
1940 Words
Rip:     "What inspired you this time around Ms. Hemingway?" a reporter asked.      "My family," I answered leaning into the microphone in front of me.      "Despite starting off last year as you did. You have done very well for yourself. Is there any bad blood between you and Stephen?"      "God, I hope not. I mean, yeah. I was upset at first, but then I realized I was way out of his league and I got over it real quick," they all laughed.      "You have been seen around the city with a new upcoming author Ezra Powell. Perhaps you found love in someone new?" I laughed.      "Don't let my brother hear you say that. He's possessive. No, Ezra and I are friends. She belongs to my brother,"      "Rumor has it that you have another sibling besides, Mikhail Hemingway. The heavyweight champion of the world,"      "Yeah, we never hid him. He's just a little shy. He's our middleman. Second oldest," I said playing it off.      "Is it true that he is in the business of transport?"      "I have no idea. Grayson keeps to himself mostly. He's more conservative than Mikhail and I. Closer to our mom. Mikhail and I have always done our own thing. We're a little rougher around the edges. We followed more in the brutality of our dad. Mom's always been the gentle one,"     "Your mother is here with you today," someone shouted.      "Yes," I said pointing at my mother. She smiled for them and gave them a little wave.      "Can we get some pictures of you together?" I stood up and went over to her both of us smiling for them.      "This is crazy," she beamed looking around at all the shining lights and flashes. She decided to come with me last minute.     "This is a little one," I laughed, taking her with me back to the stage.      "Mrs. Hemingway, how do you feel about your daughter's success as an artist?"     "I've always been a fan of her work. Down to the kindergarten stick figures," she said looking at me. They all laughed.      "What do you think about In Reflection of?"     "The art of it or how much it made?" she chuckled.      "Both?"     "I myself bought a piece," she informed us all, taking me by surprise. "Rip and I never saw much of each other once she thought being on her own was the next big thing in her life. It's always amazed me what she could accomplish on her own. This gallery reminded me of when she was a little baby. I loved it. Hopefully, she's ready to give us little Ripley's next,"      "Oh my god, mom," I complained, my face is heating up. She has a massive triumphed smile on her face pleased and the press is eating it up.      "You were on a couple of magazine covers last year. Sexy with a Brush. I am sure you have suitors ready to give momma Hemingway little Ripley's," We all laughed.      "Actually I'm not looking to please momma Hemingway at all. I think my brothers can provide those for now," they all laughed.      "Do you have a current interest?" I laughed.      "I do actually. I just have a tendency of putting my foot in my mouth around him," they all laughed.      "Is it true that you are opening your own studio?"     "Yes, I am. I have no idea what I'm going to call it yet. It's a work in progress,"     "Are you aware that Stephen and Brooke have a newborn son?" someone shouted in the back      "Yes, I am aware. I sent them a congratulatory gift,"      "Back to the art," Audrey reminded them.     "Besides the studio idea what do can we expect next?" a reporter up front asked.      "Wel,l I've been working on something for a few years now that will be released this year during the Steampunk Creations Carnival during the fall. Some of my sculptures have been seen throughout my galleries those are little babies compare to what I have to share next,"      Some of the reporters in the back tried to bring up Stephen and Brooke again, but the ones that were here for the art always redirected their questions. I felt a little special for once. I honestly thought that they were going to take over my personal life. I'm glad not everyone cared about that. I'd answer the questions. They didn't hurt anymore. They didn't matter. It was like that pain was a little forgotten pinch that might have left a bruise at the time, but it wasn't there now, therefore, it was forgotten.      "What is your take on the supernatural outbreak? As a supernatural yourself?" someone asked. I sat back looking them all over. For once they all quieted down.      "Supernatural is just something humans call us. We're really no different. Sure, I can change into a wolf but I bleed and live the same as the rest of you. I think that now that the fangs are out of the bag, maybe we can all play on an even field,"      "Do you have a problem with your King's decision?"      "Not really. Regardless of what happens, I still have priorities. As a luna and former beta, my pack and family come first. I leave the political decisions to my King. He hasn't let us down yet,"       "A lot of people are afraid of what's come out of the shadows. Fans and citizens are afraid for their loved ones. What do you say to that?"      "I'm scared too," I answered honestly. "You all have to remember that just as your faith is being questions so is ours. We were taught to hide what we are at all costs, because of what it could bring upon our kind. Just the way you all resist, we fight for what we want. You're all learning about what we are while we are being tossed into a world we've been afraid of our entire existence. Believe me when I say we're all as terrified as you are, but we can't let this hold us back from our lives. I'm risking as much as you are when I step into this room with all of you,"      "You did well. We weren't kicked out today," Audrey praised when we got to the restaurant I had been dying to bring my mom too. My dad was standing at the door when we arrived.      "Melissa," he greeted. Her face flared up pink when she took his hand.      "Really?" I laughed.      "Don't be hatin," he laughed as we all walked in. "You look good, kid. You even put on a cute little dress, did your hair, and makeup. I disapprove of the boots and leather jacket with a unicorn on the back by the way,"      "Mom bought them for me," I smirked, shrugging. She gave him that "really, you went there?" look.     "I think that now that she is older she should wear something a little more formal," he defended. Mom turned away from him grabbing my arm and stomping her matching boots while we walked in.      "f**k," he sighed making me laugh.      I stopped frozen in place when I walked in. The entire place was empty. Mikhail, Ezra, Grayson, Riley, Rosalie, and Aardvark are standing in the back. Holland, Emily, and Audrey are standing behind Reggie who is standing in the middle of the giant place. There's this smirk on his face. One he had never given me before. There's a hint of insecurity in it. My mother pushed me forward making me stumble closer to him. I didn't make it all the way to him. There's distance between us. It took a few breaths to calm myself and not think of something really crazy.      "What's going on?" I asked looking around.      "Rip," Reggie said stepping towards me until he was a couple of feet away. "I'm sorry about what happened the other day. I didn't mean to make you feel like we needed space. That's the last thing we need. I wanted to surprise you,"      "I don't like surprises. I thought that was clear when I pulled a gun on you when we met," everyone laughed.     "I know. Believe me," he said clearing his throat. "I know we haven't been together for a long time, but we both know this is real. I want to take as much time as you want with this. You set the pace, but I want to do it right,"      "Okay?" I whispered mostly to myself.      My heart began to pound so loud it's drumming in my ears. He got down on one knee. I can't even take in a breath, I didn't know what was happening, how lost I had been when I walked in and now it all falls into place. His eyes looked up at mine when Holland handed him a small blue velvet box.      The color brought me to reality. Blue. I had told him that blue is my favorite color. He wearing fitted black jeans with a royal blue button-up. I knew there he had seemed different at first, but I had been too focused on trying to figure out what was going on to notice. His hair is done back, a clean shave. God, he is even more gorgeous cleaned up. How was that even a thing? Who is this f*****g hot? Him just him. That's the only answer acceptable.     "Have mercy on my soul and marry me beautiful," he requested. Have mercy on his soul? Talk about finding the right words.     I took in a deep breath. The excitement in me is making me laugh and look around at the way everyone is looking at us. Ezra and Rose are crying, everyone else is just smiling. I looked down at him. There it is again the amazing hope he felt and the shaking insecurity of what could happen if things didn't go as he planned.      "Yeah,"      That one word triggered a  burst of happiness that is flooding out of him in waves. I'm happily drowning in it. He opened the little box to reveal the most beautiful organized two pieces of carbon there will ever be with sapphire blue mineral corundum in between them. It's the most beautiful ring I had ever seen in my life. Why am I naming the rocks scientifically?     "Holy s**t. That is legit," Holland approved, looking at me.      "Shut the f**k up," Riley growled. I laughed not taking my eyes off of him.      "You said yeah," he chuckled, standing up.      "I meant yes. Is that... Did I do it wrong?" I asked terrified. Everyone laughed.      "No, that was perfect," he assured me, taking the ring out of the box. "Can I?"     "Yes," I nodded putting my right hand up.      "No, honey the other hand," my mom laughed. I switched. He laughed sliding the ring onto my finger.      "I love you, Rip," he proclaimed, pulling me into him. "I know you don't like it, but I have to,"     "I like it," I waved him off, tiptoeing so that I can reach him. I wrapped my arms around him pulling him closer.      He pressed his lips to mine and for the first time in my life. I responded to the kiss. There are so many things that could go wrong, but for now, this is where I'm going to stay because losing him isn't an option. There is no way I would ever be able to live without him. I have to do whatever I can to keep my i***t brother from making a mistake. I have everything I can possibly want and I don't want to lose any of it. Not now, not ever.  
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