finding the Lucre

1313 Words
Queen Gill POV I'm devastated but mostly angry that Fabian is involved with all that has happened to Madz, my friends, and our coven. How could he do that to his own people. People who trusted him with their most treasured gift. I'm still reeling from it because he has always been so friendly and ready to help anyone, that's why I helped Mel pick him to guard the children. How stupid were we. I couldn't go back and face him, but not for the reason Mel probably thought. He knows I hate punishments and leave that to him, but that isn't the reason I stayed behind. I'm angry, the angriest I've ever been. When Mel came home and told me about Gwenny I was angry a little but my heartbreak, sadness and tears smothered out the anger but now it's back with vengeance, I've never felt this blinding rage ever before and I know if I went back with my family I would hunt that peice of s**t down and killed him where he stood. I hate violence, and I'd never willingly use my magic to hurt anyone, but that being said, I'd throw everything I have at him and not blink an eye. I know Mel needs information from him, so instead of me going, I'm staying, and I'll use my anger in flattening this whole place to the ground. I'll use my anger to help. "Are you ok?" Lilley asks, and I realise I've been lost in my thoughts "yes I'm ok, sweetpea. How are you two with everything?" I'm expecting them to be tired from doing the mirror. It would have taken a massive amount of magic and energy from them."We are good," they say together with a smile. They really do amaze me. How can they grow up surrounded by misery and darkness but have always got a smile on their faces? They really do amaze me. "So what is first in line?" I ask both Freddy and Kylie "Thankyou for staying and helping, we need to find the Lucre first because we need to be able to care for our people" Freddy said and he shocks me, I know he's worried about me and Mel trying to take the girls but he's going to be a great king, he puts his people before his own feelings and that's one of the great qualities for a good king. "Ok, give me a minute," I smile. I close my eyes, thinking of the lost Lucre, I chant quietly and when I open my eyes I see a faint red thread "please follow me" and I walk out the office, down the stairs, through the kitchen, out the back door and over what looks like it's supposed to be a garden. The red thread is starting to get thicker as I follow it into the woods. The thicker the thread, the closer we are getting to what we need to find. I hear them all walking behind me, and they are probably as confused as me. Why would riches be kept in a wood. I kept following the thread for around 15 minutes until the thread was disappearing into the ground. I frown as I look back at Freddy. "The thread led us here. It dissappears there," I say, pointing at the ground. "It must mean something." Freddy shrugged and walked to where I pointed. "There has to be something here," Kylie thought out loud following Freddy. They were now on their knees, feeling around on the ground, and Kylie hissed, bringing her hand to her chest quickly. "Something cut me," she said, rubbing her now healed hand. "Are you ok?" Freddy asked before looking pissed at the ground. Mates are really intense, especially males when it comes to their mates' safety. I smile as Freddy frets over Kylie. "Stand back, love," he said, but she rolled her eyes. "You move back, love," she replied condescendingly with a frown and smile. She really is a strong female. She proceeds to rip the dirt up before Freddy can reply and there's a door. Freddy stands and begins to pull up the door. There's some force here, so he applies more pressure. The metal starts screeching, metal scraping against metal. There was a loud bang and crunch, and Freddy stood with the door in his hands. Kylie jumps down, and I giggle at Freddys expression. He quickly throws the door and goes down after her. "Can we go?" Layla asks, looking up at me. "Yes, come on," I say, heading for the opening. I look into it, and I can see a light at the bottom of the drop, we climb down the ladders until we reach the bottom. The bottom of the drop isn't mud like I was expecting. It looked like a proper hallway with the walls all painted white. The person who built it made sure to keep it well hidden. We follow a small walkway and end up in a room full of gold, jewels, and coins. It's sickening to see there are bags of blood, hung in rows, and labelled. I understand that vampires drink blood, but the sickening bit is because on each row, there's a label stating which species the blood is from. What an arrogant d**k he was to store peoples blood like his own blood bank. It makes me wonder how he got all this, but then my mind goes to a dark place, making me shiver in disgust. I turn away from the blood and concentrate on the riches. Wow, this is impressive. Our riches don't come close to this. "Wow," the girls said, looking at colourful gems. "I don't understand if he had all of this why didn't he look after the kingdom, our people are without the most basics and there's a hidden room full of this" Kylie says as tears leave her eyes as gems fell from her hand "because he was a self centered d**k" Freddy says wrapping her in his arms. She has such a beautiful soul, and the vampire kingdom really will benefit from her being their queen. After a while, freddy broke the silence "so we can use this to rebuild and stock everything up." we all nodded and left the hidden room. Freddy placed the broken door over the opening, and we made our way back to the main house. I gather my people who came with us and give them orders "we need to be sure the buildings are clear and level everything, Polly you're with me" they all bow to me "yes my queen" they say as one. "Same as Queen Gill said," Kylie says to their people and they bow to her "yes my Queen" but she frowns slightly as they all go in groups to deal with the task at hand. "I'm not officially their queen yet, we need to hold the ceremony and be accepted by them" she says confused "that was them accepting you, the ceremony is an official thing but that there was their respect" I explain with a smile giving her a small hug. I'm a hugger. I can't help it, but so is she because she hugs me back without question. "Thanks, I've been so worried about them accepting me." she smiles back, and we walk to the front of the main house. "Is the building clear?" Kylie asks, and everyone agrees. "ok. Polly you ready" I ask as she smiles "always my Queen" and with that we chant and the house started folding in on itself, I put more magical energy into it and the rubble started to turn to dust as it was collapsing in. This way, we won't have to move rubble to rebuild. "Wow, that's amazing, Lilley." Layla laughed. "It really is," Lilley giggled, making me laugh. Let the work begin.
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