0.9| Let's Be Friends, Shall We?

3800 Words

Elliot adored New York for the heaping amount of fast food joints it harboured in it's heart. Every corner had to be serving either sizzling, hot chicken wings, cheeseburgers or freshly out of oven pizza with brain melting amount of cheeze. Elliot loved it. And by the looks on Nigella's face when they pulled over at the nearest Wendy's, she did too. "I swear I can eat everything there is to eat." She said without hesitation as they entered into the nearest outlet of the famous fast food restaurant chain. "You can, it's on me." Nigella nodded, "Do flaunt your money. Don't mind me." She waved at him. Elliot gazed sideways at her and smiled like he did not mean it. "Let's get a table first!" She took hold of his hand, without his permission, and started to drag him in a random direc

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