untold truths

1566 Words
King Melvin POV I'm pacing the room, Fabian is sitting in a chair but isn't giving us anything. We have been questioning him for hours, and all he has done is smile and stay silent. We need to step it up if we want to c***k him. I need to be sure there are no more traitors here. I look at Pete and nod my head to the door, we walk out, frustrated. "We need to find some way for him to c***k. There has to be something we are missing," I say as Pete has been holding himself back. He's been standing and not saying a word, but I know if he had, he would have lost it on Fabian, and rightly so, but we need the information first. "I agree. Let's get to it," Pete says, walking off. " you go check on Zaria and the kids, and I'll start the investigation" but he shakes his head no "I need to know Mel" he says gutted and I understand that "yes but your family need you too, go I'll link you if I find anything" as I put my hand on his shoulder "thanks" was all he said before running. He really does need to spend time with his family. I head off to the training ground, hoping his friends may know something. "Come forward," I shout loud and clear for the whole area to hear me. They all come and stand in ranks. They bow as one before standing straight, waiting for me to talk. "We have detained one of our own, Fabian, we trusted him, and he betrayed us in the worst way. He was involved in Madalines disappearance. All the searches and investigations that we have all done had lead us to nothing, that was because Fabian helped the Vampire King in his plans to overthrow all species and take over the whole supernatural world" I let my words sink in and they look as pissed as I feel. "This has come as a massive shock to all of us, but there is good news. In fact, it is amazing news. The new King and Queen of the vampires had discovered Madaline hidden away on their territory and contacted us straight away." Everyone cheered at this point, genuinely happy for Madz return. "It is great news, but I was hoping someone here could give us any information on Fabian. We are stumped as to why he would do this," but everyone looks at a loss. "Ok, well, if any of you think of any info at all, no matter how small it could help," I say gutted, I was sure that I might learn something that would help. I'm walking back to my office to tell them I've found nothing. If there was anything to learn, it would have been with the warriors because that's what he spent all his time doing. It would make sense. "Excuse me, King Melvin," I hear a female voice shout me as I turn. I see Beth. She is one of our youngest and new warriors running up to me. "Hi Beth, are you ok? is there something you know?" I ask, hoping for the best, "not exactly, but my mum might know something." she says, "What is it?" I ask, but she shakes her head no. "I'm not 100% sure what happened, but whatever it is, mum will tell you. All I do know is that it involves Fabian, she warned me to stay away from him, at all costs when I started my warrior training" she says with disgust "Thankyou Beth, I shall go see your mum now" I say heading for the gardens. Beths mum is one of our farmers. Our farmers grow herbs, fruit, and veg. I try to know the names of our coven members even though there's so many. Don't get me wrong, I still get confused sometimes. I walk into our gardens and search for her. It takes me a while, but I finally see her in the lavender patch. I walk up, and if I'm being honest, I hope this is what I need to break Fabian, but we will see. "Hello Carol, I hope you are well?" I startle her and feel bad instantly, "my King," she says and bows. "Would you free some of your time to answer a few questions?" I ask, and she looks unsure but agrees with a nod. We walk to a nearby bench and sit down. She doesn't look at me and fidgets her hands. Almost all our people don't look at us in the eyes. The Royals before us would make a point of telling them it was disrespectful, but me and Gill are firm believers to change all of that. "Beth suggested that you might have some information on Fabian?" she frowns."I have nothing to do with him." But by her tone, I could tell there was a dislike for him. "We have detained him" and her head whips up to look at me "it has been a shock for us but he was behind the disappearance of Madaline, we need any information on him that we can get, there has to be something we can use to make him c***k" her eyes are wide open but she still doesn't say anything "please we need your help, if you know anything, anything at all it could help us" she blew out a sigh "all I've ever tried to do is keep my family safe" I can feel the fear from her "your family will be safe, he won't ever be free again to hurt anyone. I promise," I reassured her. "For years, I've had to keep quiet and protect my children. I apologise for not coming forward sooner because it could have prevented Madelines disappearance" and she has tears streaming "Madalines been found safe, she is currently with her parents" she cries more "thank the goddess" and she looks like a massive weight has lifted. "Can you tell me what happened?" I asked, and as she explaining I'm disgusted with myself for not realising that someone so disgusting and evil could be living in our coven, and I had no idea. "I grew up in this coven with my parents and twin sister. We were a happy family. When I met my mate, it was amazing and magical. I couldn't believe how lucky I got. Me and my twin Connie did everything together so when I found my mate but she still hadn't, I was sad for her. She travelled to see some of our family in another coven and when she came back she was so happy because she brought her mate back with her. We were inseparable all 4 of us, and life was really great. 3 years down the line, I noticed things weren't like they was in the beginning. Connie started showing up with bruises and the happiness was no longer in her eyes, I knew she was possibly being hit by him but when I asked she denied it and asked me to drop it. I tried to talk to her about it, but every time, she begged me not to say anything. Later that year, I had given birth to beth, and Connie was besotted with her. She longed for a child, but it didn't happen. 5 months later, she found out she was pregnant, but she begged me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. She said the baby was going to make a difference, but she needed a little time to tell him. We were so excited and loved spending time together going through everything from baby names to how cute Beth was, we did that for 3 weeks, then she came to our home so upset. Saying he had been hitting her but she loved him and thought he would change, but she was leaving him. She found out he was having an affair, and it was going on for years. That was the point he changed and started being violent" she took a few deep breaths "we had made a plan for her to move in with us and 2days later she went to report him and collect her things. I hadn't heard from her all day and was worried sick. I had such an awful feeling that I went to her house where I found her hanging from the ceiling." she was sobbing now, and I understand why, this poor woman. "I was going to report him because my sister would never have taken her life, especially when she had a life growing in her womb. He stopped me on my way to the palace, yanked beth from my arms, and threatened her life if I breathed a word about any of this to anyone. So I didn't and that will always be my biggest regret not going with Connie to collect her things and not reporting him" "Thankyou for sharing, I know that must have been hard to do so" and she wipes her face "her mate is Fabian and he scared me but the woman he was having an affair with scared me more" she said, maybe this is who he was working with in the pack "who was it" I ask and she looks back at her fingers "Princess Gwen" and my heart stops.
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