
1001 Words
Maya's POV After dinner and dishes, I settled on the back porch. I sat on the workbench, looking out across the juniper trees into the valley below. I was in my tank and PJ pants. "What's wrong Mom?" I heard Jewel ask. "So much to process, Jewel." I breathed. "What is to process?" She countered. "I care for Joe, but I am afraid to fully love him." I was worried. My shock hit shortly after telling her that. "Mom, he is nothing like Dad. He had no reason to help. No reason to stay. But he has," Jewel smiled and said. Wrapping her arms around me, her brown eyes looked up with a smirk. "Plus Hawk and I approve. He is nothing like our original one was. If he had wanted to hurt you he had lots of time." She shrugged, squeezed me one more time, and wandered off to do her thing. Such a smart one she was. He did indeed have many times to do what he could if wanted. Yet never acted on it. The time he had marked me true mates are supposed mates as well. He fought off that by running away. He even, knocked me into the water to take his mark off and allowed me the chance to touch his body. Holding his control and letting me get comfortable with him. The more I thought about realizing that the only similar thing Joe and Mario had in common was they were wolves. But, wolves from very different environments and backgrounds. Hell, Joe didn't even have a pack. Nor did it seem like he wanted one. I sat there pondering so much. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't feel the presence behind me. I was thinking about how well that man could kiss. How my body reacted with tingles and butterflies. "Hey," The voice made me jump. Looking up I saw the man I was thinking about. "Hi," I giggled. Getting out of the workbench. "You ok?" The uneasy way he asked made me realize he was worried. "Just taking some time to process some feelings." I smiled, stepping closer to him. I felt the heat from his body almost immediately. "Can I kiss you?" I was being brave. This was new to me. But I had wanted to kiss him again most of the night. The look he gave told me he was a bit surprised. Laughter rumbled through his chest. "You surprise me at every turn." He stepped closer, picking me up like I weighed nothing he sat me back on the workbench. "So," He paused to place both hands on the workbench leaving me in the middle. No escape. "Last time I sat you here, I gave you a mark." his voice taking on a husky tone. "And you ran shortly after," she snickered. "Are you going to run after a kiss?" She asked with a bit of a smirk. His hands were quick, as they roughly pulled me to his body. My legs on instinct parted, pressing our cores together. I let a gasp out, looking up to see his eyes had darkened a bit. The look on his face showed me every once of love and lust. "If it's what you want, I won't be running," The hunger in his voice, lit a fire instantly in my stomach. "We shall see," I murmured as I stretched up wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him down. The kiss this time was more than a jolt, I wouldn't even know how to explain the feeling, except every pore on your body came alive. A million kisses touching your skin wanting you to scream in the pleasure of it. My arousal was instant. Soaking my undies in milliseconds. My instinct to wrap around him was suddenly like the air I needed to breathe. His hands pinning me against him added to the fire. I felt him, pick me up. He carried me into the house. I heard another door close, followed but my back hitting a mattress. I let out a moan when his weight landed on me. "Easy now wild one," He murmured in my ear. He nipped my ear and down my neck. I let out a softer moan as his hand started to rove my body. My fingers, sliding down to his shoulders, my nails digging into his skin. "Why does my skin feel like it is on fire," I panted as he slowly nibbled my collarbone to the other side of my neck. "If you had your wolf, you very possibly could be having a heat." He purred in my ear. "She-wolves have those?" I gasped as he took a n****e through the shirt. "They do," I heard him growl a little, Lifting my shirt over my head in one movement. The heat of skin, against mine, sent another moan from my lips. His huge hands everywhere all at once. Cupping my breast and pulling another to his lips. My hands, going from his shoulders to his hair. I heard him rumble a low growl as he nibbled each breast. Nipping, suckling, and kneading, my mind was lost in wonder. Having s*x or even making love whatever you called it never felt like this before. Before I could finish that thought, he flipped me so I was sitting on his stomach. "What is this?", I raised an eyebrow, my body on fire. "I am giving you the reins," He winked. I was a little surprised, to say the least. Taking a moment, I decided to try my hand at this seduction thing. I had never been given the reins before. So, this was new, I wiggled down a little, my nose fell into the crook of his neck. The smell of chocolate and raspberries suddenly hit me. This was new. I sniffed again, though I licked too. My two favorite things in a dessert were now just below me. "You smell like chocolate and raspberries" I breathed.

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