Chapter 65 The Speed of Life And Death

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"Hello classmates, my name is Luo Shifeng. I am a professor of the Department of Neurology at Xtreme College. I teach a public class on neural responses. I hope this year will bring you joy and progress." Luo Shifeng, a professor of the department, didn't talk nonsense, and cut to the chase.           Luo Shifeng continued without any nonsense: "I'll talk about three points here. First, the public class in our neurology department has the largest number of students. Today's class has as many as 1,500 students. So I ask to keep absolute silence, I don't want to hear any personal communication device voices and any private voices. If I hear these voices, please go out, don't interfere with other students listening to the get out of class, watch the video alone after class "Secondly, if you have any questions, unless I ask questions, please ask your questions separately after class or during training, otherwise, this class will not be available. Third, during the lecture, do whatever I ask you to do and obey. If you have any doubts, you can choose not to do it, but you are not allowed to interrupt my lecture. Did you all understand? "    "Understood." The students' answers were neat, and many of them reconfirmed that their personal communication devices were turned off to silent mode. Everyone knows that being kicked out of class is no joke. Luo Shifeng waited for a while, then continued: "Okay, the first thing is to get familiar with the training format you are in. The training for a while is all within this training format." When Professor Luo After teaching the rules of the class, his image in the eyes of the students is that of a serious, rigorous, disciplined and obedient professor. "I believe that many students have already learned about the neural response course, so I won't talk nonsense about what you know. I will only talk about one question, the speed of neural response is very, very important. But everyone knows how important it is to you. To what extent? For example, special equipment driver's license, special weapon operation license, all have the minimum neural response speed requirements. The neural response speed of normal people is about 0.2 seconds to 0.3 seconds, like your students, it is generally 200 milliseconds Between 250 milliseconds. Some students who have had long-term training, the neural response speed can reach 100 milliseconds, which is already a very fast response speed. However, the requirements for the neural response speed of special equipment and special weapons operating licenses are all It's 10 milliseconds, or 0.01 seconds. If you don't meet this requirement, you don't even have the qualifications for the examination. This is what you are most interested in." Professor Luo paused for a while and continued: "There are other things that you are not interested in or don't want to face, such as life and death! The speed of neural response, we call it the speed of life and death." Turned out a high-energy weapon and a thermal weapon, both of which are miniature charge series. "For these two weapons, the initial velocities of the energy plasma and bullet are 1500 meters per second and 1200 meters per second respectively. Within 10 meters, who of you can escape its strafing? You don't need to answer, who has this confidence? Just stand up."   The audience was silent, no one dared to move. At 1,500 meters per second, at a distance of ten meters, whoever stands up is almost like seeking death.   Professor Luo continued to ask: "So what if the distance is expanded to 50 meters? Anyone?"    Still nobody.   Professor Luo continued to ask: "What if the distance is extended to 100 meters?" When they heard 100 meters, a few students from the Limit Department shook their bodies, but still no one stood up. They have some ideas, but they don't have that confidence after all. Professor Luo said with a smile: "Okay, no one, then I'll show you what the speed of life and death is today. I'll just start at ten meters, please keep shooting at me until the magazine runs out." Professor Luo Two guns were thrown to the assistant. He also put on a helmet and body armor. "Normally, I don't need this, I have this confidence. However, be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. I am also a role model and a requirement. When students conduct any training involving danger in the future , Be sure to wear protective equipment, no matter how strong and confident you are, remember that you only have one life, otherwise, you only need a little accidental interference, and you will definitely not see the sun tomorrow."   Professor Luo stood still. Fifty meters behind the podium, a soft curtain was raised, which should have intercepted the ammunition. "Let's start." It was almost the moment when the voice fell to the ground. The assistant pulled the high-energy weapon and started firing. The sound of zizizi kept ringing, and sixty high-energy plasmas were excited in a short period of time, forming a light curtain. At first glance, Professor Luo seemed to be covered by this light curtain.    Many classmates couldn't help but exclaim, but when they remembered Professor Luo's request, they chose to cover their mouths tightly. Almost at the next moment, the sound of the conventional thermal weapon's bursting sound rang out, and the forty-five rounds of the magazine were swept away in a few seconds, and then interweaved into a barrage. Because of the visual illusion, many people feel that Professor Luo should be about to be beaten into a sieve.    But when the light curtain and the barrage disappeared, Professor Luo still stood on the podium intact. Most of the classmates, even how Professor Luo dodged, could not see clearly.    "Oh, the hairstyle is a little messy." Professor Luo lightly trimmed his hair. The classmates under the stage were beyond words to be surprised.    In terms of being handsome, Professor Luo from the Department of Neural Response can get full marks! Professor Luo calmly asked: "Now you understand what the speed of life and death is? No matter how powerful you are, whether you are from the extreme or the mystery department, if your neural reaction speed is too poor, no matter where you go, you will die. .Your neural response speed is 100 milliseconds, and the enemy's neural response speed is 50 milliseconds. In theory, regardless of distance, your enemy can kill you many times within 50 milliseconds. On the battlefield, especially close In a melee from a distance, or in the face of energy weapons and thermal weapons, as long as you don't cover the barrage, if your neural response is fast enough, you will naturally have a better chance of surviving. Our neural response class is In order to train your neural reaction speed. Under normal circumstances, with extreme training, people's reaction speed can reach 100 milliseconds or even lower, but the corresponding training is too difficult and cannot be popularized. In today's age of genes, it is possible to greatly shorten the time for training the neural response speed with the help of the effect of medicine. Please remember that our neural response class goal is 10 milliseconds. If after a year, your personal neural response speed is less than 10 milliseconds, then your personal isotonic evaluation will drop by a small order. "    Xu Hui's eyes flickered with brilliance. One year later, if the individual's neural response speed is less than 10 milliseconds, the individual's grade evaluation will be lowered by one grade. Among all the courses, Xu Tui knows that this is the only course that does not meet the standard and is downgraded. Schools should also stipulate this in order to emphasize the importance of neural response speed. A matter of life and death! The school has stipulated this level, if you don't pay attention to it, it can only be said that there is a problem with your brain. Professor Luo started the teaching mode: "Before injecting the neurosensitizing agent, we will test the basic neural response speed of the classmates and make a record for comparison with the later training. See the matrix laser hole above your head. Okay, after a while, this matrix laser will emit high-frequency induction laser, mainly to your head, including your eyes. It will not cause any harm to you, but the first moment it hits your skin or eyes, it will be recorded. , and then upload it to the school's super data center, calculate your neural response speed, and feed it back to you. What you need to do is to dodge these high-frequency induction lasers as much as possible. It doesn't matter if you are shot, you just try to dodge. I Let me teach you an extra tip. Each high-frequency induction laser has a predetermined target. When it is ready to shoot, your locked part will feel a little weak. For example, if it hits the area of ​​your forehead, It's a hit. But if you dodge the area of ​​your forehead and get shot in the ear, you dodge it, not a failure. It's just because your body speed can't keep up with your neural response speed. There has been improvement. Did everyone understand?"   "Prepare!"    Xu Tui immediately gave his full attention. In the next instant, the tip of Xu Tui's nose was slightly itchy, and a laser shot came. Before Xu Tui could react, the tip of his nose was slightly hot, and he knew that he had been shot. Afterwards, the high-frequency induction laser continued to shoot down, and Xu Tui tried his best to avoid it. He even turned on telepathy, but it had little effect.         Although Xu Tui sensed the landing point, he just couldn't escape. He knew his nerves weren't reacting fast enough. Although he could dodge just by turning his head slightly, he just couldn't. If this really encounters dense laser weapons, then he will not be beaten into a sieve in an instant.         After three minutes, the test stops. Xu Tui felt that he only avoided about 20% of the lasers, and many of them were dodged subconsciously. In short, that is, the blind cat touched a dead mouse, and did not escape by the speed of neural response.    In front of each person's square, there is a small electronic screen, which immediately shows each person's neural response speed. Xu Tui's neural response speed was 180 milliseconds, 0.18 seconds. The results of other students were similar. Only a few students in the extreme department have a neural response speed of 130 milliseconds, and most of the students have a neural response speed between 150 and 250. And there are not too many students whose test results are more than 200 milliseconds. You must know that after the injection of the gene liberation agent, the basic quality has been improved to a certain extent. Professor Luo's voice came again: "Okay, the students now have an understanding of their neural reaction speed. It can be said that with your current neural reaction speed, a hot weapon can wipe out you all. Nonsense. Not much to say, now start to distribute gene sensitizers, subcutaneous injection, do it yourself. Within three hours after the injection, your neural response will be multiplied. At this time, if you perform neural response training, the effect is the most Good. This will directly stimulate several gene base points related to your neural reaction speed. At the same time, under the accumulated high-intensity training, you can turn on the gene base points in neural reaction speed, thereby greatly improving your neural reaction speed. In addition, I remind you that the peak effect of neurosensitizers is one and a half hours, and it begins to decline after one and a half hours, and it declines by 80% after three hours. The remaining 20% ​​of the effect will be in the Complete metabolism within five days. During these five days, you can also continue to train the neural response speed. Therefore, our neural response training class is once a week, please remember it. In addition, this neurosensitizing agent is injected After that, there will be some side effects, but they vary from person to person. For example, insomnia, anxiety, sensitivity, short temper, irritability, loss of appetite, etc. But they are not serious, please try your best to overcome them."    During Professor Luo's speech, some teaching assistants and many students quickly completed the distribution of nerve stimulants. This is a small red disposable injection.    "Did you all get the neurosensitizer?" Professor Luo suddenly laughed. "In our class, there is competition to have motivation. Well, during these three hours, your neural response speed has increased by more than 50 milliseconds. Those three bottles of E-level energy supplements belong to whom. There is only one prize, whose response is The speed increase is the largest, who will take it."    Laughing, Professor Luo Shifeng put three bottles of E-level energy supplements on the table. Many students turned their attention to the prizes. After more than a month of school, if you don't know the importance of E-level energy supplements, you will be an i***t! With it, you can continuously train and practice and improve yourself. Otherwise, the physical strength will be exhausted in one hour of extreme training, eat slowly and fall asleep to restore physical strength. Three bottles of potion are enough for many students to consume for three or four days.    Xu Tui's gaze the prizes eagerly. These are three bottles of E-level energy supplements! Still, he's a little skeptical that he'll be able to boost the speed of neural responses by 50ms or more in three hours?   Looking at the reactions of more than a thousand students below, Professor Luo Shifeng was very happy. This is the method he always likes to use, that is, he gives a reward that makes the students very excited. Although the classmates thought they could achieve it, in fact no student could achieve the goal he set. Finally, when Professor Luo looked at the students who wanted to get the reward but couldn't get it, he was very happy. Luo Shifeng felt that as a teacher, he kept repeating the content of a class, which was actually very boring. It's like eating the same bowl of noodles every day, no matter how delicious it is, you will get tired of it. Of course, this is Professor Luo Shifeng's theory. It is also one of the few pleasures that Professor Luo Shifeng has been teaching neural response courses over the years.
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