finally home

977 Words
King Melvin POV I was blown away seeing madz chained to a wall. When she disappeared, we couldn't find anything at all that would give us a clue of who took her or why. We knew she would never wander off because she stuck to her mum like glue apart from when she was at school. Her mum had a difficult pregnancy with Eli and almost died giving birth to him, so after that, Madz stayed with her mum whenever she could. Zaria was devastated when me and Pete got there. She was clinging to Eli and sobbing. It broke my heart seeing my friends like that. I felt so much guilt about her disappearance because our kingdom has always been a safe place and well guarded. It has puzzled me for years, but now I know Gwenny was involved it twisted up my insides, I realise how evil she really was. I never thought she would ever be that way, we have always got along and was close, but she would go to any lengths to get what she wanted. I'm beyond happy to see my friends get their daughter back, but we have got another job to do. He will pay for ever helping them. He was one of my most trusted guards, and that's why I placed him to guard the kids. I'm so impressed and proud of the girls, too. I really hope Freddy allows them to return with us. I know they need us as much as we need them, but I also know it's always been them, and Freddy and I think that is where we will struggle. They also need help training their powers and how to understand everything that is happening to them. Witches and warlocks don't normally come into their powers until they turn 16 years old, but they have years of schooling and are totally prepared to receive their powers, but the girls haven't had that chance. They open a mirror as they call it, and to be honest, no one has ever done this spell before, so I guess they can call it what they want. I'm so ready to return home and finally put an end to this whole situation. I promised Gill I wouldn't be long in our link, but I'm more than happy for her to stay. She can have time with the girls, plus she doesn't do well with handing out punishments, so she will be better here helping. I leave our warriors we came with so they can protect their queen while I'm not here. 'Be ready as soon as we get there, he will pay but we need answers first' I link Pete who agrees 'thankyou for helping our girl' he says smiling down at Madz who is holding onto her mum 'always' I say and we enter the mirror. I'm not sure what to have expected, but it was like entering a cold lake. Like I hit the freezing cold water, but it only lasted a few seconds until we came out the other side, inside my office. 'Phoebe, please bring Eli to my office.' I link one of Eli other guards. 'Yes, my King,' she replied, and I cut the link. "Phoebe is bringing Eli here, we need to keep it quiet that Madz has been found because we don't want to spook Fabian. I'll get Gretta to bring some drinks and food, but please stay in here and lock the door, " I say, placing my hand on Zaria shoulder. She is still in shock, but she holds all the happiness in her eyes. That happiness has been missing since Madz was taken. "Thanks Mel, we will stay here until you return" she replied with a nod ok and a small smile "honey we need you to stay here in this room with mum and Eli, I'm sorry I know it's not the best but when we have dealt with the threat you can go where you want. Ok.." Pete explains, looking so sad, but Madz smiled."It's ok, dad, I'm happy to be with mum and Eli no matter where we are," and they hugged. There was a knock on the door, and Pete opened it, he's on edge. "Thanks Phoebe, please wait outside." she nodded, and Pete closed the door. "Mummy." Eli ran to Zaria, jumping on her knee and hugging her. "Hi sweetheart, have you had a good day?" she hugged him even more "yes I went on a bug hunt and was painting with phoebs." He was so full of happiness, "sweetheart. Can you remember me telling you about your big sister?" but his giggle cut her off "every night mummy" Madz smiled but Eli was totally unaware she was even there "well we have finally found her" she explained and Eli frowned "She has come home to us. Eli, this is Maddy," and she spun him around on her knee to face Madz. He took her in for a few minutes before smiling "wow you're the bestest hider," and he jumped off his mums knee and hugged Madz. Me and Pete left the room, and Zaria locked it behind us. "Phoebe no-one at all in or out until we get back, Gretta will bring refreshments but she is not to enter" She nodded "yes my king" "I mean anyone, no-one is to enter, if anyone tries you are to link me immediately" "of course my king" she replied with determinationand a hint of confusion "great thanks, Phoebe" I say and we walk off 'Gretta can you please bring snacks and drinks to my office' I link and she replied straight away 'of course my king' 'thankyou and ice-cream too' 'ok I'll get on to it now my king' she replied and I cut the link. Now off to find that backstabbing untrustworthy bastard.
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