Chapter 3 - When Two Fates Collide

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" Dear You, I know you're just in my imagination, that's why I can tell you everything. I am here again at my mom's grave, missing her so much and hurting still. It's been 10 years, yes, but the horror and the pain of that one particular night haunt me till now. I am scared most of the time, especially if I'm alone. I always fear that he will come and kill me, too, just like what he did to my mom. My foster dad was the best dad any kid could ask for. He did not just save me that night, but he gave me a new life as well, but he doesn't know that I am struggling to act normal around him. I don't want him to worry about me, I tried so hard to forget that night, but I just can't. I wake up at night trembling because of the nightmares that come to visit me always. I am scared of coming here alone, but I need to. I want to visit my mom every day so that I won't forget. She means the world to me, but when I lost her in such a brutal way, I wanted to die too. If it weren't for Tony, my foster dad, I would have taken my life as well. Derek, my stepdad, the one who we believed killed my mom, was obsessed with her. He won't let her go out of the room and will throw a fit if she somehow goes out and goes to the kitchen. As if he wants to hide her, he is always paranoid whenever a car or some random people passed by the house. He made me his slave. He lets me do all the chores and beat me to a pulp if I made a mistake. My mom would be shouting from inside the room and beg him to stop. She would cry so hard and tell me it is okay that she will find a way to make him stop abusing me. We would spend our time talking with the door between us and crying. My mom would tell me stories about my dad and how much he loves us. She would always say that dad will come to find us and save us from this living hell, but... he never did. Until that incident one horrible night, I was trying to open the lock in my mom's room. She told me to do it so we could both escape. My stepdad, Derek, went out probably to drink at a pub or something. My mom told me to hurry because he might come back any minute. When I finally opened the door, my mom and I hugged for a while. She showered me with kisses and looked at me with loving eyes. It was the first I held my mom and saw her face. She was so beautiful, but she was so weak. We were hugging for so long and didn't notice the figure that came into the house. Derek was home. He came to us so fast I didn't know possible and yanked me away from my mom and throw me across the room. He came to me in long strides, started kicking me, and yanked my hair to hold me up. He was beating me so hard. I swear his eyes were pure red. He was so focused on beating me probably thinking of killing me, that he didn't notice my mom holding a knife and stab him at the back. It caught him by surprise, so he let go of me and faced my mom. My mom then ran to me, pushed me out of the door, and told me to run. It was raining so hard, but all I can think about was to run and ask for help. But when I finally did found help, I was too late. He killed my mom. He's gone without a trace. That is why I am living my life always on a thread, same as my foster dad. He would always tell me to watch my back and never let myself be alone because he might come back and find me. I am scared, not only for my life but for the people around me, especially my foster dad. Please help me. I hope you're real. I hope you're here with me, save me, protect me, love me.   Waiting..." Alaric was silent for a while after reading the letter. He cannot explain the pain he is feeling. Who is this girl, and why does her letter affect me so much? The smell of the letter intoxicates me. Who is she? Where is she? " She is our Mate. I can feel her,"  his wolf said. " Are you sure, Alec? Because if you are, we need to find her right away. We need to protect her, and I will kill whoever touches her or hurt her."  Alaric suddenly felt excited and agitated at the same time. He can't believe they found their Mate. He felt so stupid for not recognizing her at the cemetery. He could have talked to her and get to know her. " Yes, I am very sure it's her, but you need to calm down. We don't want to scare her. She doesn't know about us. If I am correct, she is a human, so we need to be careful. I will strangle you if you scare her away. I have been waiting for her for a long time. If only you were not so stubborn and looked for her, she could have been ours a long time ago." His wolf Alec lectured him. " Yeah, yeah, go ahead, blame me. If I am not mistaken, you enjoyed your time in the military. And besides, we needed to stay away, or we might do something stupid and get killed." He reminded his wolf. " Anyway, let's take a rest now, we have an early appointment tomorrow at the school. I want to visit my uncle and see for myself how everyone is doing." " Sure, go to sleep, leave me here thinking of our Mate. I swear Alaric, I will kill that bastard who made our Mate' miserable." Answered Alec, full of sarcasm. " I agree. We will find him and make him pay!" Answered Alaric with fury in his eyes. He can't believe his mate went through all that. " So what are you waiting for? Let's go find him!" Alec shouted with so much rage in his voice. " Dude, what do you want me to do? It's already late, and I am exhausted. I promise I will go back to the cemetery tomorrow and wait for her, alright? We will ask her about this bastard, and we will protect her. We will find him, don't worry, for now, let me rest for I am beaten." "Yeah, whatever, DUDE! Goodnight!"  answered Alec. " Goodnight Alec, I suggest you sleep as well. Who knows, we might meet her tomorrow." Alaric tried to comfort his wolf. He knows that he's been neglecting his needs, especially finding their Mate. But he promised that starting tomorrow. He will dedicate his time to finding their Mate. He must find her. The Next Day... " Good morning, mom," Alaric greeted his mom as he entered the dining room. " Good morning, my son. Come on, take a seat, and have your breakfast before going to your appointment. The kids are excited to see you at school, especially the girls. When will you bring your Mate here, son? Haven't you found her yet?" Asked her mother, Luna Sophia. " Hmmm, I will bring her soon, mom. I'm very positive that I will find her today. As for the girls, well, I don't have time for them. I am only interested in my Mate. And I promise you; you will have your Luna soon." Stated Alaric, which made her mom very happy. " Well, you better make it quick, son. I want to see little footsteps around here sooner." Her mom said happily. " Hahaha, well, let me find her first mom, then we'll see," answered Alaric, and he was grinning from ear to ear. " Alright, mom, I better go now before the first class starts. I want to see the rascals when I come to visit their school." " Okay, son, you take care and say hi to your uncle for me." Said Luna Sophia. Alaric instructed his companions to always be on the lookout on the way to school. Who knows what might happen now that he's back. When they arrive at the school, he saw a lot of students outside waiting for him. They are shouting and taking pictures of him. They are all cheering him, making him happy. When he entered the school hallway again, all the students are outside of their rooms and waiting for him. Suddenly "Mate!" Alec screamed excitedly. And Alaric was excited as well, he followed the intoxicating smell, and his eyes found HER. And yes, it is her! The girl at the cemetery, her long brown hair, and her figure are the same. It must be her. She is so beautiful with her long brown hair cascading around her small oval face, and that big innocent green eyes and long lashes make her look more alluring. Alaric was ecstatic and so nervous at the same time, but he didn't let it show. After all, he's the Alpha, and Alphas are strong and composed. And what a surprise looks like his cousin knows the girl since they are standing close to each other. He approached them slowly, not making it obvious that he is excited. He is smiling from ear to ear. " Hey little cuz, good to see you again. How are you?" He said, smiling and looking at Tricia. " Hello, dear long-lost cousin, nice to see you too, and welcome back." Answered Tricia smiling as well. But to her dismay, her cousin is no longer looking at her but at the girl beside her. " Aahhhm cuz this is my best friend Gabrielle, Gabby this is my long lost cousin Alphh. I mean, Alaric." Tricia stammered, looking back and forth at the two. They seemed lost in their own world. " Hi, I'm Alaric, Alaric Crawford, pleased to meet you," he greeted her while extending his hand. " Hello, Gabrielle or Gabby, nice to meet you too" Gabrielle reached out her hand as well to shake Alaric's hand but instead of shaking her hand, he brought her hand to his lips instead and kissed it ever so gently. As soon as their hand touched, sparks flew. It felt like a million voltage went inside his body. She looks so beautiful with her long brown hair framing her small oval face. She has the biggest and most beautiful innocent green eyes he had ever seen. Her shyness and simplicity floored him. Her voice is so sweet and so shy, like the voice of an Angel. " What?!" She asked suddenly as if somebody asked her a question. " What what?' asked the puzzled Tricia. " Did you say something just now?" she asked. " Nooo.." Tricia answered, shaking her head. "Oh, okay, I thought I heard someone say Mate?" she replied, confused. On the other hand, Alaric looked different. His eyes changed color when he stared at her, it turned golden, and it's glowing. She withdrew her hand right away and bolted. She ran so fast and entered a classroom. His cousin said goodbye to him and ran after her, but Alaric, instead of getting angry because she turned her back on him, felt ecstatic. Why did she say, Mate? How did she know that word? He will find out soon, but for now, he will plan on how to woe her and make her his the soonest, and with that thought, Alaric was grinning from ear to ear.
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