#Chapter 45 (Marlon) – Assignment

1620 Words

Something was definitely wrong; Deonna has been acting strangely for days and now she’s requesting to go back to her duties in the rose garden with the rest of the maids. It was like she wanted nothing to do with Marlon. It was unsettling for his wolf because neither of them understood what they did wrong.  All Marlon has been wanting to do is protect her and it seems as though that was no longer good enough. Or maybe she just doesn’t want to be protected. She spent the majority of her life caring for and protecting herself; after being taken away from her family she hasn’t had anybody except for herself.  Marlon watched Deonna often from the window of his study as she worked in the garden. He could see the beads of sweat piling on the back of her neck and dripping into the fabrics of he

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