
1592 Words

Rip:     "Dad wants to step down," Mikhail announced when Ezra got in the shower.     "It's natural. Especially, now that Ezra knows. Have you told her yet?"      "She has a life, family. Turning her would mean she has to leave all that behind," he sat down putting his elbows on the counter to cradle his head in his hands. Drama wolf.     "She's a lot stronger than she seems. Besides they aren't really sisters. Ezra is adopted," he turned to look at me with disbelief in his eyes. "She hasn't told you?"     "She said that?"     "Nom Audrey did a background check for the signing. She was adopted when she was Thirteen. I figured she'd tell you first,"     "Do you know who her real family was?"     "Yeah. Her dad, he was a little more human than wolf. Explains why she's your mate. You

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