points will directly bring about changes in the body. If the gene base point of a certain region is strengthened too much, it may cause damage to the body. This is the content recorded in the data obtained after the genetic examination. Xu Tui's consciousness moved, and the white light that rushed to his left calf suddenly split into two. 40% of them are still injected into the gene base point of the left calf, and the other 60%, Xu Tui was guided into a gene base point on the right hand. His arrangement was chosen at random. Xu Tui's soreness in his left calf was greatly slowed down. But not long after, the fingers of his right hand began to swell. However, this level of soreness is still within the acceptable range. This situation continued for fifty minutes. This blue E-level energy supplement is worth 5,000 yuan per capsule, which is long-lasting! It's been fifty minutes and it's still providing energy. At the fifty-first minute, the two gray genetic base points of Xu Tui's left calf and right hand, which were continuously attacking, swelled and flickered at the same time. There was a tingling pain in his left calf and right hand. He knew that the two gene bases were turned on at the same time. Xu Tui's expression relaxed. Eighteen gene basis points. Up to now, Xu Tui has turned on 18 genetic basis points.    Today's two gene base points of the left calf and right hand, which are simultaneously turned on, will definitely improve Xu Tui's physical ability in terms of physical response. Nine times out of ten, it is the improvement of the so-called limit system ability. But at this moment, the medicinal effect of the small blue capsule is still continuing, very long-lasting.    Five thousand dollars a piece, he can't waste it. Suddenly, Xu Tui suddenly felt a surge of uncontrollable exhaustion. Xu Hui instantly understood that his mental power was about to bottom out again. After summing up mental power this morning, Xu Tui searched for a lot of ideas about mental power on the Internet, including various small forums. He basically found no valuable information. But he found a roughly unified statement. That's battery theory. A person's spiritual power is a bit like an old battery from a hundred years ago. If the one-time discharge is completely cleaned, it will be a little slow to recover and hurt a little. But if you leave a little electricity, you will recover quickly without hurting your body. In short, use mental power, don't use mental power to completely dry up. It should have gone to sleep immediately before the mental energy was almost exhausted, and entered a state of recovery.   Although Xu Tui doesn't understand, he still feels that this theory makes sense. Therefore, at the moment when the uncontrollable feeling of exhaustion hit, Xu Tui's consciousness suddenly dissipated, and the illusory inner vision dissipated. The whole person was completely relaxed and empty, and under the effect of exhaustion, he immediately fell into a deep sleep state. Before falling asleep, Xu Tui had only one thought in his mind.    "It's a waste! The five thousand yuan blue capsules haven't worked out yet, it's a waste..."
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