Chapter 5

1690 Words
America rushes over to Kristoff and yanks him back. She shoots me an incredulous look before confronting him. “I’m talking to you, Kris. Don’t ignore me.” “I just did!” Perhaps there isn’t enough time to explain what happened. I don’t keep anything from Kristoff, and what just happened just now was an accident. “Just for now, please. Listen to Mom,” she implores. “Ignoring her right now isn’t such a good idea. She tolerated enough that you brought this girl here.” I grunt. I suppose she’ll keep treating me like I’m trash. Kristoff jerks away from his sister’s grasp. “I won’t come home tonight. Not when everybody is trying to control me. Let’s avoid making a scene, please. We shouldn’t be discussing this here.” “Mr. Cleve and his family will visit us at brunch. It’s embarrassing if you don’t show up,” she asserts. Okay, what is happening? I don’t think I’m following. “I’m not spending Christmas with you. I will spend it with whoever I want to. You are free to leave the party anytime you wish. I haven’t seen Julian yet.” Her lips pucker, and she calms down. “I want to see him too.” “Just go home!” Kristoff yells before turning to face me. “I’m sorry about that. My sister is a pain in the ass.” “Are you okay?” I touch the red stain on his shirt. “I’m fine.” He grimaces. “Damn Adam and his games. This will stain.” Yes. Damn him and his games. I kissed another man because of that stupid kissing game. What should I say to Kristoff? He already looks pissed. “Is everything all right here?” A late-fifties woman in a tangerine beaded dress joins us. “Ah, you are America and Kristoff Stevens. Melissa and Phillis’ kids.” “Hi! Merry Christmas, Mrs. Jameson.” America puts on a fake smile she always displays to her fans. “Yes, we’re good. We’re just having a nonsense sibling discussion.” “I thought I heard you argue. Tell your mother I’ll meet her at the spa before the New Year. My friends and I are leaving now, but I’ve not spoken to her yet.” “No worries, Mrs. Jameson. I’ll tell her.” “What a beautiful girl you are. Thank you, and Merry Christmas to you too.” She holds America’s hand and walks away. “Just so you know,” America continues, facing us again. “I don’t want to be with you either. But I’ve got something better. You still haven’t told your girlfriend why Mom wants you home tomorrow.” Kristoff groans in frustration. “Mom wants me to meet a family friend’s daughter, but I’m not going since I’m turning them down. You see that, America? I tell my girlfriend everything.” He slips his hand on mine. “You have nothing to be worried about, babe.” I scowl. “Your mom what?” That’s the first time I heard of it. America shakes her head. “Just wait until you’re forced to. It’ll be my win then.” “Or get a date next time, so you don’t get bored like this. Stop bothering me. Come.” Kristoff brings me to the dancefloor, joining a dozen couples dancing to a Michael Buble Christmas song. He takes my hand and my waist and then presses me against him. “Where’s Lora?” he asks. “She looked for a kissing partner.” His brows wrinkled together. “What?” “For the game. I’d been looking for you.” He chuckles with delight. “Did you want to kiss me?” “But something else happened.” I’ll tell him. That is how transparent our relationship is. We tell each other things. “What is it? I’m sorry. America’s bothering me.” “I saw you earlier before the lights went out. I thought you were already next to me, so...” “So?” “So, when I felt someone close by, I grabbed him and...” “Wait. What?” Kristoff stops dancing, and his demeanor turns serious. “You kissed him?” “I didn’t mean to. I assumed it was you. You were almost there.” I stare at his somber expression. “I’m really sorry.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “This is why I don’t play Adam’s games. I’m going to kill him.” “It’s not his fault.” “Oh, yes? It’s all his fault. Because it’s dark, they don’t know whether it’s their spouses or boyfriends they kissed.” “It was an accident, Kristoff,” I reason further. “There’s no need to get so worked up. I know you’d be upset.” He takes a deep breath. “Fine. So, who is it?” “I couldn’t see his face. Everyone here has a mask.” He glances around the room, scanning everyone’s faces. “Well, no one is wearing a mask anymore.” “It isn’t his fault, either. I grabbed him because I thought he was you.” “Oh, yes.” He shakes his head. “Because you’re a grabber.” I scowl. “What do you mean?” “You do it all the time.” “All the time?” My mouth falls open, and my face turns heated. “No, I don’t!” “Yes, you did. Whenever you feel like kissing me.” I cross my arms. There’s no point in arguing. “Fine. But I just felt I should tell you.” Finally, he cracks a laugh. “Kristoff!” “Alright, I accept your apology. But in one condition.” “Sure.” “Go on a date with me tomorrow.” “God, of course! I’ll go on a date with you.” I grab him, bury my face in his chest, and inhale his soothing perfume. It’s the bergamot citrus scent, like always. “See? You’re a grabber.” After two more dances, Lora found us and came over to our cocktail table with Adam. I wonder who she kissed. “Whoa. I’m pretty sure this isn’t Halloween,” Lora muses on Kristoff’s shirt. “You can change into my shirt upstairs,” Adam offers. “It’s cool, bro. We’re leaving after we meet Julian anyway. By the way, this is your fault.” “Ugh,” Lora spews. “I’m not doing that anymore. I kissed some ugly psycho who thought I was hitting on him, and his breath smelt like a hundred-year-old mayonnaise.” Adam laughs and leans in close to her face. “You should’ve kissed me. But it’s still fun, yeah?” “Maybe for you,” Kristoff says. Thankfully, he didn’t mention the kiss. “Hey, there’s my bro.” Adam raises his head, gesturing to a swarm of ladies surrounding a towering figure of a man, but I can’t quite see his face. “Jules, over here!” He waves his hand. I quickly yank Kristoff’s sleeves and bring my mouth to his ear. “Don’t bring up the scholarship.” “Why not?” he asks, frowning. “He already knows.” “Yes, but I doubt he remembers me. Please.” “Okay.” My boyfriend nods. Shortly, Julian breaks away from the crowd and comes over to us. Damn. I chew my bottom lip. He looks straight out of a Hollywood movie scene. Powerful and intimidating. With his black suit, white shirt, and navy silk cashmere scarf but no ties, he appears more casual than the other men at the party, yet he manages to look more elegant. His piercing ocean-blue eyes stare at me, but I’m not sure why. His full lips curve into a slight smirk. And there it is again—the magnetic pull. I suddenly feel my basal temperature rise, and my hormones sing in delight. Is he really going to be our professor? He’s so beautiful that it should be illegal. Even Lora’s expression is incomprehensible. She’s star-struck. Almost instantly, Kristoff hugs him, proving that he deems him more of a family than his own. I’ve never seen him so enthused about meeting someone before. “Julian, it’s good to see you.” Our new professor receives Kristoff with an ardent welcome. “Good to see you too. It’s been a while.” “I’ve been looking for you for ages!” Kristoff exclaims, pulling away. “I’ve something to tell you. I cannot wait until class resumes.” “Relax. We have more time,” Julian says nonchalantly, patting Kristoff’s back, “Right. By the way, this is Anya Scott and Lora McQueen. They’ll be your students too.” Professor Sebastian regards us with his sapphire eyes with a ghost smile on his lips. “Welcome to Sebastian House, Ms. McQueen and Ms. Scott. I hope you’re having fun.” “You have a beautiful home, professor. Thank you for having us.” Lora beams at him as though she won the lottery. “I’m looking forward to being under your guidance.” Kristoff clears his throat. “Lora is an aspiring conductor, and Anya is a promising composer with a good ear. I hope you remember them.” Strangely, the professor’s gaze lingers on mine for longer than a second. No, it’s already been over five seconds and counting. They’re assessing me, and I can’t seem to take my eyes away from them too. Goosebumps parade all over my body. Wait a second. I know that voice! I’m good at remembering voices. “Believe me. I definitely will, Kristoff,” Professor Sebastian states, now unsmiling. “Because I ran into Ms. Scott earlier on the porch, and she doesn’t seem to recognize me without the mask.” I gasp. Kristoff frowns. Lora’s pupils dilate. That voice came from Professor Julian Sebastian... Thus the golden mask... Oh my God! I catch my mouth. What did I just get myself into?
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