Chapter 104 Silver Sword Brother

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  "Three minor bone fractures. Severe soft tissue contusion, hemorrhage. Moderate contusion of muscles, and severe damage to the epidermis in a small area." The doctor in the medical room not far from the Dragon Tiger Arena was very professional in diagnosing and treating Xu Tui's injury. The doctor quickly gave his opinion. "You don't need to inject bone growth-promoting needles, two circulatory drugs, one today, one tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, except for a slight bone c***k, everything will be fine. But you have to pay attention to your bone c***k It may take three to five It takes days to recover, just be careful not to have any more damage in the past few days."    When Xu Tui came out of the medical room, he received a text message reply from Wei Dajiang. "Okay, tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, you go directly to the first floor of the actual combat training building to gather and report."    "Yeah!" Xu Tui waved his fist excitedly, which inevitably involved a little injury. "Brother Chai, sister-in-law and Lao Zhuang, I have a big victory today. It stands to reason that I should invite you to a big meal, but I have a lot of things to do. I will participate in the meeting with the Yiin Union tomorrow. At the same time, my silver pills also need to be replaced and supplemented, this Sunday, this Sunday, I will invite you to dinner." Xu Tui said.    "That's what you said! I'm waiting." Chai Xiao was very happy when Xu Tui offered to invite him to dinner.    Xu Tui smiled: "Well, no problem, anyway, you still owe me two meals, then I'll treat you, you pay!"    "How can you be like this?" Chai Xiao had a toothache and wanted to beat Xu Tui. "Brother Xu, this is the E-level energy supplement that was finally obtained from the arena plus the registration fee today. There are 34 bottles in total. It includes 20 bottles of the principal and 14 bottles of the registration fee. Among the principal, there are five bottles. Brother Xu, you gave it, and I bought the other fifteen bottles temporarily. I will get the principal back. Brother Xu, this is yours. While speaking, Zhuang Ziqiang handed a total of nineteen bottles of E-level energy supplements to Xu Tui.   Xu Tui glanced at Zhuang Ziqiang, took the potions, and then divided the fourteen bottles of E-level energy supplement potions he earned into two. "Today, I have to thank you for your help. Otherwise, not only will I not be able to achieve my goals, but also I will not be able to earn these benefits. This half belongs to you."    After Xu Tui finished speaking, Xu Tui said to the staring Chai Xiao, "Brother Chai, you are a local tyrant, you don't have your share."    "Don't be like this, I'm also short of potions, you can score me a little bit." Chai Xiao looked poor. "Let's go, be content." Xu Tui glanced at Chi Hongying, and Chai Xiao immediately laughed, "Hey, I'm joking. I'll wait for you to have dinner, remember, you treat, you pay Account!"    Xu returned the seven bottles of E-level energy supplements that he handed over, but Zhuang Ziqiang did not accept them, but pushed them back. "Brother Xu, this is against the rules! Today, I helped as a friend, so I can't accept it. If I accept it, Brother Xu doesn't take me as a friend. Besides, I just moved my tongue." Zhuang Ziqiang refused very firmly.    "One size is one size, friends are still friends, but you have to take the benefits." Xu Tui insisted. "No, I absolutely can't accept this. If I accept these bottles of potions today, how can I be friends with Brother Xu? Brother Xu, so, today we are considered friends, it will take a long time in the future, how can you take care of me? My business is good." Zhuang Ziqiang insisted.    Xu Tuan wanted to say something, but Chai Xiao suddenly spoke up. "Don't be mother-in-law and mother. Xu Tui, just do as Xiaozhuang said! This time, you have completely known each other and become friends. In the future, brother, you should take care of his business. Of course, you still have to thank Xiaozhuang. Yes. Treat him to a big dinner on weekends, and remember to bring me! You have to take care of yourself."    "It seems that you eat a lot, so you can't eat even if I set a table for you?" Chi Hongying choked Chai Xiao to death in one sentence.   Chai Xiao said: "Is it okay to ask Brother Cheng Mo to come?"   Chi Hongying sneered: "That's your brother Yinjian's iron buddy. Does he need you to say hello?"   Chai Xiao: "..."    Xu Tui was stunned when he heard it. The name his sister-in-law Chi Hongying called him again, Brother Yinjian. It sounds pretty cool. But after reading it once, Xu Hui's expression changed first. Because Yinjian is a bit homophonic and lascivious?    "Sister-in-law, this is a flying sword, not a silver sword." Xu Tui hurriedly emphasized.    "The silver flying sword, isn't that the silver sword?" Chi Hongying wondered.    "Hahahaha!" Chai Xiao, who had reacted, laughed loudly, "Brother Yinjian Xu Tui, now I'm comfortable!"    In the end, this matter was done as Chai Xiao said, Zhuang Ziqiang didn't take anything, and Xu Tui promised to invite them dinner on the weekend. Xu Tui was not a pedantic person, and he didn't insist any longer. In this matter, you are affectionate and I am righteous. Zhuang Ziqiang is so good, Xu Tui will not lose him in the future.    After Xu Tui separated from the three, he got an eco-friendly bicycle, and at the same time endured the throbbing pain in his chest, and hurried to the Gene Armed Center. Tomorrow's actual combat is imminent, and his weapons and equipment can be done. As for the school, the video about Brother Yinjian Feijian has gone crazy. Xu Tui wanted to take the initiative to spread the nicknames such as Feijianxia, ​​Yijianfeixian, Xiaojianxian, etc. But Xu Tui's influence on the campus was simply impossible. On the contrary, the name of the silver sword brother is the most popular.    "Teacher, take a look at my alloy silver pill after it is damaged, can it be repaired?" At the counter of the Gene Arming Center, Xu Tui took the initiative to take out the wreckage of the alloy silver pill that was split in half by Wang Qiu.    "It's split like this, there must be a slight loss in weight, and the strength has also changed, so it's impossible to repair it," said the work teacher.    "Can't be repaired?" Xu Tui couldn't help but feel a pain in his flesh. Wang Qiu was too cruel, his army stabbed down, and the 10,000 yuan Xu retreated plus two points of merit, just disappeared.       However, the next round of the work teacher made Xu Tui overjoyed. "However, the alloy silver pellets are mainly tellurium alloys that are valuable, and the processing costs are not too expensive. We recycle your scrapped materials. The normal recycling price is 8,000 yuan per gram. Of course, it is only cash when recycling. The value does not count for merit." The work teacher said.    "That's great." Xu Tui, overjoyed, hurriedly handed it over.   The work teacher weighed the weight. "The original weight is 5 grams, and the material recovery price is 40,000 yuan, but the weighing is only 4.92 grams, and the loss is 80 mg, so the recycling price should be 39,200 yuan."    At this price, although I lost more than 10,000 yuan all at once, and I got two points of merit, but I got most of it back, so it won't all disappear. Xu is very happy to return it.   The teacher asked: "Then do you want to add new alloy silver pills?"    Xu Tui said: "Of course I have to add."   The work teacher asked: "Is the weight still five grams? And how many alloy silver pills do you need?"    "Let me take a look." Xu Tui checked his personal account first, and after only one glance, he smiled bitterly. In the end, he had more than 70,000 yuan left.    Judging from today's battle, the five alloy silver pills, if he encounters a strong opponent like Miao Huanshan, may not be enough for Xu Tui. Considering this direction, it is best to prepare ten of this alloy silver pill. But the problem is that one alloy silver pill needs ten merits plus fifty thousand cash. At present, Xu Tui has four silver pills in his hand, so he needs to add another six silver pills, so he needs to spend at least 300,000 yuan for these. But he doesn't have enough money, he's still a lot worse. There is another problem. Xu Tui only discovered during the actual battle today that maybe his mental strength has grown a little faster this week. Maybe it was because he was inexperienced at the beginning, he was not thoughtful, and the weight he chose was not appropriate. Xu Tui felt that these silver pills were a little lighter now, so the corresponding power of these silver pills was slightly worse. Xu Tui reckoned that the 6-gram silver pill was the most suitable, and he had no pressure to move it. If his mental strength is slightly improved, seven grams is the most suitable. However, to add a 7-gram one, it would cost 70,000 yuan, and if he replaced the 5-gram silver pills he had previously had with 7-gram silver pills, he would have to spend more to do it. . He really can't afford it.    Seeing Xu Tui's hesitant appearance, the work teacher suddenly laughed, "Why, you are short of money, not enough money?"    Xu Tui nodded, "It's really a bit expensive, I'm running out of money, let's buy two 5-gram ones first." Now that he has more than 70,000 yuan in his hand and 39,200 yuan from recycling, he can only buy two 5-gram silver pills, and then the refund will only be more than 10,000 yuan. Although Xu Tui can only change the alloy silver pellets in his hand from the original five to six, it can be regarded as a little more protection. Fortunately, Xu Tui won fourteen bottles of E-level energy supplements in today's competition, which he used for his cultivation. With the addition of his original two bottles, his cultivation could last for three or four days. Otherwise, Xu Tui would have no resources for cultivation.    Xu Tui has been decided, after tomorrow, he must think of ways to get money. Whether it is meritorious deeds or other business, he must get money. At this stage, his cultivation must not stop.    "They are still students, and it is normal to be short of money. However, the school's welfare is still very good. If it is in short supply, you can get low-interest loans." The work teacher said suddenly.    "Low-interest loan?" Xu Tui was stunned. It was the first time he noticed this. The work teacher explained suspiciously: "Don't you know? Many students are using low-interest loans! Including sophomores and juniors who buy repulsion skateboards or even repulsion speeders, they are all taking loans. This aspect is our Chinese genetic evolution. University students, the benefits the school gives you are still excellent."    Hearing this sentence, Xu Tui's first reaction was the repulsion speeder that Luo Murong bought. Does this guy have a loan? But immediately, Xu Tui was moved. If you have a low-interest loan, use it first. It's a big deal that he will return slowly after some time has passed. "Teacher, how do you get this low-interest loan?"    "Your personal communication device directly logs into our school's student cultivation support program. The various requirements are clearly written on it, and they are all released in seconds." The work teacher said.    Xu Tui hurriedly checked. The student cultivation support program of Huaxia Gene Evolution University is a very comprehensive and systematic support program.   The loan amount of each student is related to each student's admission grade, personal strength, and personal authority. For example, the gene liberator level, starting from the E level, each time the level is increased, the personal loan limit will increase by 50,000. Xu Tui regretted a little, but he had never assessed the level of gene liberators. This also caused his loan limit to be not high, and now he only has a total loan limit of 600,000. Among them, the loan amount of 500,000 is still contributed by the personal authority of the subordinate D-level subordinates. But the corresponding interest rate is really low. Normal E-level intermediate authority and below, the annual interest is 3%, E-level superior authority is 2.9% per annum, and D-level lower authority is 2.8% per annum. The loan term is one year!      Xu Tui only thought about it for three minutes before he made a decision. loan! A year later, could he still earn less than 600,000? To know that he has more than 600,000 merits in his personal account now, right? He will use this loan first, at least he will be ready for tomorrow's battle. As the work teacher in front of me said, the loan arrives in seconds! Xu Tui just submitted the application, and within 30 seconds, 600,000 arrived!    Xu Tui said, "Teacher, I want six alloy silver pills of seven grams."    Xu retreated, he can activate the seventh gene base point of the second layer of the "Spiritual Sea Concentration and Sense Basic Forging Knowledge Version 4.9" tonight, and his mental power can be increased by about 5%. So he simply made it in one step, and directly switched to seven grams of silver pills.    "For six 7-gram alloy silver pills, the unit price is 14 points of merit and 70,000 yuan in cash. So for six silver pills, you need to pay 84 points of merit plus 420,000 in cash." The work teacher said.    promised to refund the payment, and soon got the alloy silver pill and left. Of the 600,000 he just got, he spent most of it at once. Including the previous one, the remaining cash was less than 300,000. However, what attracted Xu Tui's attention this time was the merit. In the past, Xu Tuijue's 1,000 meritorious points were quite a lot, and it could take a long time. But today, when he replaced six seven-gram alloy silver pills, his 84 points of merit disappeared. Xu Tui suddenly felt that it seemed that the merits were not worth it. However, Xu Tui felt that these were still worthwhile. At least with this sufficient preparation, Xu Tui will be more confident in the actual combat communication tomorrow. "I have to tell Teacher An, um, good news."
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