finally we have answers

1854 Words
King Melvin POV My damned sister again. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea" I'm heartbroken for her, she has lost so much because my greedy sister was a selfish b***h. I'm pissed and ready to kill that peice of s**t sat in my f*****g dungeons, with his smug face. "I'll always have the good memories of my sister, but I wish our goddess had chosen a better mate for her," and I agree. "Thankyou for speaking with me, I know it must have been hard for you" I say as I stand "I owed my sister, he took her and I stayed quiet all these years" she says sadly "you protected your children and your sister would have wanted you to do that" she smiles, stands, bows and walked back to the lavender patch. 'Pete, I've got something, I'll meet you at the dungeons.' I link 'ok I'm on my way' was his reply before I cut the link. I get there to find Pete sat waiting for me "I know why he did it but I'm still not sure if he has help in our coven, as soon as he cracks and we know for sure, he's all yours" he nods and we walk in. I've made a plan, and I hope it works. I need to get straight to it and not let up until he cracks. "You never deserved Connie you know, she was a soft soul and you should never have been paired as mates with her" I say as soon as I shut the door, he flinched slightly but held himself in place. "Pete did you know he had a mate, he was her everything even when he beat her, she stood by him" this time his anger showed, with clenched teeth, but I carried on talking "he thought he was a tough man hitting the woman who loved him" "you know nothing" he replied and he was seething but I keep pushing him "I know you beat her, you beat the joy and happiness from her" he was now pulling at his restraints "I loved her" he shouted and I laughed "you're delusional if you think that's how you treat anyone especially if you love them" but he was raging "she found out he was having an affair, found out he was sneaking behind her back for years with my no good sister" this time he went crazy screaming at us, we have finally found his weakness "DON'T f*****g DARE TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT" he was fuming, Pete was shocked at that too but kept his composure "did you know that this hard man that was sleeping with my crazy b***h sister, hung his own mate because she was leaving him" at this Pete punched Fabian breaking his nose. "You are lower than low, you f*****g bastard" Pete was fuming "I.. it wasn't me" Fabian said trying to wipe his face "she was coming to get her things and you killed her" I say at the audacity of him trying to blame Connie. I wholeheartedly believe Carol. Fabian was wavering now all he needed was a little shove. "Her own sister had to find her where you strung her up" at this he completely dropped his head and composure. "She came to get her things, she caught me in bed with Gwen, I was trying to stop her leaving when Gwen started chanting and Connie dropped to the floor dead. I tried to help her but she was already gone so we made it look like suicide because Gwen was my one true love and I didn't want to loose her" he made me sick "how can you do something like that to your own mate" Pete asked but Fabian looked dead in his eyes and smiled "Gwen was mine, I didn't want another mate" and he was truly deranged "the pain I've lived with since that day has been worth it to be with Gwen" I laughed, actually laughed at this fool. "You gave up everything for someone who used you and nothing more" he shook his head "no she has never used me, we are in love" he tried to reason "did you know of all the horrid stuff she has done" I ask but when he nodded his head yes like I'd asked him something simple made my temper fly. Taking a few deep breaths before I continue "how did you see her once she left" Pete asked and I'm intrigued with this too "we met up once every month" he really is stupid "once a month and you thought she loved you" I laugh, he truly is a fool "she does, she will come for me" he said and I realise we haven't had time to hold a pack meeting so he doesn't know she is dead "who else in my kingdom did you work with" I ask but he laughed "there was no one else, it's always been just the 2 of us" he's crazy but now I know there isn't anyone else I want him to know a few truths before he dies. "You really think she loved you. She has only ever loved herself. Did you know she had a daughter who she sold to the vampire king" he shook his head "no she lost our baby, it wasn't alive when it was born" but I shook my head "no she sold her own daughter, your daughter to a maniac who abused her then killed her. All for power. Did you know Connie was pregnant when she was killed, and even if you didn't, I'm sure Gwen did. She would have killed her to get rid of any reason that you would change your mind." his screams cuts me off."NO. NO. NO. YOU'RE LYING" he was screaming and crying, and it brings me joy that he's suffering for what he has done. "I'm not lying.. that makes you as bad as she was. Your own mate, your unborn child, and your daughter. All murdered for what. Nothing but greed" and he's devastated "before you die you should also know Gwen isn't coming because I killed her" he was sick and I gave Pete the nod and I left the room. I know we could have gotten answers by using different methods, but I don't want him telling me what I want to hear because he wants his pain to stop. I don't ever want to be that kind of king. 'All coven members please make your way to the gardens for a coven meeting, no exceptions the meeting will start in 30 minutes" and I cut the link, opening a link with Pete 'when you are done meet me at my office' and I cut the link. I turn the corner to my office, and Phoebe is still standing guard. "The threat has been dealt with, you can go take a break" "Thankyou my King" she bowed and started walking away "be at the field for the meeting" I say "of course my king" and walks around the corner. I'm so relieved to have madz back and get rid of the traitor, but I'm ready to go to my mate. I can't wait to get this meeting over with so I can return to my Gill. I unlock the door, and I'm faced with a fierce mum standing in front of her children. "It's just me, Zaria," she visibly relaxes. "The threat is gone, and I've called for a meeting." I explain, and she looks releived "Thankyou, are we needed at the meeting?" she asks but I'm confused but I'm soon smiling "I want to let everyone know the good news of Maddys return" this time she frowns "I'm not sure she will be up to that, it's a lot for her to process as it is" s**t I'm thick sometimes "of course, I wasn't thinking" I say giving Zaria a hug. "You go do what you want and me and Pete will do the meeting" she nods with a small smile "what do you want to do my little pumpkins" "I just want to go home" Madz says with a happy smile. They walk to the door when Maddy turns to face me. "Thank you, Uncle Mel," before leaving the room with her mum and brother. I'm stood in front of the massive crowd with Pete at my side. We are standing on the temporary stage that we use for meetings. "Thank you all for coming. There's a few things I need to say some bad news, some good news" I look around and everyone looks happy and I love that for my kingdom. "Firstly, I'd like to give an official statement about the war against the vampire so-called king. We gave aid to the other species in defeating him, and I'm happy to say we did. He was impacting on all the supernatural world, including ours. He has now been replaced with a new king and queen. While at war, I came face to face with my sister Gwenevier. She was never taken but left of her own free will, joining the darkness. I'm not proud to say this, but I killed her for her atrocities." I let that sink in as the crowd started mumbling, whispering and started getting a little unsettled. "Her crimes are absolutely disgusting. This includes crimes of enslavement, person trafficking and murder. She was cruel, and she did the most unforgivable things to everyone around her. On top of everything since I've been back, it's come to light that before she left our coven, she poisoned my mate and murdered the pregnant mate of Fabian with his help. Fabian, who has also been dealt with. They were also behind Madalines disappearance." The whole crowd was outraged and rightly so. I give them a few minutes before continuing. "Carol Poltz, could you please come forward with your family?" I ask, and I see the crowd part to let them walk through. She walked hand in hand with her mate and their children. They all looked worried. I wave them on to the stage until they are stood next to me. All fidgeting. "I'd like to extend my sincere apologies to your family for Connie. Your sister will be forever remembered as the loving and kind person she was. If you would agree, I'd like to name our gardens in her honour." Carol was crying into her mates chest as her children watched in confusion. "Of course," Carol said with a teary smile. "Great," I said and shook their hands. "Thank you, my king." they bowed and left the stage. "Now, onto the good news, the new King and Queen of vampires are good and kind people. We owe them so much, including them finding Madaline. She is now home safe with her family," I say and put my hand on a smiling Petes shoulder. The whole crowd cheered and clapped at the good news. "We will be holding celebrations when Queen Gill returns and when Madalines feels up to it." Again, more cheers.
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