2.2| Wedding Ceremony

3671 Words

Nigella stared at her reflection with a frown and rancour. Her violet eyes ran along her own reflection and and her frown deepened. Nigella was still dressed in a robe after taking a shower, her hair made with perfection, with much effort and time and but exact how she wanted it. Everything was going well but the problem was with her makeup, it didn't look as good as she had imagined it to be when she saw it on Pinterest. Nigella wasn't going to a parlour just to get her face painted, it had to be done by herself. It was a challenge that she accepted and was determined to complete. However the result wasn't coming any closer to how she would like. The dress was hanging in the closet, ready to be worn any minute. But Nigella couldn't get through the process of decorating her face.

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