Chapter 93 Who Hurts An Xiaoxue

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      Although more than 80% of the younger generation of the Huaxia District Alliance have been injected with gene compound chain allele drugs (gene liberation drugs). However, there are not many people who can be certified by the government as F-level gene liberators, that is, the so-called new genetic human beings in the true sense. According to official statistics, about 60% of the younger generation has become a real new genetic human after being injected with the corresponding d**g. Officially, due to the fact that the failure rate is as high as 40%, the Huaxia District Alliance still has a certain degree of control over the corresponding news, so as not to cause panic in the society of ordinary people.    However, in the past ten years, this kind of control has begun to relax, and ordinary people can occasionally understand the bizarre and flying world of the new genetic human. The intention of the Huaxia District League to do this is a step-by-step way for ordinary people to know. But it doesn't mean that the Huaxia Region Alliance has no control over it at all. For example, if you want to get an account to enter the social Weibo circle of Gene New Human, you must first be authenticated by real name, and then you must be a Gene New Human who has been certified by the Huaxia Gene Committee, and finally you can successfully register an account. And the minimum standard for this certification requires that the applicant should be at least an F-level gene liberator!        At this time, Xu Tui heard Chi Hongying's talk about Gene New Human's Weibo, and the matter also involved An Xiaoxue, Xu Tui became anxious in an instant. "I have never been certified as a Gene Liberator, so I have never registered for the Gene New Human Weibo circle."    "This is a little troublesome." Chi Hongying frowned, "Then let Chai Xiao take a screenshot for you."   Chai Xiao said with a smile, "Don't be so troublesome! Register a special Weibo circle with your real name with your D-level subordinate personal authority, and you can pass it directly."    Xu Tui said in surprise: "It can still be like this, that's good, thank you, I'll go back first!" Xu Yanan hurriedly returned to the dormitory, Luo Murong should be doing his evening class, so he didn't bother. Xu Tui quickly registered a Weibo account, and then he applied for the opening of a special Weibo circle for Gene New Humans under the real-name system. And sure enough, his identity verification passed directly. The next step is that some processes of the normal app are face recognition first, and then signing a special responsibility statement and so on. It took about ten minutes or so, Xu Tui successfully entered the special Weibo circle of the new genetic human.    Then he searched for the word 'An Xiaoxue', and saw that the App immediately popped up a large number of search results. The most popular item in the search results was a declaration of a guy named Haroji who publicly challenged An Xiaoxue in the Weibo circle. His declaration of challenging An Xiaoxue is very authentic. "Respected Professor An Xiaoxue, I heard that you are the youngest professor of Huaxia Gene Evolution University. And I, Haroji, is also one of the youngest professors of Xinyin Gene Evolution University. I am with the exchange and visiting group of Yiin Union District this time. Everything has an academic visit with Huaxia Gene Evolution University. But I regret that the organizer only arranged practical exchanges between students from both sides, but did not arrange practical exchanges between teachers from both sides. Therefore, I had to use Weibo to express Here is a challenge to you. Time, August 11th, which is Thursday, after the actual exchange of students. Location, the actual battle arena of Huaxia Gene Evolution University. If you are confident, reply to me!"    This is a public challenge Weibo, with An Xiaoxue circled at the end, and Huaxia Gene Evolution University, Huaxia Gene Evolution University Academic Affairs Office, Huaxia Gene Evolution University School of Mystery, etc. But so far, including An Xiaoxue, no official organization has officially responded to Haroji's challenge. And the first reply in the comment area of ​​the message was Haroji's: An Xiaoxue, I'll wait for you, if you don't dare, forget it! Full of provocation!   Dang, except for this comment, the comments below are all in support of An Xiaoxue. Some commented that Professor An's beauty is directly proportional to his strength. There are also comments that Haroji is over his head, and so on. Xu Tui felt very comfortable reading these news. But Xu Tui looked at An Xiaoxue's meagerness again, and he had already been captured by various comments from the new genetic human.    "Why don't you fight yet?"   "Are you afraid of it?"    "Are you afraid of death?"    "Can't be cowardly!"    This is still a relatively rational comment, and many netizens who are dressed as new human beings have already started personal attacks. Xu Tui is very angry! He hated Haroji who challenged An Xiaoxue, and at the same time felt extremely angry at those netizens who had no conscience and genetic new human identity. You start making comments without knowing the truth at all, and scold you as soon as you open your mouth!    Xu Tui knew that An Xiaoxue didn't reply because she was seriously injured. It has only been a week since she completed the replantation of her severed finger. Even under the current medical conditions, her recovery is fast. You must know that this is also the replantation of a severed limb, and her hand function cannot be completely recovered in a week or two.   Xu Tui looked at Haroji's arrogant reply in the comments, his lungs were about to explode. He looked at An Xiaoxue's Weibo, which was flooded with comments, and Xu Tui became even more angry. Xu Tui took a few deep breaths before he calmed down. After thinking about it, Xu Tui dialed An Xiaoxue's video call.    "Have not started practicing yet?" The first sentence An Xiaoxue said after the connection was connected, with a strong teacher flavor.    "It will start in a while. Teacher, how is your finger injury?" Xu Tui asked.    "Fortunately, it is estimated that in another week, the function of the fingers will be completely restored." An Xiaoxue replied.    After being silent for a while, Xu Tui said suddenly, "Mr. An, why don't you post a photo of your severed finger replanting on Weibo?"   An Xiaoxue on the other side of the phone was stunned, "You know about that? No need! Didn't he challenge me on Thursday? Today is only Sunday, what am I so anxious for?"    Xu Tuan wanted to fight for it: "But the Weibo circle" "Xu Tui!" An Xiaoxue on the video call suddenly became extremely stern, "If you want to go further on the road of genetic evolution, you must maintain your own opinion. What you want to do is decided. Just do it. You should not be easily influenced by the outside world! Remember, facts speak louder than words!"    On the phone, Xu Tui was silent for a while. "I understand, Teacher An. Shall I play as your student?" Xu Tui said solemnly.   An Xiaoxue scolded with a smile: "There are so many seniors and seniors in the sophomore year, which round will get you! Or, do you want to play Haroji on my behalf?"    Xu Tui: "..."    "Don't worry about this. If I can fight, I will naturally challenge it. If I can't fight, I will naturally make a statement." An Xiaoxue said.    "On Thursday, if you are free, you'd better come and watch the battle. This exchange will be a real combat level, you must not miss it." An Xiaoxue said. While Xu Tui agreed, he suddenly remembered a question and hurriedly asked, "Mr. An, why did this Haroji start to challenge you in the special Weibo circle before he came to the capital? Did you know each other before? Is there a holiday in between?"   An Xiaoxue's eyes moved, and suddenly she lifted her right hand with her broken fingers and shook it. "You asked me last week, who did my injury? I didn't say it at the time, so I can tell you now. My injury was caused by this Haroji! I killed the black-crowned queen bee The address is deep in a mountain on the border of the Yiin Union. After I killed the black-crowned wasp and a part of the black-crowned bee colony, I was ready to return. On the way back, I was ambushed by this Haroji. He himself He couldn't kill the black-crowned bee queen, so he wanted to snatch the black-crowned bee queen, but in the end you know the result. And he chased and killed me for six days, and I finally got rid of it! This time he visited and communicated with the Yiin Union area The group came here mainly to trouble me! The reason why he publicly challenged me in the special Weibo circle is because he knew that my injury was not recovered, and he clearly humiliated me!"   Xu Tui almost jumped on the table and roared: "This Haroji, it's too shameless!" An Xiaoxue looked at Xu Tui and said with a smile: "However, after all, we got something substantial. Their line also has the secret technique of using the gene transcription fluid of the Queen of the Black Crown Bee, and his students all follow the spiritual route. !"    Xu Tui replied: "Teacher, I understand! But in the special Weibo circle, his provocation and a***e are really annoying."    "Don't worry about this, just practice hard. When you succeed in your practice one day, go and kill him for me!" An Xiaoxue said casually.    "Okay!" Xu Tui agreed decisively! After hanging up, Xu Tu suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of urgency. "Four days left! I have to work hard, and if possible, I will represent Teacher An on the stage to challenge. Even if I can't beat this bastard Haroji now and defeat his students, I can still give Teacher An a bad breath! As soon as he thought about An Xiaoxue's original injury, Xu Tui became extremely angry. Everyone knows that the fingers are connected to the heart! The injury of the severed finger is so painful! What's even more irritating is that this Haroji knew that An Xiaoxue was injured, but he was openly provocative in the special Weibo circle! This dude is so damn good!      Xu Tui took a few deep breaths before calming down. Xu Tui made a list of things to do tonight, and he started to practice. Every night, he must practice the second level of the "Spiritual Sea Concentration and Sense-Based Training Method 4.9", and he should continue to open the genetic base point of the second level. Tonight, Xu Tui should open the sixth gene base point of the second layer. However, before Xu Tui can open the sixth genetic base point of the second layer, he must first try to open the basic dantian. From the bottom of his heart, Xu Tuan was very willing to learn Gene Ancient Martial Arts. Even if he doesn't plan to go on the road of genetic ancient martial arts for a long time, he feels that he should learn a certain degree to improve his survivability. You must know that if Xu Tui can be accepted as a closed disciple by Mr. Shen Jiushuang, it will undoubtedly bring a lot of convenience to Xu Tui.    Therefore, he still has to open the basic dantian within seven days. Today during the day, with the guidance of Mr. Shen Jiushuang, Xu Tui has already determined that the basic dantian actually only involves two genetic basis points. It's just that there are many gene bases where Dantian is located, so it is difficult to find the positions of these two gene bases. This is a problem for others, but for Xu Tui, locating the gene base point under the illusory inner vision is still very accurate. According to Mr. Shen, first of all, he needs to use the sense of Qi he found to keep repeating, and then constantly stimulate the gene base point that involves the basic Dantian. Finally, when the quantity changes to the qualitative change, he can open these two gene base points, thereby opening the basic Dantian. .    But Xu Tui obviously didn't want to do this. Instead, he directly drank a bottle of E-level energy supplement, then entered the state of illusory inner vision, and directly used the method of concentration to stimulate and activate these two gene base points. Xu Tui was highly skeptical, and visualized that the warm inner qi that gathered together was actually the energy in his body dissipating from his stomach to his limbs and bones. That is, the energy obtained after Xu Tui drank the E-level energy supplement potion. The essence of inner qi is actually another use of energy. Xu Tui believes that these energies are useful when turning on the mysterious gene base point in the head. In the same way, these energies must be useful when he activates the genetic base point of the basic dantian.    Now his only doubt is the sense of energy condensed into his dantian. Is it another form of existence of these energies? This needs to be verified by Xu Hui himself! I saw Xu Tui's thoughts move, and under the illusory inner vision, the energy flowing from the stomach quickly gathered to the first genetic base point of the basic dantian. Xu Tui immediately rushed to the position of his dantian and suddenly felt a feeling of swelling and heat. Under the illusory inner vision, the first gene base point of the basic dantian also began to expand and contract. It really works! In less than 20 minutes, Xu Tui's lower abdomen became hot, and the first genetic basis point related to the basic dantian was successfully activated! At this time, he hadn't even used up a bottle of E-level energy supplement.    Xu Tui continued to open the second genetic base point of the basic dantian. This one, because of the increasing consumption of the genetic ability chain, so the corresponding opening consumption and time are more than the first one. An hour later, not long after the third bottle of E-level energy supplement was poured, the second genetic base point of the basic dantian was activated. Xu Tui felt his lower abdomen dantian was hot and swollen, and he had an inexplicable sense of comfort.    "This is considered to be open? Will you ask Murong tomorrow morning?" With the basic dantian open, Xu Tui began to practice the energy field secret technique.    Xu Tui was already proficient at this. After a while, a mass of hot air about the size of a fingertip gathered in the foundation dantian that Xu Tui had just started. Xu Tui's consciousness dissipated, and the qi in the group did not dissipate. It was just Xu Tui who tried it. If he wanted to use his consciousness to try to draw this group of inner energy out of his basic dantian, it would be extremely difficult. He exerted a little force, and the basic dantian had an inexplicable tingling. Xu Tui didn't dare to try randomly. After a little training, he turned to another training task of him, which was to open the genetic base point of the second layer.    Early the next morning, Xu Tui vaguely sensed that Luo Murong had not woken up for a long time, so he quickly walked out of the room. "Murong, how long did it take you to open the basic dantian?" Xu Tui asked.    "Me?" Luo Murong laughed, thought for a moment before answering, "I was a genius among geniuses back then, and it only took three days to open."    "Three days?" Xu Tui tilted his head, "Three days? Then you can sense it, did I succeed in opening the basic dantian last night?"   Luo Murong asked: "Last night? The opening was successful? Are you kidding me?" Luo Murong had a look of disbelief, but he still tapped it with a finger. Xu Tui was instantly stunned when he saw Murong's expression!
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