Chapter 61 The Supernatural Power of Destroying Telepathy

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The thirty-six genetic basis points of the first layer of "Spiritual Sea Concentration and Sense of Sense-forging Knowledge Method Version 4.9" have all been activated as of today. After careful calculation, Xu Tui has only been practicing for less than a month. If you calculate it accurately, four and a half weeks, just 31 days. That means that Xu Tui has opened a total of 29 new gene base points in 31 days. In this way, Xu Tui has accumulated forty-nine genetic basis points. In terms of numbers, Xu Tui should be ahead of other freshmen.    But in terms of the genetic ability chain that was opened, Xu Tui was considered backward. Both the extreme department and the mystery department have students who have opened three or four genetic ability chains, and even five. Of course, the genetic competence chain is different from the genetic competence chain. Some gene ability chains only need three or five gene base points to open, but the ability value they show is not the same.    Xu Tui cultivates this genetic ability chain, and only after thirty-six genetic base points are fully opened can a genetic ability chain be opened. Therefore, the corresponding ability value displayed is completely different. That is, after Xu Tui turned on some genetic base points, some of his own physical qualities would have some insignificant enhancements. such as memory and vision. Of course, the most important ability is low-level manifestation! Although it was said that Xu Tui could be manifested at a low level a week ago, but according to the "Spiritual Sea Concentration Sense Basic Forging Knowledge Version 4.9", Xu Tui has now completely opened a genetic ability chain.    Now if Xu Tui applies for a genetic test, after passing, he will be certified as an F-level gene liberator. Well, that is the kind that will have authentication and all the information will be online. However, for Xu Tui personally, he felt that it was meaningless. Because this certification will not improve Xu Tui's current personal rank treatment, nor will it bring any benefits.   Because according to the usual practice, the personal rank treatment of freshmen will only undergo a drastic change after the three-month growth period is over. The basis for identification at that time will be the number and value of the genetic capability chain. Instead of just entering the very simple number of genetic basis points.    Within 31 days, Xu Tui consumed a total of 79 bottles of E-level energy supplements. Except for the five he received according to his personal rank treatment, the rest are all at his own expense. Xu Tui spent a total of more than 370,000. Because the discount brought by the personal D-level subordinate authority is not much. Such demerits caused Xu Tui's wallet to shrink rapidly, and it should have shrunk by more than one-third. And next month, Xu Tui expects that he will consume more than 90 E-level energy supplements, and of course it is likely to reach 100.    This is mainly because Xu Tui's reasonable planning of the training time recently increased the consumption of his cultivation. In addition, because of Xu Tui's growing mental power, Xu Tui's continuous cultivation time has also been continuously increased, which also means that the corresponding consumption will naturally increase a lot.    Of course, Xu returned some distressed money, but he did not regret it at all. Because he obviously feels that his strength has improved significantly this month. Even this week, in the six days since the conflict with Deng Wei, Xu Tui's progress has been astonishing. Just now, Xu Tui discovered that after opening the thirty-sixth gene base point and completely opening the first layer, although his mental power did not skyrocket due to the breakthrough, it made his mental induction clearer and more stable! Although you can neither see nor touch the mental power, the amazing thing is that Xu Tui felt that his mental perception had improved significantly. Now his condensed spiritual cone has become more solid and stable. Although his spirit cone still couldn't move at high speed to hurt people, Xu Tui was able to exert more power on the spirit cone.    Xu Tui made a comparison in his mind. Six days ago, Deng Wei could smash Xu Tui's invisible spiritual cone with one kick. Although he slammed into it, he only had a bag on his head. But now Xu Tui is sure that if Deng Wei slams his head over without knowing it, then Deng Wei will definitely have a b****y head and even a concussion on the spot. If it can be described more vividly, the strength of Xu Tui's mental cone six days ago is like the strength of an ordinary brick. But six days later, the strength of Xu Tui's mental cone had turned into a hard stone. In real life, there are many people who can break bricks with their bare hands, but there are not many people who can break stones with their bare hands. More importantly, Xu Tui discovered that he could now condense and arrange two spiritual cones at the same time. With two spiritual cones, although the actual combat ability of spiritual power is still not very strong, when applied, tactics and flexibility are different. Of course, the benefits of opening and completing the first layer of "Spiritual Sea Concentration and Sense-Based Forging Knowledge 4.9" are more than just these.    With a slight movement of mental power, Xu Tui's mental power immediately spread all over his body. "Six meters!" The range of mental induction has reached the limit of the length and width of Xu Tui's room, which exceeds the width of Xu Tui's room by a lot. Xu Tui even 'saw' directly into the room of Luo Murong, his roommate next door.    After seeing the situation in Luo Murong's room, Xu Tui's first reaction was a little strange. "Fortunately, it's a male roommate, if it's a female roommate," Xu Tui had countless associations for a while. In the next room, Luo Murong was practicing a type of stance.    Having been a roommate for so long, this is the first time Xu Tui has looked at Luo Murong's room so clearly. In the room, apart from the antique style, what Xu Tui saw the most was books. Paper books that are rarely seen now, and the titles of these books are mostly old.    "In the era of genetic evolution, the practical significance of the seventy-two stunts of Shaolin Temple."    "Theory of Combination of Chinese Martial Arts and Genetic Evolution."    "An Introduction to Confucius."    "The New Gene State Technique Theory."    "The Dialectical Combination of Traditional Chinese Cultivation Theory and Genetic Evolution."    "On the only fast!"    These book titles suddenly aroused Xu Tui's curiosity.    Is this one of the reasons why roommate Luo Murong likes Hanfu? Most of the books Luo Murong read, Xu Tui had only seen them occasionally in fan dramas, and had never touched them.    Today, under the telepathic observation, Xu Tui suddenly saw a new world. After reading Luo Murong's books, Xu Tui discovered that in the age of genetic evolution, something as technological as genetic evolution could still be dialectically combined with ancient martial arts, Chinese martial arts, and traditional Chinese cultivation. Was the zonggong practiced by Luo Murong at that time also a kind of ancient martial arts or new national arts? Luo Murong looked like he had been practicing for a while, and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat. But a few times in front of him, there was still a book, and Luo Murong, who was cultivating, would glance at it from time to time.    This made Xu Tui a little curious. He covered the past with his mental power, trying to read the contents of the book clearly. Then Xu Tui "saw" the flipped pages, and drew one after another of the villain who changed their movements. Every time the villain changed, different parts were marked with red dots.    But at this very moment, Luo Murong's face, who was cultivating with his eyes down, changed abruptly, his sword eyebrows flew, and he shouted angrily: "Go away!" In an instant, Xu Tui fell out of his mental state.    But even after quitting the telepathy, the thunderous roar just now made Xu Tui a little scared. Xu Tui felt that his spirit was affected and fluctuated. Xu Tu was horrified. What roar is this?      Bang bang bang! There was a knock on the door. Xu retreated to open the door, and it was Luo Murong wearing a Hanfu bunt. "It was you just now?"    Xu Tui nodded embarrassedly, "Sorry, I just made a breakthrough, I tried it out of curiosity." "In a month, you can manifest at a low level, and your telepathy distance is more than four meters, which is really good. But next time, don't be so reckless, remember not to use telepathy to spy on others casually. Many people especially Seniors or those who are genetically evolved, they will specially cultivate the ability to target this item. If you are not careful, you will be backlashed or even injured. Just now I roared because I temporarily realized that it might be you, but I still have reservations. , otherwise, you might have been injured." Luo Murong said.    "Thank you, thank you, I won't do it again in the future." Xu Tui was very grateful. In the past few weeks, Xu Tui became the long-term cleaner of the dormitory, which was really uncomfortable. But the attitude of this country-style roommate today made Xu Tui very useful. This is the attitude a roommate should have! Xu Tui then asked curiously, "By the way, what kind of genetic ability do you have?" Luo Murong hesitated for a moment before answering, "It's not purely genetic ability, it's an ancient martial art that the ancient martial arts school of genetic evolution reproduced through genetic evolution - Lion's Roar! Psychopath!"    Xu Tui was stunned. "And this ability." "Of course, there are many more types of genetic abilities than you think. You guys are just getting started." After speaking, Luo Murong turned to leave, but before leaving, he said, "Just now you spied on my privacy by telepathy. This is already a violation of Article 13 of the dormitory convention. Since this is your first offense, I don't want to say more about you, but next week's dormitory hygiene, you have to continue!"   "I" Xu Tui opened his mouth and finally looked helpless. The sanitation of this dormitory is about to be completely contracted by him. It's been three weeks in a row, which is four weeks if the next week is counted. But who let Xu Tui's mental induction just now let this guy find out. The little favor towards Luo Murong that had just risen in Xu Tui's heart disappeared again.    closed the door, Xu Tui continued the experiment of telepathy. This time, Xu Tui tried fuzzy induction. He already knew that the six-meter range was the limit of his clear telepathy. If Xu Hui made a slight sense of blur, the distance could be further. Under such circumstances, Xu Tui could vaguely sense the situation in Luo Murong's house. But in this case, it is absolutely impossible to want to see the content of the book with legs, and he can't even sense the title of the book.    Xu Tui's vague sense passed through Luo Murong and saw a very artistic painting hanging on Luo Murong's wall. He couldn't see the content of the painting clearly, but he could feel that the painting was very artistic. This should probably be due to blur induction.   Although this is the case, Xu Fu is very happy. Because of his vague sense, he ran around in Luo Murong's room for several minutes, and Luo Murong, who was cultivating, didn't notice anything. This led Xu Tui to come to a conclusion - to use fuzzy mental induction more in the future. He knew that in the future, the super-clear version of the telepathy should be used with caution. On the one hand, Luo Murong said that it would cause trouble and even attract counterattacks from others. On the other hand, it is to prevent blindness.   Just now, Xu retreated to the dormitory next door on the other side, that is, 1603, and almost vomited on the spot. In the single room, dozens of pairs of socks with strange colors were thrown underground, and a pile of changed underwear was thrown at the corner of the bed. The most important thing is that the used paper towels are thrown all over the ground, I don't know what to wipe.   Xu Tui had a doubt in his heart after the battle with Deng Wei, should he focus on cultivating spiritual power, or should he consider training on the premise of actual combat survival. He had been hesitant before. But now, Xu Tui suddenly had an idea. To a certain extent, these two cultivation directions do not conflict, especially in Xu Tui.    Due to Xu Tui's cultivation progress, he was faster than most of his classmates. Xu Tui can completely specialize in spiritual power, and when the progress of spiritual power is extremely slow, he will practice other things. For example, Xu Tui practiced the first level of the "Spiritual Sea Concentration and Sensation Basic Training Method 4.9". When the first 24 genetic basis points were activated, basically one could be activated in a day, and sometimes even three in two days. However, the activation of his last twelve gene base points took more time, and as the consequence, the time consumed by the activation of these gene base points became more and more. This is still under the circumstance that Xu Tui's mental strength is increasing and the cultivation time is increasing.    For example, the opening of the thirty-sixth gene base point consumed five bottles of Xu Tui's E-level energy supplements, which took Xu Tui nearly two days to open! Xu Tui could foresee that it might take longer to activate the twenty-four gene base points on the second level of the "Spiritual Sea Concentration Sense Basic Forging Knowledge Method Version 4.9", not to mention the third level. At that time, if the progress of cultivation becomes very slow, Xu Tui can consider cultivating other abilities.    Of course, the premise of withdrawing is to solve the problem of cultivation funds. "Teacher An said that the first level of the "Spiritual Sea Concentration Sense Basic Forging Knowledge Method Version 4.9", even if it is a genius, will take half a year to complete at the earliest. And me, it only took four weeks. Does that mean I'm a genius? Or the super handsome one? "He enjoyed himself for a while, and Xu Tui got up neatly.   Today is Sunday, the school is closed, but Xu Fu has a task. He has to go to the Genetics Institute. The treatment of one bottle of E-level energy supplement potion every month is enough to make Xu Tui obey!
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