Chapter 14 Self-Activating Ability

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Xu Hui slumped down on his knees, and at the same time he snorted and exhaled. His long, long breathing made his body completely empty in just a few seconds, and he entered a state of meditation.    In the state of illusory inner vision, Xu Tui felt a sudden joy in his heart. He found that there were already fifteen gene bases turned on. The number of white bright spots on his head was already fifteen at this moment.    Xu Tui's bold behavior last night directly lit up that gray gene base point. According to the comprehensive inference of Xu Tui before, Xu Tui at this time has already opened fifteen genetic basis points. However, this is not important for Xu Retire now. From his point of view, whether he turned on 14 gene base points or turned on 15 gene base points, the difference is not big. The most important thing is only one point - Xu Tui can influence the direction of energy supply through his own consciousness and open the genetic base point.    Xu Tui didn't realize this all day long today. It was not until he came out of the Special Intelligence Agency and thought about it all the way that he realized this. As far as Xu Tui's current cognitive level is concerned, after a normal person is injected with the gene liberation agent, in addition to opening a certain number of gene base points on the first day, the three months after the injection is also a high-frequency activation period of gene base points. After these three months, if the person concerned wants to activate the genetic base point again, either he (she) undergoes arduous and persistent training, or he (she) completes it by injecting special medicines. Usually, the drugs that can turn on gene bases are very expensive, and these drugs are controlled products.    However, Xu Rei was able to open the gene base point by guiding the direction of energy flow through consciousness in the state of illusory inner vision. This ability is too strong! Xu Tui wondered if there were ancestors who also possessed such abilities before him. But whether it was the introduction to genetics that he had studied in the third year of high school, the information sent to him after the unified genetic examination, or the Internet, he had not found any descriptions of this ability to independently activate gene bases.    Xu Tui's first reaction was - if his ability is exposed, will he be sliced ​​and studied by the Institute of Genetics? "It must not be used as an experimental object or observation object. My ability must not be known to others. At least for a certain period of time, it must not be exposed until I figure out the state." Xu Tui attended a lot of high school In the biological and genetic observation experiment class, none of the mice, fruit flies, mosquitoes, and apple rabbits who were the objects of observation and experiment would have a good end. "Absolutely not reveal it to anyone."    After the incident of catching the traitor in the milk tea shop, Xu Tui didn't realize it, and he suddenly grew up. Or rather, he's grown a little bit. Now, Xu Tui wants to make sure of another thing. Is his ability to activate gene base points autonomously, the scope of activation is limited to the scope of the head? Or the whole body? Or is it a special part?    However, before trying, Xu Tui went to the kitchen to get ten boiled eggs. It was only when Xu Tui returned to his room that he discovered that he had lost five pounds overnight. Xu Tui has the habit of weighing himself every night before going to bed. Before going to bed last night, Xu Tui stepped on the scale at random. Xu Tui remembered that the value was 149 pounds, which did not fluctuate much from the previous value. But just now, Xu Tui found out that he only weighed 144 pounds. Your weight fluctuates by one or two pounds every day, which is related to your diet and drinking. But he lost five pounds overnight, there must be a special reason. Xu Tui felt that nine times out of ten it had something to do with his impulsive behavior last night. So he prepared ten boiled eggs today as a source of energy.    Of course, Xu Retire also has better options. There are various brands of F-level energy supplement pills on the market, only the size of a fingernail, claiming to provide an adult with 12 hours of energy expenditure, including vigorous exercise, but not as a substitute for food. Those foods are the favorites of wild travelers and extreme athletes. The external price is 100 yuan each. The ad says that one F-rated energy supplement pill provides the same amount of energy as 12 to 15 eggs combined. Hmm, a little pricey.    Of course, the family conditions of Xu Retirement are average, but it is also affordable. The main reason he didn't use the food was because it didn't taste good. And no chew! There are F-level energy supplement pills on the market, and naturally there are E-level energy supplement pills. But E-level energy supplements are already controlled products. It is said that there is a black market in Jincheng Prefecture. But Xu Tui, a senior in high school, doesn't even know where the black market is.    Xu Tui ate five boiled eggs before he was ready to try it. It is not good to put eggs directly in the mouth, and it is easy to eat nausea. So Xu Tui would prepare a small plate and pour a little soy sauce and vinegar into it, then he would cut the boiled egg into large pieces. Xu Tui would take a piece of egg and dip it in the seasoning. This way of eating is so delicious! After a few breaths, Xu Tui once again entered the state of illusory inner vision through meditation. As long as he can relax and let go, he can quickly enter the state of meditation, so that when he concentrates, he can enter the state of illusory inner vision.   Those who are allowed to retreat, if you practice a lot, you may be able to enter the illusory state of inner vision anytime, anywhere, regardless of the environment and location. In his illusory inner vision state, the phantom inside and outside is full of flickering brilliance and dense gray dots, some of which are very small or even blurred, while some are very clear.    At this moment, Xu Tui was extremely eager to go to school. Xu Tui wanted to study at Huaxia Gene University and use knowledge to solve his current doubts. Xu Tui observed his phantom full of gray dots for a while before he began to prepare to start trying. But before he tried, he had learned the lesson of last night. Last night, Xu Tui directly and recklessly turned on the gray dot gene base point, which was still hasty. The most direct consequence was that he fainted with blood spurting out of his seven orifices on the spot. He was a little scared when he thought about it. If he turns on that gene base point and pushes harder, will his genome collapse on the spot? Then it directly becomes Game Over!    Xu Shujue’s self should learn from yesterday’s lesson, but at that time, he still didn’t consider it comprehensively. If he is going to try again today, he should also slow down the corresponding speed as much as possible. Luck does not always favor a reckless person! In Xu Tui's illusory inner vision state, the gray dots of the phantom are mainly concentrated on the head, limbs, and important viscera organs. Well, he also has some grey spots on his own crotch. Xu Fu has a certain degree of awareness of the ability direction of the gene base points at these positions. For example, the position of the head is related to many mysterious abilities, including the ability of sound, smell, vision, etc., which are related to the genetic base point of this part. The genetic basis of the limbs must be related to speed and strength, but not all of them. As for the gene base points of other parts, with Xu Tui's current cognitive ability, he can't even classify the general direction.    The human genome is too complex. A hundred years ago, scientists mostly believed that the human body had 20,000 to 30,000 genes. But now, scientists believe that the human body may have more than 200,000 genes or more. This is just to say that humans have these genes, not to say that all of the more than 200,000 genes are useful. During the long evolutionary process of human beings, many genes have naturally fallen into a silent state during the evolutionary process. And genes themselves have their own complexities. A gene may decide to turn on a certain ability of human beings, but the opening of a certain ability may also require the joint influence of several or even dozens of genes. This is the complexity and difficulty of gene-enhanced evolution.    Xu Tui's test goal tonight is - can this ability to automatically turn on gene base points can open gene base points other than the head. First of all, Xu retreat had to choose a direction other than the head. Today in the milk tea shop they captured the traitor and told Xu Tui that personal strength is very important. The world is big, and personal safety is the greatest. Only when the strength of the individual is strong, can personal security be improved to a certain extent. If my leg speed was faster or the leg strength was stronger today, maybe my kick in the crotch could explode the traitor whose code is Qiujiang. It is estimated that he immediately made the traitor completely incapacitated. Taking a step back, Xu Tui opened the genetic base point of his legs, whether it is strength or speed, it can make him run faster when he encounters danger. Then he could either attack or flee quickly.    Xu Tui's chosen direction of attempt is his left calf. But Xu Tui had no idea which gene base point to choose to try to activate. From what he knew, there were hundreds of flashing gray dots on the left calf. So which of these gray dots is useful, which is useless, which is speed and which is strength, or which combination of gene bases is a comprehensive improvement, Xu Tui doesn't know at all. Xu Tui has only one choice - Mongolia! That is, he randomly chooses one by himself, but he can't be impulsive today, and all actions take his time. Fortunately, the ability to independently activate the gene base point is mainly affected by his own consciousness, otherwise Xu Tui would not know how to operate it. Basically, Xu Tui said to himself in his own consciousness. It's a lot like telling yourself I'm handsome. And then he himself has this self-conscious influence of feeling really handsome. In fact, Xu Tui is really handsome! "The energy flowing to this position is a little bit more, just a little bit more." After holding this idea for a few seconds, Xu Tui found that the white light of energy flowing from his stomach flowed into Xu Tui's consciousness in two or three ways. The gene base point that guides. The gene base point just twitched a little, and there was no other feeling.    "A little more, a little more than before." Xu Tui was very careful, trying to make this opening as gentle as possible. But this state only lasted for more than 40 minutes, and Xu Tui was hungry. He was very hungry. He drank the remaining five boiled eggs and was still hungry. Then he swept away everything that could be eaten directly in the refrigerator. At this time, Xu Tui somewhat understood Cheng Mo's feelings. This feeling of hunger is really uncomfortable. He wanted to eat paper at this time. Xu Tui's stomach was about to bulge, and he returned to the room to practice. That's right, Xu Tuiguan is called cultivation. About an hour later, the gray spot on the left calf where Xu Hui continued to work on the key points flashed white light as if it was powered on. It's like turning on a white light bulb. At the same moment, Xu Tui's right hand suddenly stabbed like a twitch. Before Xu Tui could continue his inspection, he felt a surge of extreme exhaustion. It felt as if he himself hadn't slept for days and nights.    Xu retreated to the extreme, and at the same time his stomach began to twitch because of hunger. But even the hunger that made his stomach twitch couldn't suppress Xu Tui's sleepiness at the moment. Xu Tui relaxed a little, and immediately fell asleep.
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