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Reginald:     She's standing at the edge of the barrier staring out into the trees. She had stopped in the middle of training and walked away. Stephen and I followed behind her. She's just standing there, the feeling me coming from her was a dark one. Something strong and shallow at the same time. I looked at him and he looks just as worried as I feel.      "It's gone," she finally blurted out looking over at me.     "What's gone?" Stephen asked stepping closer.      She didn't answer him placing her hand on the barrier taking it back. The sound of it crackled in the wind like thunder. I felt the surge of power raise in the two of us. Before I could catch my breath she bolted. She's fast. The two of us tried to keep up with her.      "We can't let her get to the tomb," I shouted pushing myself forward as fast as I could go. She's faster than I anticipated. I slowed down when she skidded to a stop right before getting to the front of the tomb. Fear hit me in the gut. A deep fear that is coming from her.      "Rip?" I called out her name, she turned to face me. Tears filled her eyes and she's barely breathing. She looked around panicked.      "It's gone," she cried out. "No. No. It can't be gone,"      "What are you talking about, Rip?" Stephen asked, looking around.      "The power in the tomb," I stated, reaching for her. She let me pull her into me. "What does that mean?"      "One of two things," she cleared her throat, trying to calm down. "One, someone stole it,"      "Okay, and two?" he asked.      "Two," she shook her head, looking back at him. "Two means the bad guy is awake and has a brand new vessel he's walking around in,"      "Which is worse?"      "Two. Two is very, very bad," she said pulling away from me. She began to look around.      "What are we looking for?"      "Something that will tell us who took it or what the shadow King looks like now,"      There is a scent on the tomb's stone bed. I looked up at Stephen. He's watching Rip. She stopped looking in the opposite direction we had come from. She's not one to play well with others. I should have known that. We followed her as she ran in that direction. She slowed down looking up ahead. The source of the scent.      A man is lying on his side up ahead. Rip stopped next to him. I went over to her pulling her to me. I looked up at Steven who began to look around to see if there was any way to identify him. This guy is massive. I reached down to check his pulse to find an even one. I pushed him to where he was laying on his back.      "He's alive," I nodded, looking up at Rip. She pulled out a dagger.      "Rip?" Stephen growled, coming forward.      "It's him," she growled, pulling back. The dagger came down towards the body and stopped right before it pierced through the man's chest. She tried to push against whatever is blocking her. The man's eyes snapped open, we all jumped back. His eyes are glowing a bright brilliant green.      "Le auala e galue ai," he addressed her. (Not how this works).      "What are we waiting for?" she growled when he stood up looking at her with a smirk.      "Toetu," (Ressurection).      "You're right here," she cried angrily, but he shook his head.      "E le o la'u," (Not mine) he laughed pointing at her. "Lau," (Yours)     "What is he saying?" I asked.      "What the f**k does that mean?" she asked him.      "O oe o le manu fe'ai iinei," (You are the wild beast here). She stepped back shaking her head.      "No, you are," she pointed at him with the dagger. He smiled at her in a threatening manner, I pulled her to me and growled when he stepped closer to her. He looked me over and nodded.      "Tuafafine," (Sister) he nodded. "O lau foafoaga o le fa'afanoga," (Your creation is destruction)     "f**k you," she growled. "I'm not your sister,"      "E tele au mea e te a'oa'oina," (You have lots to learn).      The man's eyes flickered like light bulbs until there were almost normal. The man blinked a few times before he fell to his knees. Rip rushed forward before his head hit the floor. He grabbed her arms trying to catch his breath.      "Hey, hey," she shouted at him.     "Who are you?" the man asked. Rip looked up at me confused.     "What? You speak English?" she asked. He nodded.      "Yeah. Are you who I'm supposed to be picking up? I was told it was only one of you," he said sitting up.      "What?" Stephen asked. He stood up and began to walk back towards the way we had come from. He grabbed two duffle bags from under the stone and tossed one at Stephen.      "Boss said one for you. One for me. I drop you off in Manhattan and we split," he informed us walking back towards where he had been laying.      "You were just lying on the floor. What happened?" Rip asked. He sighed.      "You aren't going to believe this," he said looking back at her.      "Try me," she challeneged.     "There was this bear or at least I thought it was a bear. This thing came out of nowhere. I tried to shoot it down but it came at me fast. I thought I was dead. Then I opened my eyes to you beautiful," I growled at him and he smiled. "Mated. Point taken sir,"      "What pack are you from?" I asked pulling Rip back.      "I'm not. We don't do packs. East Islanders do family over-packs. We don't have alphas,"      "You have a King," Rip whispered, he looked over at her and nodded looking at the broken glass of his car.      "Did you do this?" he asked looking at us. We shook our heads.      "What do you mean you thought it was a bear? What else could it have been?"      "Well at first I thought it was an alpha. You know with this being the pentacle and s**t. That's how big it was but then Alpha eyes glow red," he said opening the door. He began to brush the glass out with his hand. "Its eyes were green. I've never seen a wolf with green eyes. Well, glowing green eyes,"     "Where in Manhattan are we going?" Rip asked. Stephen and I looked at her like she had lost her mind. The guy reached into the car and pulled out a piece of paper. She sighed.      "This is my gallery," she said. "Do you know why?"      "The painting," he shrugged. Rip looked at me.      "What painting?" she asked. He sighed turning the paper over.      "The painting the boss wants. He said you'd know where we were going after,"      "Me?" she asked. He looked through his pockets.      "Reginald Krei," he said. Rip and Stephen looked at me.      "What?" I asked shaking my head. "Why would I know where to go after that?"      "Are you serious, bruh? We get the frame you get a text and we deliver you and this picture to the boss. That's how this works," he said snatching the paper from Rip. "Let's go,"      "I'll stay," Stephen said. "I'll let Mikhail know what's going on. He can call you for details,"      "You're on board with this? This guy shows up and you two want us to go with him with no idea who he is or what the f**k is going on? This guy wasn't even this guy two minutes ago,"      "My name is Lucien," he said raising his hand. "If that helps,"      "Your name is Lucien?" she asked and he nodded.      "Lucien," he nodded.     "You're an east islander. Shouldn't you have an east islander name?" she asked.      "You can take that up with my mom. It's Lucien Muamua," he smirked. She laughed shaking her head.     "Muamua as in the first? Your name is Lucien the first?" she shook her head.     "Yes ma'am," he confirmed.      "Tell me something real about you. Your parents, siblings, where you came from? Anything," she said reaching under the back of her windbreaker.      Stephen and I stepped back when she pulled out a small handgun and aimed it at him. Lucien Muamua lost his smile real quick raising his hands in the air. He backed away from her looking between the three of us.      "My name is Lucien Muamua. Apia, Samoa on Upolu island. My mother's name was Agelu Muamua. She was a nurse. I grew up on  an Aloe Vera farm. My mother used the clear sticky s**t inside to help people with a bunch of different medicinal purposes. I'm one of three boys. My brother Fa'amalo was my older brother. My youngest brother was Vlk,"      "Your mom gave you a Latin name, your older brother a Samoan name, and your little brother a Czech name?" she asked not putting the gun down.      "Before she settled my mother was a rogue of the land. She traveled with our dad. She knew Fourteen different languages except for English. She'd say the white man would domesticate a beast given the chance so she wanted no part in any of its cultures. My dad died three months before Vlk was born. I was six. You killed the alpha that came into our home and tried to make us leave. I was nineteen. My daughter was five. I was at work when they got into our house. By the time I got to them all that was left was the fire bringing down the building," he said looking down at his feet. "If you're going to shoot me, go ahead. I don't have a good enough reason for you not to,"      "Do you know what you are now?" she asked.      "What?" he asked confused.      "Do you know what you are now?" she repeated. He put his hands down and looked around.      "An ass hole?" he asked with a shrug. Stephen looked away trying not to laugh.      "That thing you saw wasn't a bear or whatever you think you saw. It was a Shadow Wolf. It's inside of you now," she informed him. He shook his head.      "You're insane," he laughed.      "I get that a lot. I should be but the thing is that I'm not. I want to be and I can say I am but I'm not," She extended her hand letting go of the gun with one hand. "I'm going to reach for you and you're going to let me,"      "Why?" he asked taking a step back looking over at me.      "I'll shoot you if you don't," she threatened. The guy looked down at the floor as she approached him. Her fingertips grazed his arm. She pulled back but then reached for him again grabbing it. She reached up to his face and growled. "It's gone,"      "What is?" he asked.      "Just like that? It's just gone?" I asked. She nodded.      "If it was in him, it's not now or it's really good at hiding inside of him. I'll go. You two go back,"      "I don't think so," I said without hesitation. "We're going together,"      She didn't argue. We climbed into the black Jaguar with this man. She seems so relaxed. Like this isn't insane. I can't sit still knowing that this man was the one that is here to destroy whatever world we had built. We stopped in front of the Gallery. The two of us climbed out with the duffle bag full of money. Rip handed it to me.     "Do you have shades?" she asked the crazy guy. He handed her a pair of sunglasses and a baseball cap.      I followed her inside the building. The place was filled. The last tour had begun and the crowd seemed very enthusiastic about being here. Every time I had watched Rip walk into this place her eyes would brighten. They had this glow about them like this is all she wanted everyone to see. Not this time. This time she looked around her eyes landing on a massive painting. Audrey smiled at her but then got serious when she saw the look on her face.      "What is it?" she asked.      I didn't catch what she whispered into her ear but Audrey nodded and placing her clipboard down somewhere and then going over to the painting we were here to get. I still don't understand what the f*****g painting had to do with any of this. Rip took my hand and we walked out getting back in the car. It wasn't long before the frame was slid into the back seat with her.      Lucien took off before the door was shut. Rip reached over and shut it. My heart feels like it's ready to burst out of my chest as we sped through the back roads towards my pack. The direction we had taken is the long way around. It looked like it meant something to her because she let out a deep breath. Like something fell into place form her. He stopped the car right outside the borderlines. Mikhail and Stephen are up ahead. They aren't the only ones out here. Not too far from where we stopped stood another man. Rip was out of the car making her way to him before any of us could question a thing.      "You could have just called," she called to him.     "There is no time. They're here," the man scoffed. She growled turning to look at me.      "What the f**k is going on?" Mikhail demanded before I could get the chance to.     "This is Bryan. He found the missing colonies and they spotted him," she said with a sigh. "I was right. These are different from the ones we found. They're known as the Believers,"      "Religious nut cases?" Mikhail asked. She shook her head.      "Worse. Satanist,"      "Why the painting? Did he do this?" I asked.      "What painting?" Bryan asked. She looked over at Lucien and shook her head.      "The painting is for him. It'll mean something to him eventually. The goddess has spoken," she said. I looked at the painting in the back seat to see it was a picture of the back yard of one of the higher rank villas here. The one she had chosen for Audrey. 
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