
The Pursuit of a Luna

childhood crush
first love

Kathlyn has her fair share of playing it safe. After being bullied in her early years of school, she learned to play it safe. Meeting Andrei Luna and her other friends, her remaining days in school became the best memories of her school life. But one incident led them to grew apart. That's what she believed. When she met Andrei again, she told herself she won't make the same mistake twice. One thing led to another and before she knew it, in a very conservative country, she found herself in pursuit of a Luna.

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KATHLYN Weirdo! Corn-hair! Weirdo! Corn-hair! Kathlyn shut her eyes hard and opened them again. She can still see the kids from elementary school circling around her and chanting weirdo and corn-hair. They started doing it when they saw her talking to a kitten. They only saw her talking but not the kitten, this made them think she was talking to herself. The corn-hair is literally her hair color, maize. Other kids were scared to be bullied so they didn't made friends with her. She tried making friends when she started high school, which turned out still not so great. The people she thought her friends talked behind her back just because the boys they like had a crush on her. That went on until second year before she discovered what they were doing. At third year, she found a good friend. Just a silent type student who doesn't mind being with her. "Aira" she called. It's after school and they're just about to go. Aira looked at her but didn't say anything. "Manang already opened her stall. Let's go" she pulled her hand to stand. "Wait, let's tag my cousin next door. He's a weirdo like you" Aira told her. She silently laughed. How Aira said it doesn't have any hint of insult. Just stating a fact. Her cousin went with them with his classmate. "This is Andrei" Aira's cousin introduced his friend before introducing himself. Her cousin is Michael. He doesn't talk much, but he stares. They all walk in silence to the stall in front of their room. "Manang four porridge please" she told the woman. "Pay your own order" she told the three. She saw Andrei smile at her peripheral vision. "Manang, I want liver in mine, and egg" she added. "We also have chicken available" the lady told her. That's a tough choice. She scratched her head. "Order chicken in yours, Aira" she told her friend. "I don't like chicken" Aira complained. "Then I'll eat it for you" she beamed. Aira just scoffed. "Tofu and egg for me Manang" she told the lady. She just went 'aww'. "Liver and egg for me, Manang" she settled for it. She sighed. "Chicken and egg for me, please" Andrei said his order. "Same" Michael said. They were just standing outside. The lady gave them their orders and they paid. "Do you want the chicken?" Andrei asked looking at her. "You don't want it?" Kathlyn asked. "Not really" Andrei smiled. "Okay" she quickly said taking the chicken from his paper cup using her spoon. Andrei stared her taking the chicken. "I can give you this egg" she offered. "What a fair trade" Aira commented. "No, it's okay" Andrei politely declined. "Really?" she asked. Andrei nodded. Her eyes shined. "You are officially part of our group" she said resting her arms around Andrei's shoulders. Andrei laughed. "I'm honored" he said. After that, eating street foods and snacking after school has been their habit. Sometimes they also have lunch together. Kathlyn's happy she found a group she can be comfortable to be with. She especially enjoys hanging out with Andrei. He's different from the other boys. She can tell. He doesn't tease her, or ask her inappropriate questions. And most importantly, he gives her food. They are already in their last year in high school and they've been talking about what courses they want to take. Personally, she still doesn't know what she wants. She's walking on the corridor when she heard a group of boys from the other section talking about her. She knows it's her they were talking about. She gritted her teeth. This is basically catcalling, she thought. "Kath, that's your name, right?" one boy asked her. She didn't answer. "I was wondering if maybe I can get your number? We can text each other, if you have time" he said. The other boys were laughing as well. She doesn't like it. The group tried to walk with her. "I don't have a number" she replied. Of course, that's not true. "Really?" the boy asked clearly not convinced. "I have to go, excuse me" she said. The boy tried to walk in front of her, and the next thing she knew she already kicked him between his legs. He was leaning on the wall of the corridor. She faced the boys behind her and shouted, "the next one who will bother me, I will kick full in the nuts!" And then everyone was silent. Even those students that are not paying attention to them suddenly was staring at her. She looked at them. She doesn't really mind. She will never tolerate this. She continued walking to their homeroom when she caught glimpse of Andrei staring at her. When he saw that she looked at him, he cut his stare and quickly went inside. Oh, I don't mean you. She thought. That afternoon, she and Aira was waiting at the gate when they saw Michael walking alone. "Where's Andrei?" she asked. "He said he's busy" Michael answered. She nodded. "Okay" she replied. That's the last time Andrei hang out with them. Was he scared I'll kick him? She asked herself. Seems a bit shallow. Even when they cross paths at corridors he doesn't as much as look at her. She shrugged it off. It's already Christmas break and the classes will resume for the next year. After the holidays, she'll just tell him he's not one of those he wants to kick. Also, she'll ask him his phone number. That's what she planned. But it didn't happen. The following year, in the middle of school year, Andrei transferred. No one seem to think of it, except her. She was thinking of him. She likes hanging out with him. She sighed. She should've asked his phone number before the break. ANDREI "You've been coming home late, Andrei. Do you have school activities? I thought you didn't apply to the volleyball team this year?" his mother asked him when he entered their house. It's always been just them. He tried to ask about his father but his mother quickly dismissed it. "Sorry, mom. I had snacks with my friends after school. Just outside the school building" he answered. His mother just sighed. "Can you spend some free time with me?" "Sure. Why?" he asked. "Well, it's always nice to spend time with family" his mother told her. He looked at her. Slender, tall and you can tell, she's beautiful. He always admires her. She's so classy and elegant. "We can play piano while having tea. It's been so long since you played for mommy" his mother added. She went to grab his cup from when he was still young. He smiled, that cup is almost as old as him. His mother painted it. "Mom, I'm not a kid anymore" he replied while taking off his shoes. "I need to get good grades to be eligible for scholarships. College costs more than high school" he said. His mom's raising him alone. She's working as a librarian in the elementary school nearby and teaching kids piano every weekends. She's earning decent amount of money but no matter how you look at it, it's not easy sending a child to college. He needs to at least do his part. "We'll make it somehow. You don't have to worry about it" his mother assured him. He just smiled and went to his room.

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