Who Knew...

1027 Words
Who knew werewolves and other supernatural beings existed? I sure as hell didn't. I had been living that normal life filled with my husband, kids and making a living reading tarot cards and also animal communication. Nothing, I repeat NOTHING, prepared me for the way my life would turn. My name is Maya Munoz technically, it was Maya Davis but you know marriage and all. I was just hitting the 30 mark in my ever-so-normal life. Yeah, I know what you are thinking so stop it and just read along. Munoz was my husband's last name. He died about three years ago, so I am starting this back then. I need you all to get the background in first before we jump ahead of the insane crazy that is now my life. I fell in love with my high school crush, Mario Munoz. The bad boy of the school, ladies fell all over him. Like any bad boy, yep he fell on top of those said ladies. I on the other hand had no idea he was keeping me insight. I was blissfully unaware of his intentions or his ability to let women fall into his lap. I had my horses and that was the only thing I cared about. Fast forward a few years after high school, I went to college working on a degree in history so that one day I could go to Europe and be a part of the ancient digs there. I ended up running into the bad boy Mario again as he helped get my drunk brother into his car to take him home. He asked for my number. I gave it, no big deal right? Lol, boy was I wrong! That would twist my fate in more significant ways! Another few years, I had gotten married and had a son who was diagnosed with moderate to severe autism. Mario took it in stride and worked hard to get us whatever we needed to help him, like Therapy, doctors, and anything else. It was noticed that our son was hypersensitive to outside noise and influence. Cutting down on the outside world would have a big help. We talked about it in-depth and realized a move to the country would be the best bet. Imagine my excitement when he said I could get a horse again! It had been five long years, my mother and brother did not like him, but he treated me well, and I could not understand their faults for him. (Hold that thought more incoming.) Fast forward another two years, I had a daughter, and she was the apple of his eye. He doted as a good father should and we made the last-minute plans to get out of the city and move to the high desert of Arizona. We would live off-grid and he had found a job in town. My work by then had taken on a more spiritual side. Reading tarot, communicating with animals, and getting paid for it. Who knew!? Our son suddenly started using words and becoming clearer with what he wanted, drawing pictures and looking at the stars at night. On one such night, a wild snowstorm had blown in quickly and caused a white-out situation. I worried all night when he did not come home Nor when he did not answer the phone. It was when the local Sheriff showed up at my front gate. Telling me that my husband died instantly when they ran off the road hitting a telephone pole. Yes, you heard that right... They a woman (his mistress) I stood in shock. She had moved out here too but stayed in town as she was the court reporter. Not only had I lost the man I loved, but I also found out he had been cheating on me for years! I was pissed beyond belief. Still felt like my heart was ripped out and no fire was left in my bones. I rode my horse all over the wild desert that surrounded our land. I cried and cried. I had been betrayed but had also lost the first love of my life. I was strong for my children as a mother should be. Randomly one morning, the water truck guy showed up. I knew his name was Gene. He had started checking in on us just after the funeral took place. I went down to the gate to meet him. He came up with a load of water figuring we needed it. (Our home has no well, so we needed to haul water a few times a month.) Anyway, my broken self instantly started to cry as I told him we had no money for him. He let me know there was no charge for this. I gave him a few cartons of eggs as that was the only thing I could offer. I told him the animals would be out of food by the end of the week as would we. He said nothing just calmed me down and said he would ask around and see if anyone would spare some hay and food. The next day a truck filled with hay and grain showed up. I asked who had sent it he said Gene (the water guy.) Shortly after that guy left another group of women showed up. They got out and filled the fridge and pantry with food. They also said it was a gift from Gene. He came back with his wife later that day to offer a job to me. If I raise butcher animals for him he would keep food, water and help pay my bills. His wife was lovely, a bit distant but very sweet. He gave me a while to think about it. I called him the following morning to say that I would. That has you pretty up to date now I think. I have skipped through the super messy bits with puffy eyes, running noses, and the stress of wondering how the kids and I would make it. Updated editing is in effect :) Sorry for the mishaps. Please like, comment or share! Thank you for reading!
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