finding Fabian

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King Melvin POV We have searched almost all of the kingdom for Fabian, but so far, nothing, and I know we can mindlink him, but I don't want to spook him in any way. "The only place left is the bottom training centre" Pete says as we start walking in that direction "he must be there" I think aloud as we both nod our heads in agreement and pick our pace up. We arrive but find it empty. What the hell is happening and where the f**k is he. "I'm going to have to link him, I have no choice" but Pete looks as unsure as I feel but gives me a nod. 'Fabian, where are you?' I ask, and I know I sound strained, but it's the best I can do. 'I'm just in my room, my king, I'm just getting changed after training' thank the goddess he answered 'ok stay there, we will be there shortly,' I say and cut the link. It's quite a walk from where we are because the warriors house is on the far east of the kingdom. After walking for 10 minutes, I can feel my wall being pressured someone is trying to mindlink me 'yes?' I say hating the fact I'm being interrupted when I'm busy. I answer because it must be important because they refuse to leave me alone 'sorry my king, no-one has been to the room but Fabian has linked me and I thought it was strange' I frown as Phoebe explains 'how so' I ask totally baffled but include Pete in the link so I don't have to repeat everything 'he asked where I was, if I'd heard anything strange while I've been with Eli and the most strange was when he asked if I had heard why you want to see him and mumbled if you had found something I couldn't catch. It's all strange because he's never linked me before not even work related' s**t I think he's realising something is up because I've never linked Fabian because he's the guard for Petes kids I've always left it to pete 'what did you tell him?' Pete asked before I could 'I told him I've got no idea because I didn't know you were looking for him and that I'm standing guard at your office' s**t 'don't let anyone get through that door' I say and cut the link. "We need to get to the office. He's going to head for there," Pete says, but I need to make sure he doesn't escape. The downside to this is I have no idea if he is working alone here or not. 'How close are you to Fabian' I open the link back up and ask Phoebe 'I'm not close to him at all, non of us are because he isn't likeable at all' ok that makes me feel better 'ok link our best warriors to go detain Fabian at his room' I hear her gasp 'of course my king, on what charge' 'kidnap and treason' she is silent for a few minutes 'ok that is done' she is one of the best we have. Because of her small frame and innocent look, people underestimate her, but she is a top ranked warrior in all fighting and also number one in her magical skills. She thinks fast and has true leadership qualities. 'Thankyou, we think he might be headed to you but we are on the way' 'yes my king, I'll not let him pass me' and with her confident reply I cut the link. "We need to be quicker," Pete says, and we are running. It's times like this. I wish I could do the mirror thing. We enter the castle, and we here screams. My heart rate picks up as we run quicker if that is even possible. The screams are not a good thing that can only mean one thing... Fabian is here. We take the corner ready. We don't need to speak to know what we are doing. But what shocks me more is that the screams are not coming from Phoebe or anyone in the office. It's coming from Fabian, who is suspended in the air with his arm bent at a weird angle. Phoebe is stood in front of the office door with a b****y nose and is holding him with a spell. It looks like they fought, but he obviously underestimated her. What a fool. I give her a nod, and she releases him. Pete lays into him as soon as he hits the floor. I let him get a few good hits in because he needs this. "Locktolios," and as soon as I say it, Fabian is in restraints, stopping him from escaping and also using his magic. It's time to get the information we need..
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