Chapter 15: Tell me everything

1470 Words

Zayden's POV I tossed around a tennis ball against a wall just to pass some time away. It was given to me as a joke. One that i really didn't find funny. He claimed to be giving his newborn pet a toy. It's kind of humilating that im actually using it after that. It's not like there's anything else for me to do down here besides to read, and the lighting isn't the best for that. I've been alone down here this whole time. There have never been any other prisoners besides me. Everything he's done to me has happened down here. He's never let me out. I think mostly because he knows i would take off the second that i got a chance. I know him taking me was just revenge on my family. He wanted them to pay for their involvement in losing his mate. What he didn't realize was that i wasn't on speak

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