I said I'd respect your boundaries, I never said I wouldn't push them

2971 Words
Marabella's POV Luca grinned as he stood up and extended his hand to me. I took his hand and let him lead me out of the bedroom and down the hall to another door. When he opened the door, I was met with an arrangement of dresses. From white to blue to pink and purple. My eyes were wide with shock. What the hell is going on? As if he read my mind, Luca spoke, "I want you to pick one. We are to sign our certificate in my office, with my family. I know it's not a full ceremony, but I wanted you to at least feel like the beautiful bride that you are", Luca said softly, as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I smiled as a single tear fell down my cheek. No one has ever thought about me before, especially my feelings. My tear didn't go unnoticed by Luca, he immediately caught it with his thumb. "Mara?", he whispered, with furrowed eyebrows. I looked into his deep gray eyes and smiled, "Thank you, Luca. It's perfect", I uttered. "Then why are you crying, precious?", he asked, cupping my cheeks in both of his hands. "Because, it's more than I could have asked for", I said, honestly, and smiling sadly. I looked back at the dresses, immediately falling in love with a white lace dress with a sweetheart neckline, cut out shoulders, long sleeve and knee-length. "I promise you , Marabella, I will give you more", he muttered, kissing my forehead. "I don't need more, Luca. I'm happy with what I have", I said softly. Luca kissed my lips slowly. "I'll keep that in mind. Now pick one and get dressed. Then meet me in the sitting room", he instructed, as he patted me on my ass. He placed a chaste kiss on my lips before leaving the room. I immediately walked to the white lace dress I spotted and ran my fingers over it. I grinned as I quickly stripped down and slid the dress on. It clung to my curves perfectly. I wonder how he knew my size. I slipped on a pair of white heels that matched the dress, and looked at myself in the full-body mirror. My curls were all over the place, but I was in love with how the dress and heels looked on me. I quickly rebraided my hair and let a few strands fall free to frame my face. Once I was done, I headed to the sitting room down-stairs, like I was asked. However, Luca was at the bottom of the stairs, attempting to knot his tie, when I began my descent down the stairs. He looked up and his jaw dropped, as his eyes slowly trailed up my body. My eyes did the same to him. He looked like a Greek god in his light gray suit and black tie, that he stopped attempting to knot. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my lips as I stepped down to where he stood. I took the tie ends in my hands and started to knot his tie. Luca visibly swallowed hard as he placed his hands on my waist. "My God, Marabella. You look absolutely stunning. I can't believe you did this in less than five minutes", he said, stunned. I chuckled, as I tightened the knot of his tie, "Thank you. You look pretty amazing yourself", I blushed. Luca smirked, as he cupped my cheeks in his hands and placed a soft kiss on my lips. He took me by the hand and led me to his office, where his three brothers and mother waited for us, patiently. "Oh my goodness, Marabella, you look so beautiful", Luca's mom praised, as she approached me for a hug. "Thank you, ma", I said with a genuine smile, returning her hug. I truly feel like I'm about to become one with this family. That, they will become the family I've never had. I felt a light squeeze on my hand, making me look up at Luca. He grinned as he walked me to his desk. On his desk, sat a marriage certificate with our names on it. Luca picked up a pen and signed his name before handing me the pen and digging into the top drawer of his desk. I bent down and signed my name. As I stood straight, Luca grabbed my left hand and slipped a gold band onto my ring finger. As I watched him do it, I felt a cold piece of metal get placed into my right hand. I looked over my shoulder and saw Sergio smile at me. When I looked in my hand, I noticed it was the match for my wedding band. I felt another ring slip onto my finger, drawing my attention back to my left hand. Luca had slipped a solitaire-style ring on my finger. It was a beautiful round diamond, surrounded by little diamonds that traveled down the sides of the band. It was absolutely gorgeous. I had no idea how he knew I'd love it, but he's been surprisingly good at that. It was my turn to put his band on his finger. As I slipped his ring on, his family clapped and cheered, but I was still focused on how the wedding band looked on his finger and how his hand felt in mine. Luca grabbed my left hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing my wedding rings, then used his other hand to lift my chin, making me look at him. He leaned in and captured my lips with his in a soft, passionate kiss. After he pulled away, he wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug. "This is my promise to you, for as long as I live, you will be loved and protected", he whispered in my ear. Silent tears fell from my eyes, as I wrapped my arms around Luca and buried my face into his chest. "We must celebrate, brother", Marco said happily. "And we will, but right now, I need to speak with my wife. Can we please have the room?", Luca asked, with his arms still wrapped around me. "I don't deserve you", I sniffled, when the door closed. Luca sat in his desk chair, pulling me with him, and making me sit in his lap. Luca wiped the tears from my face. "I could say the exact same thing about you", he murmured softly, as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Mara, I need to talk to you about the dangers of being my wife", he said, with a pained expression. I furrowed my eyebrows, "Okay", I said with a nod. He nodded his head, "Okay. First thing first, I do own a vineyard and winery. I also own quite a few businesses in town, from gas stations, to restaurants, and even real estate. I can sit down with you later and go over all the businesses with you. There is some other important stuff to go over first", he said solemnly. I stayed quiet and listened to what he had to say. "I'm not just a business owner. I also run a mafia. All of the men here are my subordinates. I have more men out there that keep an eye on things. I have many enemies, but my biggest one..", he said, pulling a file from the top drawer of his desk, "Is Franky Vaughn. He is my biggest competitor and worst enemy. He killed my father in a turf war. He wanted one of our docking ports and killed my father to get it", he explained, as he opened the file. Inside the file was a picture of Franky. He looked a much older than Luca. There was also a description of his life, where he lives, what he does for a living, how many men he has and also reports of missing men, women, and children from all over America. My eyes went wide as I read through the file. "He is pure evil and he will use you against me if he ever gets the chance. So, please, please always be on alert", he said gently, as he tucked some hair behind my ear. I looked at Luca with a serious expression, "I will", I nodded. "Good. As for school, Rex will go with you. He is your newly assigned bodyguard. Where you go, he will go", Luca said. "Rex?", I asked, confused. "The man you borrowed a gun from last night", he said with a chuckle and arched eyebrow. "Oh", I said softly. "What about being able to work? I have tuition to pay for and I need to keep the bills paid at my mom's, so she has somewhere to stay", I explained. Luca arched an eyebrow and studied my face. "First, you don't have tuition to pay. I have already paid for it, next year's too", he said, nonchalantly. My mouth fell open, "You what?", I asked in disbelief. I tried to stand up, but Luca tightened his grip around me, denying me the ability to do so. "I paid your tuition off. I'm your husband and I made you a promise that you could finish school. I'm setting that promise in stone by paying for it", he explained. "Luca", I whispered, shaking my head. Why is he so nice to me? I haven't done anything to warrant his generosity. Hell, my mother owed him money. A lot of it. I was just the bargaining chip, a way to pay that debt. Instead, he's just blowing more money on me. "Mara, what is it, sweetheart?", he asked, taking my chin in between his fore-finger and thumb. "Thank you", I uttered. I don't know how to ask him, how or why I deserve this. "You don't have to thank me, bambina (baby girl)", he smiled. I took the initiative this time, to lean in and seal his lips with mine. Luca was surprised by my actions, but didn't hesitate in kissing me back fervently. "As for paying the bills on that house, you won't be doing that anymore", he said, with finality. I opened my mouth to protest but Luca put a finger over my lips, interrupting me. "Before you argue with me, I will find your mother an apartment in a better part of town, so that temptation isn't so close to her. And I will be taking over the monthly payments. That s**t will not be on your shoulders anymore", he said firmly, trailing his finger down my cheek and throat. "Luca, I've been working since I was eleven years old. I need to work or I'll lose my mind. Please", I begged, my bottom lip subconsciously poking out in a pout. Luca thumbed my bottom lip. "Have you now? Your file says you started working at Nick's at sixteen", Luca said, raising an eyebrow at me. "Legally, yes", I toyed around. "Legally?", Luca smirked. "Yes. I use to mow yards, and clean houses, stuff like that. I made about four to five hundred a week. Which is a lot to a child, but not when the bills eat it up", I said. "Damn", Luca said, surprised, his eyebrows raised. "So, what you're saying is that you are used to being the adult?", he asked, c*****g an eyebrow at me. I opened my mouth, but quickly closed it. I bit my lip and looked away. f**k. "I guess so", I mumbled. Luca rubbed his hand up my back soothingly, and down my arm. "If you really want to work, I'll make a deal with you. You can work for me. I'm sure with your extensive knowledge of agriculture and architecture, I can find many jobs for you within the company. Starting with a greenhouse for the vineyard", he said softly. I don't want to be paid for the vineyard project though. Hmm, what should I do? I mean it would be a great start to my career. "Mara?", Luca whispered. "Okay, but I don't want to be paid for anything I do for this property. Especially the design for the vineyard greenhouse", I said, with a serious tone, and creased eyebrows. Luca looked surprised, then started laughing. "What kind of negotiator are you, piccola (little one)?", he asked in humor. "I'm not trying to negotiate. I just don't want to be paid for jobs that I shouldn't be paid for", I shrugged. "Mia Bella (my beautiful), you should be paid for every job that you do. It doesn't matter where you are at", he said. "It does to me. If I'm to be a part of this family, I should act like it. Family shouldn't charge family for something as simple as a greenhouse design", I explained. Luca grinned as he cupped my face with one hand. "You are something else entirely", he whispered, before connecting his lips to mine. His lips moved against mine slowly, as his other hand slid up my arm to my neck. He tilted my head, so that he could plunge his tongue in my mouth and deepen the kiss. One of his hands trailed down my back and gripped my hip, pulling me closer. I gripped his shoulder and laced my fingers through his silky hair at the nape of his neck. He groaned, tightening his grip on me and lifting his hips slightly to grind them into mine. A throbbing need shot through my body, making me moan. Luca broke the kiss and continued them down my neck. My breathing was unsteady and little whimpers would escape me each time his mouth would close over my skin. Only making the throbbing between my legs worse. My skin tingled from his touch. I moaned and tightened my hold on his hair. "Luca", his name fell from my lips breathlessly. I put my hand on his chest, feeling that his heart was beating as fast as mine. "Mara, I love how soft your skin is", he mumbled against my neck. His voice sounded strained from restraint. I gasped and gripped his neck, pulling back slightly. My breathing was heavy, as I tried to calm myself. "Are you okay, gattina (kitten)?", he smirked. "Yes", I whispered, as I tried to stand from his lap again. This time he let me stand from my sideways position, but the second my back was turned to him, he grabbed ahold of my hips and slammed me back into his lap. A wanton whimper left my lips, making Luca release a sexy, deep chuckle. "Where are you going, bambina (baby girl)?", he whispered in my ear, his voice was seductive and filled with amusement. I inhaled sharply, "I have no f*****g idea, because I can't think straight while sitting in your lap", I confessed, struggling in his hold. Luca chuckled again, as he curved his hands around my hips to my upper thighs, drawing his hands closer to my already throbbing core. "That's not necessarily a bad thing", he smirked. I tried to pull back from his hands, inadvertently rubbing my ass across his d**k and pushing my body further into his. Luca groaned, his hands only following my actions and drawing closer to where I really want him to touch, though I shouldn't, at least not yet. "f**k, Mara", he hissed through clenched teeth. I grabbed his hand and sat still, to take a few deep breaths. "Luca, please let go", I asked softly. Luca immediately released me and held his hands out to the side. I took another deep breath and stood up. "Thank you", I said, turning to look at him. Luca smiled softly, as he stood from his chair and lifted his hand to gently stroke my cheek. "I'm sorry, Mara. Thank you for trusting me to let go when you asked. I said I'd respect your boundaries, but..", he bent down and brushed his lips across my ear, “I never said I wouldn't push them. All you have to do is tell me to stop and I will", he whispered softly, his lips closing over my earlobe in a sensual kiss. My lips parted as a soft gasp left me. Luca pulled back to look over my face, thumbing my parted lips. The air between us was thick, as we stared at each other. Luca's thumb was firm on my lips, only making my breathing faster. My hands automatically reached out for his sides. An action that seemed to throw him off, but please him greatly at the same time, because he growled as he stepped a little closer. A knock at the door broke our trance. Luca and I both slowly dropped our hands back to our sides. "Come in", he called out in a gruff voice, not taking his smoldering gray eyes off of me, until Cal spoke. "Sir, there seems to be a structural problem with one of the real estate properties. The inspector is requesting your presence immediately", he explained. Luca furrowed his eyebrows, "Which property?", he asked. Cal looked down at his phone momentarily, "The house off of Landing road", he answered. "That place has tenants. I had it inspected less than a year ago, right before they moved in. The structure of the building was perfectly fine then", Luca said, frustrated. I placed my hand on Luca's stomach to try and calm him. Luca looked down at me, "Will you come with me?", he asked, frowning slightly. "Of course I will", I answered softly. Luca smiled and placed a loving kiss on my lips before grabbing my hand, threading his fingers through mine. "Let's go take care of this. Then I will make it up to you, gattina (kitten)", he said, leading me out of his office.
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