#Chapter 28 (Deonna) Doctor Visit

1684 Words

“How are you feeling?” Sierra asked as she stuck an IV into my arm.  At this point, I had bypassed my 6-month expiration date, for which I was beyond grateful. Sierra has been doing a great job at keeping me alive with all the medications and antibiotics she’s been giving me. She’s been coming by almost daily to check on me and to provide me with the medications.  Marlon would sometimes be in the room with her, and she would disgustingly flirt with him. I wasn’t sure why it bothered me so much. Maybe because nearly every day for the last few months, we’ve been having s*x in the room I’m residing in. Sometimes it would even be in his room. My wolf gets excited every time he’s around and I hate myself for feeling this way about him.  Maybe it was also the fact that I was having his baby. 

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