
1452 Words

Rip:     It wasn't my dream. That much I knew, but the darkness in me caught onto the strength of it. Emily. It had been a long time since this dream had shaken me awake from a deep sleep. It was never like this though. I had never been Emily in the dream. I had always just been a witness to her pain. Not tonight.      I looked down at my hands, they're small. She's a little girl again. No older than ten. I looked around to find myself locked in a small cage. The ones we use to trap pups that have a vicious shift. The sound of the cage being opened made me move back, the fear creeping up taking over all of my senses.      "Come," the language was foreign to me but she understood it very well.      "No," the sound of my voice squeaked.      The top of the cage was ripped apart. The mas

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