
1463 Words
Kylie POV My heart hurts so much for Maddy, for all the lost time with her family, her stolen childhood, and her loneliness. It must have been horrendous to be stuck in this room chained for 4 years. 4 years that she could have had a happy childhood surrounded by people who love her. I know what it is like to finally find out you have a family, a loving family, after being stolen from them, but I had Alora, Liam, and Poppy. They had always been my lifeline, whom I could rely on through everything. I can't imagine how lonely Maddy has felt over the years. She is such a beautiful soul, and I know she can face this and move on. It will be a massive adjustment for her when she goes home, but I know she can overcome it all. I'm beyond happy to know that so far, even though she has had an horrid time being spoken to like s**t and half starved she was untouched in everyway due to the rules set by Melvins b***h of a sister. His sister wanted to cause hurt and death to everyone, but it makes me happy that her own rule backfired and would save Maddy on so many levels. She didn't win this time and I probably sound awful but I'm happy that the selfish b***h is dead. Watching Maddy and her parents hugging brought me so much joy. I just wish we had found her sooner but I'm trying not dwell on that too much, she is saved now, she is happy and I need to concentrate on that. I'm so lost in my thoughts I hadn't noticed Maddys mum stood in front of me. "Thankyou. Thankyou so much" and she was hugging me "you don't have to thank me, Maddy needed our help and we were happy to give it" I say and hug her back "I wish we could have found her sooner" Freddy said sadly from beside me. I look up at him and he's staring at Maddy still hugging her dad, her mum move back and went and stood infront of Freddy "we have been looking for our baby for 4 years. 4 years of not knowing where she was, how she was or even if she was still alive even though I felt she was, I hoped and prayed that we would find her and today you have, you both saved her and I'll forever be in your debt. Thankyou" she hugged Freddy, he was taken off guard but after a few stiff seconds he hugged her back as I smiled. Before I knew it I was wrapped in strong arms and being spun around, I look up and all I can see is Maddys dads smiling face. I can't hold the giggle in and I'm put on the floor. "Thankyou" he said to me before moving on to Freddy " Thankyou" and he hugged Freddy too. The whole room was filled with happiness, filled with everyone hugging, laughing and talking. 'You did great today' I link Freddy smiling at him laughing and talking. He turned to look at me and winked 'we did good' he replied. "We want to take Maddy home" her mum said smiling down at Maddy. Her eyes lit up "I hope we can still keep in touch and after this whole place is levelled and rebuilt I hope you all will come visit us" I say but I know it will be a stretch but Maddy smiles and nods yes "I'd love to keep in touch, Thankyou so much for everything" she hugs me and I can't stop the tears from falling. She looks worried "these are happy tears" I say with a smile. "Before we leave is there anything we can do to help" Maddys dad asked but there really wasn't anything they could help with "nothing unless you can find where Achlys put the kingdoms riches" Freddy joked with a chuckle "that's not a problem" Melvin said like we were asking for such a simple making Freddy stop chuckling "really.. because that would be great. We need to find it so we can get supplies to rebuild, food and water for our people" Freddy replied with seriousness causing Melvin to laugh "of course" and it was a massive relief. Melvins eyes glazed over as well as Maddys dad, before they were both smiling like mad men. "That's a great idea" Melvin said out loud putting his hand on Maddys dad shoulder. What are they talking about. They notice everyone staring at them and Melvin starts to explain "Zaria will return home with Maddy, love will you help Kylie find the riches and me, Pete and our people here, will help Freddy level everything down and then rebuild if Freddy allows us to" Melvin is now smiling and looking at Freddy for his opinion. I walk to Freddy and wrap his hand in mine "love" I nudge him as he stood shocked from Melvins words. "That would be amazing, we are in a little way over our heads trying to help our people and get this s**t place took away and giving our people a home, I mean yes an-" I cut his rambling off with a kiss. This man is amazing and I can't wait to finally have a home with him. "GREAT" melvin laughed. The 3 men started talking about what had to be done, but I'm watching the girls smiling. "How do we get home?" maddys mum asked, pulling my attention from the twins "before you leave. I would love to introduce Layla and Lilley," Gill says, smiling at the girls who have been sitting next to the desk on the floor, just people watching. They both stood and smiled at Maddy. "Girls this is my best friend Zaria, Zaria this is Layla and Lilley" Maddy hugged them both "Thankyou for bringing me my mum and dad" but they both just smiled, I don't think they fully understand but they love helping everyone. "We will see you soon," they both said and hugged her back. "Thank you so much, girls." Maddys mum cried and hugged them. As soon as her arms were around them Lilleys eyes turned a lavender colour "something isn't right" she said as everyone stopped what they were doing to listen "what do you mean" Gill asked confused "Fabian is the one" Lilley says but who the hell is Fabian "Fabian is our childrens guard" Maddys dad says even more confused. They break away from the hug, and Lilleys' eyes return to their beautiful colour. "What happened?" I kneel in front of them, worried about her. "Don't know it's not happened before, it's important," Lilley says, looking up at Maddys mum. "What did you see?" I ask but I could tell she was struggling to put it into words "it's ok" I say moving her hair out her face "how did it feel" Freddy asks also now kneeling infront of the girls "it was bad" was all she said and the whole room is confused. "Can you do it again, see if you can get a clearer picture" Maddys dad asked "don't know, I don't know what I did" she says sadly but determination filled her beautifuleyes "I'll try" she says grabbing hold of Maddys mums hand and holding out the other for her to take, which she did. As soon as they held both hands, Lilleys eyes turned back lavender, just a more intense lavender. She didn't say anything at all for a few minutes, and then with a nod ok she let go. "Fabian is bad. He let Anton into the kingdom and put a spell on him to hide his smell so he could take Maddy." her words knocked the wind out of everyone. "I should have known someone was on the inside. I just would never have thought it would be Fabian." Melvin was fuming. "We need to get back now, we need to go," Maddys mum panicked, and I knew it was because their son was back at the kingdom with him. "We can open the mirror again." Both girls smiled with a nod, yes. "Thankyou for everything" Maddy said and clasped her mums hand "we will be back shortly" Melvin said full of anger "I'll stay here my love, we can find the riches and be ready for your return" Gill said she too was angry. "Ok, love, I'll return with more help." Melvin kissed Gill and ruffled the girls hair "Thankyou girls, you both are truly amazing." they both laughed. They started doing their thing, and the mirror appeared. "You had better make him pay," Gill said to them all before they disappeared through the mirror.
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