Chapter 106 Accident Before Actual Combat

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     At 5: 10 in the morning, Xu Tui slowly opened his eyes amid a piece of soothing music. This is Xu Ting's alarm clock. Xu Tui looked at the time, and then looked at the darkened sky outside the window. He was a little lazy and didn't want to get up, but he just felt that he hadn't slept enough. However, Xu Tui's spirit is very full. Going to sleep directly from the meditative state made Xu Tui's sleep quality extremely high. For six hours, Xu Tui fully recovered the quick and clean mental energy consumed during the practice last night. Xu Tui didn't want to get up, so he simply lay on the bed and drank a bottle of E-level energy supplement, adjusted his breathing at will, and entered the state of illusory inner vision. Then he continued to attack the seventh gene base point of the second layer. Xu Tui practiced hard last night, but the seventh gene base point of the second layer was not successfully activated in the end. However, it's almost there. After Xu Tui estimated the time, he set the alarm clock, ready to start it this morning, and his strength could be improved a little bit. It was only in the past few days that Xu Tui discovered the power of meditation, that it can make Xu Tui sleep in seconds. In the past two weeks, the most talked about by the students is actually the side effects after the injection of neurosensitizing drugs. Insomnia is the most common side effect. Almost 90% of the students suffer from insomnia. Especially on the first night after each injection, there are many students who have insomnia all night. The most powerful, there are even students who have been insomnia for five consecutive days. They feel sleepy, drowsy, and very sleepy. But just can't sleep. Many students received melatonin and even sleeping pills in the infirmary and could barely fall asleep, but their sleep quality was poor. Indirectly, it also affected their cultivation during this period. However, Xu withdrawal is different. The side effects of neurosensitizing agents, such as anxiety and nervousness, are found in Xu Tui. But insomnia, he didn't have it at all. As long as Xu Tui enters a state of meditation, he will be able to fall asleep immediately as soon as his mind is free. And his sleep quality was fantastic. In this case, Xu Tui can actually make full use of most of his time. Like many classmates lying in bed, unable to fall asleep, and only staring at the ceiling and counting sheep, this would not happen to Xu Tui. It is precisely because of this situation that Xu Tui's cultivation efficiency for one day may be one and a half or even two days for other students. Because of this, Xu Tui dared to set the alarm clock early in the morning to practice. Because after retreating for a while and consuming part of the mental power, you can make up for a sleep to restore the consumed mental power, and then report to the actual combat training building. If other students from the mystery department had actual combat missions today, they would definitely not dare to practice after waking up early in the morning. They have to maintain the peak state of mental power at all times. But Xu Hui can. Xu Tui has skipped many times in Wen Shao's spiritual training class, and there are ways to teach mystery students to fall asleep quickly, improve sleep quality, and quickly restore their mental strength.      There are several methods, which are really helpful for falling asleep, but it is difficult to fall asleep quickly within three minutes. To fall asleep in three minutes requires a long-term behavioral signal development, or something similar to self-hypnosis. Actually, Xu Tui's meditation to fall asleep quickly is not something he did casually. According to my father Xu Jianguo, Xu Tui has been insisting on it for about 16 years, and only then did he have such an effect. Therefore, this benefit was not obtained by Xu Tui in vain. Forty minutes later, Xu Tui's mental power fluctuated slightly, and when the fluctuation disappeared, Xu Tui opened his eyes. The seventh gene base point of the second layer of "Spiritual Sea Concentration Sense Basic Forging Knowledge Method 4.9" has been successfully opened. Xu Tui's mental strength improved as before. In total, his mental power has increased by more than five percent, but less than six percent. And this genetic base point can be further improved after continuous cultivation in the next day or two. But don't underestimate the five percent improvement. In terms of the total amount of mental power, this improvement is not obvious. However, if it is quantified in the distance of the mental power chain, it is very intuitive. is also the farthest attack distance of Xu Hui's flying sword. Two weeks ago, Xu Tui had just injected the gene transcription fluid of the Queen of the Black Crown Bee to obtain the ability of a mental chain. At that time, Xu Tui's flying sword had a maximum control distance of 100 meters. In fact, when the long shot reached 100 meters, Xu Tui's control of Feijian had been greatly weakened, and even turning around became very difficult. Therefore, when the mental power chain is released at a distance of 100 meters, the effective killing distance of Xu Tui's flying sword is actually about 90 meters. However, when Xu Tui opens a second-level gene base point, when his mental power increases by about 5%, the outward distance of the mental power chain will also increase by about the same percentage. This improvement is very, very impressive. At that time, only two genetic bases were turned on on the second floor of Xu Tui, and the distance between the flying swords was 100 meters. When the sixth gene base point of the second layer was turned on, Xu Tui's flying sword had a farthest control distance of 121 meters, and an effective killing distance of 110 meters. Now, Xu Tui has reached the seventh genetic base point of the second layer. The farthest control distance of Feijian has reached about 127 meters. And it's not just distance that improves. The increase in the total amount of mental power will increase the initial speed and acceleration of the silver pill and Feijian controlled by Xu retreat. This will greatly enhance the lethality of Xu Tui's Feijian and Yin Wan. The improvement in these two aspects is not as high as about 5% in the farthest distance. However, for each genetic base point of the second layer, the initial speed and acceleration of Yin Pill and Feijian are increased by between 2% and 3%. This is why Xu Tui wants to seize all the time to improve his strength before the actual battle. As Xu Tui's strength base is getting bigger and bigger, every time a new genetic base point is opened, the improvement of Xu Tui's strength is very considerable. Xu Tui just sensed the change in his mental power, and he let go of his mind directly from the state of meditation, and soon fell asleep again. At 7:30, the alarm clock woke Xu Tui on time an hour and a half later. "The part of the mental power I used up just now has recovered about 70%, and the total mental power is about 90%. That's enough!" Next, Xu Tui got up at the fastest speed, brushed his teeth, washed his face and dressed for three minutes. After five minutes, I quickly cleaned up the hygiene of the bathroom and public areas. He's doing pretty well every day now, and it's pretty quick to clean up. Afterwards, Xu Tui ran to the Hero Food Center in Area C with the attitude of running and fitness, five eggs in white water, ten large buns mixed with meat and vegetables, and a large glass of milk, eating while walking. At 7:57, Xu Tui drank the last drop of milk and stepped into the first floor of the actual combat training building. The first time Xu Xu stepped into the building, he felt a little uncomfortable. A very sweet-looking girl walked into the actual combat training building in front of Xu Tui with a bag of food. "Cui Xi, I know you're busy this morning. I don't think you have time for breakfast, so I brought you breakfast specially. You love fried eggs, grilled sausages, cold beef, and steamed buns." The little beauty smiled sweetly. Then, he handed a large package of food to Cui Xi. The other students who were selected to participate in the war who had already arrived, immediately booed, and the little beauty who booed was blushing and tender. "Thank you." Cui Xi took it generously, then opened it and put it on the table, greeting the other students. "Have you guys missed dinner? Let's go together." The other students shook their heads one after another. Cui Xi happened to see Xu Tui who came in, and greeted Xu Tui casually. "Come on, have you eaten? Didn't you come to eat together." "I just ate it" Xu Tui had a gloomy look on his face, and he felt a little choked up when he devoured himself on the road just now. Before Xu Tui was depressed and relieved, Chai Xiao's iconic three-color hair appeared at the door of the actual combat training building. Carrying a bag of food, the guy walked up to Xu Xu and shook his head. "Brother, I know you must have eaten it, needless to say." Then Chai Xiao went straight to Chi Hongying and said, "Hongying, I brought you breakfast. You got up at 6:30 in the morning to train, so you will quickly eat something to replenish your physical strength." She retreated and swayed her breakfast in front of Chi Hongying, who was still sweating on her forehead. Xu Tui: "Have you known what breakfast I'm going to buy?" "Brother Shank, you really arrived earlier than us. Have you had breakfast yet? Qingqing and I brought you breakfast specially." When Xu Tui was leaning on his side and looking depressed, Gong Ling's sweet voice suddenly came to Xu Tui sounded from behind. Gong Ling and Zuo Qingqing brought a lunch box to Xu Rei's side. As soon as the two beauties, Gong Ling and Zuo Qingqing, appeared, they caught the attention of all the male students present. Not to mention Gong Ling, she is a sweet girl with long hair fluttering and she looks sweet. Therefore, wherever Gong Ling goes, it is extremely sunny. Compared with Gong Ling, Zuo Qingqing was more able to attract the attention of male classmates. She is more than 1.7 meters tall, with two long legs and her slender waist and good figure, she can attract attention wherever she goes. However, Zuo Qingqing's slender and fair neck, with a slightly raised head, had a slightly high-cold temperament, but she just painted a light shape, and her hair was simply tied up. In this way, her temperament has changed from a little high and cold to a swan-like beauty. At this time, Gong Ling and Zuo Qingqing gathered around Xu Tui, and each handed a lunch box. Many students, including Cui Xi, were stunned. In fact, Xu Tui also stayed. He had no idea that Gong Ling and Zuo Qingqing would appear here. And they brought him breakfast. It was the first time for Xu Tui to be served breakfast by a beautiful girl. Chai Xiao, who was still showing off just now, was dumbfounded when he saw Gong Ling and Zuo Qingqing surrounding Xu Tui. "f**k, I thought this kid was a single dog, but I didn't expect him to want to step on two boats with one foot" "Do you also want to be like Xu Tui?" Chi Hongying's cold voice sounded. "How is that possible!" At the critical moment, Chai Xiao turned around and started frantically saving himself. "Hongying, it's enough for me to have you!" Chi Hongying just smiled coldly and didn't speak. "Why are you here?" Xu Tui looked at Gong Ling and Zuo Qingqing who suddenly appeared, confused. "Brother Calf, of course I'm bringing you breakfast. Qingqing and I have specially chosen your favorite big buns. You shouldn't have had breakfast yet, right?" Gong Ling said. Xu Tui wanted to say that he had already eaten it, but after thinking about the wolf-like eyes in all directions, and thinking about the face of Chai Xiao's previous face, he took it decisively. "I didn't eat it, it's just right." Let's talk about stuffing a big meat bun first.      While Xu Tui was eating, Gong Ling stepped forward and lightly pulled Xu Tui's left arm, and whispered, "Brother Calf, you have been selected for the actual combat exchange with the Yiin Union District today, right?" "Yes, what's wrong?" Xu Tui nodded.      "Brother Calf, will you take us into the infield area to watch the game? Today, there are many people watching the actual battle, not to mention those inside the school, there are also many people outside the school. The students of our school are basically all in the middle and outer areas. It's too far, even if we take the vision, we can't see the audience clearly." Gong Ling said. Xu Tui was stunned. Only then did I realize how the loving breakfast sent by these two beauties came from? It turned out to be because of this, wasn't it because Xu Tui was handsome? Immediately, Xu Tui felt that the big bun in his hand was not fragrant.    "Can I bring other people into the infield?" Xu Tui was a little puzzled. "Of course you can. In theory, every senior who participates in the actual combat competition can bring an on-the-spot assistant, emergency assistant or something. Look, don't all those seniors bring along?" Gong Ling whispered. "They all bring one, can I bring two?" Xu Tui was stunned. "The school should be very lenient in this regard. When someone asks, you can say that you bring friends and family members to guide teachers or guides or something." Gong Ling's eyes were a little dodgy, and it seemed that she didn't know much. "Well, then I'll try." Xu Tui had to say. Got the affirmative answer, Gong Ling was instantly happy, hugging Xu Tui's arm with a look of joy, "Brother Shank, you are so good." Xu Tui suddenly felt a little strange. His arms felt that Gong Ling's chest was so soft! So flexible! "Qingqing, it's alright!" Gong Ling turned around to announce the good news to Zuo Qingqing without realizing it. Aside, Chai Xiao stared blankly again. Xu Tui is disappointed, and the good feeling is always short-lived!    "Xu Tui, this is the information about the candidates for actual combat exchange reported by the visiting group from the Yiin Union. We have summarized their weaknesses and strengths." Cui Xi suddenly called Xu Tui over. "You were selected temporarily yesterday, because I knew that you were too mentally exhausted yesterday, and I didn't call you in the research at night, so I will give you the information at this time. You need to read it carefully. What you need to pay special attention to is this new print gene. Azari from the Department of Mystery at the University of Evolution, because you are the second candidate to deal with Azari! I will also send you his video data. You will think about the battle plan with him later, starting at 9:30 , you still have an hour and a half." Cui Xi said. "Okay, thank you." Xu Tui was worried about this before. Unexpectedly, Cui Xi and the others have done their homework long ago, so he would just pick up the ready-made ones. Time passed quickly, an hour passed quickly. Xu Tui not only read all the information, but also had several combat plans for the challenge to Azari. Suddenly, a group of students who gathered to study in the combat center on the first floor got up one after another. "Brother Calf, hurry up, the principal is here." Gong Ling, who had been staying quietly beside Xu Tui, looked at the principal Wen Xinglun who came over, his eyes full of little stars. This was the first time she saw Wen Xinglun, president of Huaxia Gene Evolution University, from such a close distance. "It seems that the students all arrived early. I came to see you. By the way, I have some bad news to tell you." The principal, Wen Xinglun, has black hair and is very energetic. At this time, in front of many students, he is very kind.      Following the instruction of Principal Wen Xinglun, the Dean of Academic Affairs Yan Chen stepped forward and said, "Twenty minutes ago, we received an urgent notice from the exchange delegation from the Yiin Union District. Two of their actual exchange personnel had a bad stomach last night. Today is very bad. So they need to replace two people temporarily. The two replaced people are the two people with the worst strength in the actual combat exchange candidates reported earlier. The problem is, the two newly replaced students, we are currently in addition to Apart from the names, there is no other intelligence information to support you. Our intelligence staff in the Yiin Union area have already begun to step up their search for the information of these two people, but there is no result yet." Yan Chen, director of the Academic Affairs Office, made a statement. All the students present were stunned. "In this case, our established strategy and candidate arrangement will be completely disrupted." Cui Xi's words made the expressions of all the students present become serious.
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