
2140 Words

Reginald:     I've been waiting for her to come back. The rain had let off a little while ago. The pups all came out to play in the puddles. Mikhail's territory is beautiful. The way they greet her is the cutest thing ever. They all respect her, but the bigger part of them is still scared. My pack isn't afraid of her. They know who and what she was and the majority of them think it's amazing. The way she interpreted being what she is, with no true malice intended. They adore her left and right. It's no wonder she left this place so easily.     "Rip," she turned to look at me. She's handed the gun back to Jon and excused herself.     "Were you even going to tell me?" she asked. She turned away from me watching as one of the younger pups tackled his sister into a muddy puddle.     "Yes,

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