#Chapter 53 (Marlon) – The Plan for Safety

1687 Words

A war was fast approaching.  Marlon hadn’t expected his son, Bob to return home from school with Deonna by his side. She was discovered by some students; despite what Bob told them about not saying anything to anybody, he knew that it was unavoidable. They will talk and word will get around the kingdom; eventually, word will reach the duke and get back to the king and queen.  Even Marlon had to admit that Bob was smart in his thinking back at the academy; telling them that he’ll deal with it and then taking her into the woods. That would buy them a little bit of time so they could figure out what their next plan of action was.  He was even surprised that Bob wanted to help.  They had to figure out where to hide Deonna and Mateo; however, there was only one place he could think of to hi

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