Chapter 5 - My Human Diary

1187 Words
" Dear You, I don't really know how to say this or how to begin. I am never really good at words. I'm more of an action type of a guy. The reason I am writing is obviously that I found your letter and read it. I had to admit it made me sad after reading that. I wanted to go to you and take those pains and fears away. I want to hold you and keep you in my arms so you won't feel scared anymore. Don't worry, baby. I'm here now. I promise no matter how hard it gets, how dangerous it will be, I will never leave you. I will protect you and love you. I will risk everything for you, destroy anyone who comes and harm you. I am sorry, you must be surprised by my letter. Please don't be scared of me, don't think I'm a creep or a stalker. I really want to know you better. If you don't want to meet me in person, you can continue writing me a letter. You can tell me anything, and I promise I won't judge you or laugh at you. I understand how you feel. I was there, that same place you are, so I hope you can find solace in the fact that you are not alone. I will wait for your reply, and I hope you will tell me more about yourself in your next letter. Your likes, your hopes and dreams, and most importantly, your fears. I will wait. Your knight.." Gabrielle was clutching the letter in her hand so tightly. Who was it? Who found my letter? I was so careful not to leave any trace behind. How could I be so clumsy? I reread the letter and admit it or not. I felt a little less scared, I was so shocked when I found this, but it somehow made me happy. I don't know what to feel. Should I be alarmed? I had to admit I was kind of excited yet scared at the same time. What if it's him playing tricks on me? What if he found me? Should I tell my dad? What should I do? Should I answer his letter? I look around me, but there's no one else here at the cemetery. Who could it be? Okay, if you want to play a game, I'll give you one. So she took out her pen and paper and started writing. She's glad she came today, she was so busy yesterday with all the repairing and stuff. After all the work was done, she went home right away. She doesn't want to be around when Mr. Blue eyes come back and take his truck. She's not sure she can refrain from ogling him again. It's probably her hormones; being single sucks, but I won't allow myself to be like some other girls. They treat s*x as a casual thing to do, but not me. I want my first to be so special and only to someone that I love. I don't care if I have to wait a million years for him. I know it will all be worth it. I feel so excited about all this, but still, I have to be very careful. This might be a trap. I'll finish this letter tonight and bring it back tomorrow. I need to think about what I want to say to him. Should I really tell him who I am and where I came from? He wouldn't know it's me, would he? I mean, he doesn't know the letter belongs to me, and I don't know him as well. There's no harm in trying. I will think of him as if he is my living diary. At least he gives me answers. Unlike my real diary, who doesn't talk back. And right now, I badly needed someone to talk to aside from Tricia. Gabby went home right away, it's almost dinner time, and her dad doesn't want her to stay out until dark. He is so sure wherever my stepdad is, he will definitely come and find her. When she arrived home, her dad was in the kitchen preparing dinner. She felt guilty because it was supposed to be her job, but she got distracted because of the letter that she forgot the time. " Hey, dad, sorry I'm late. I got distracted and forgot the time." She explained to her dad, then prepared the table. " Honey, I told you to be careful. I don't want you staying out late because unless that crazy stepfather of yours get caught, your life will always be in danger." His dad faced her with a serious and worried look on his face. " I know, dad. I'm really sorry. It won't happen again, I promise." She approached her dad and hugged him. She really is fortunate to have him, and every day she thanks God for allowing him to pass by that road on that dreadful night. " By the way, Gabby, that guy who owns the truck, what's his name again? aah Alaric! he said thank you for what you did to his truck. He left a huge tip for you and said he would come back and bring his other cars for us to check. He also said that he would ask all of his family members to bring all their cars to us. Isn't that amazing, hon? We will have a regular customer and a very generous one." His father narrated, obviously very happy and hopeful. " He asked where you were, you know, he looked deflated when he found out you were not here. I told him you went to the cemetery to visit your mom. Then suddenly, he smiled brightly. That guy is so weird, at first, he was sad when he was happy, crazy right?" His dad continued and was shaking his head. " Don't mind him, dad, as long as he brings business to us, he can be as crazy as he wants," she said laughing, her dad agreed and laughed with her as well. After dinner, she went to her room, took a shower, then went to bed. She took the letter she found at the cemetery and reread it. She's really intrigued by this person's identity. Why would he waste his time on a letter he didn't even know who it belongs to. She has been contemplating whether to answer it or not, although it excites her. " Answer it," says the voice, and she jumped out of bed when she heard that voice again. She looked around her room, but there's no one there, she opened her door and peeked outside, but no one's there as well. Alright, Gabby, you imagine things. You're too excited about the letter that you hear things. Get a grip on yourself! She took the letter, and she has just noticed there's a very distinctive smell on the paper, she knew this smell but forgot where she had smelt it. So she took a piece of paper and a pen and started writing.
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