Chapter 5 : The Stolen Necklace

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After the morning incident, most people left me alone. There were a few times I spotted Cecilia nearby, but she didn't come toward me or try to talk to me. That was perfectly fine with me and exactly what I wanted. Having her near me just put me on edge. Every time I looked at her, I was angry, anxious, and even sad. In my memory, we had been such good friends in school and now I knew how devastating her betrayal would eventually be to me. The further away from me she was, the less I had to think about it, and so I very much enjoyed the first day of school after my reincarnation in peace. I was amazed by how fast time flew by that day. What had seemed to be so boring and frustratingly difficult ten years ago turned out to be interesting and easy now. As soon as the last lesson ended, I packed up and left the school. But I couldn't go home yet. I had some time to think about Cecilia and wondered when she must have started planning for my demise. I needed to know more about her. The truth was, I never really knew her that well. She was my friend, and we hung out, but she normally didn't share much about herself with me. It felt as if she was just following me around and tagging along. This time, things would be different. I decided to follow her and see if I could get some useful information. Cecilia was walking toward her home alone. Watching Cecilia from behind, I realized that she didn't seem to have any other friends. Like me, she wasn't popular, despite her perfect grades. I was an adopted omega, and she was born into a gamma family. Neither of us was welcomed by kids from upper society. That was why we had become friends when we were young in the first place. After she turned the corner, I heard her gasping and then quickly quieted down. I sped up to the corner and pulled out a small mirror so that I could see what was happening around the corner—Cecilia was backed to the wall by Patricia and her friends. Did Patricia really have nothing better to do than picking on others? “Where do you think you're going, little b***h?" Patricia's voice was loud and clear. “I… I'm just going home," was Cecilia's trembling reply. “Oh, really? Why didn't you go with that pathetic friend of yours? Loser!" Patricia taunted, and the other girls laughed. From the mirror, I saw Cecilia bite down on her lip, not able to answer. So Patricia continued, “Or is even a loser like her also so embarrassed by you that she left you behind?" “Shut up!" Cecilia finally shouted. “I'm not a loser!" “No? Then what are you? Livy Jackson is a loser, and you're her ass-kisser. So tell me, what should I call you?" Cecilia's fists clenched yelled, “I'm not! She is a piece of arrogant crap just like all of you! You filthy dirty lazy leeches! You all are! Without your family, you are absolutely nothing, and yet, without any effort, you have everything that I have to work so hard for!" It was like a lightning bolt hit me. So, that was how she really felt about me? Patricia didn't expect Cecilia's reaction either, and she stopped a couple of other girls who were about to punch Cecilia in the face. Patricia pulled back and sneered. “That's how you feel about Livy Jackson? And you call yourselves friends?" “She's not my friend! She treats me like trash. I'm no more than a disposable sidekick to her!" Cecilia snapped. “You just made me laugh. How about this, I'll make you a deal." I pulled out my cell phone and started recording. Cecilia snapped, “I have no interest in dealing with you!" Patricia smirked, “Why don't you let me finish? My enemy's enemy is my friend. Since you also despise Livy Jackson so much, why don't you work with me? We'll get her kicked out of school. If you do this well…" Patricia paused to observe Cecilia's face before she continued, “If you do this well, I'll ask my dad to offer you a paid summer internship at my parent's company. It's one of the highest paid and well respected internships in the city." Cecilia's eyes widened, seemingly weighing her answer. “Take this." Patricia took out a pearl necklace and threw it at Cecilia. “Put it in Livy Jackson's backpack. I'll make sure tomorrow is the last day we'll see her at our school!" Patricia and her group sauntered away and Cecilia stood there for a while, staring at the expensive pearl necklace in her hand. *** The next morning, I made sure to wait for Cecilia. “Hi Livy," she greeted me. It seemed as if she had made her decision. “Good morning. How was your night last night? Anything fun happen?" My smile and question caught her by surprise, so she stumbled over a few words as if she were trying to come up with a lie on the spot. “Anything you want to tell me?" I asked directly. She paused for a moment and then lowered her voice, “Um…no, nothing. But aren't you worried that those bullies will retaliate?" “No, not particularly," I answered. “Are you worried?" She obviously didn't expect what I had said. After a quick moment, she shook her head. I looked her in the eye and told her, “If they dare to bully you behind my back, you tell me, okay?" I almost scoffed at myself. Why did I even say such unnecessary things? Was I trying to give her a chance? If she actually told me about what Patricia asked her to do, then what? Would I just forgive her for what she had done to me in my past life? I wasn't a saint. I was brought back here and now I was out for revenge, not mercy! But I asked the question anyway. Such a stupid move. She looked at me, her gaze shifted, and slowly, she said, “Okay, I will. Thank you, Livy!" Then she reached out and gave me a hug that was just a little too tight. “Sounds good," I replied, peeling her off of me and readjusting my bag. “Did you finish the homework for today?" “I sure did. It was a tough one though. I nearly stayed up the entire night. But I made sure to get up early so the two of us could go to school together." I smiled at her, even though looking at her now made me feel sick to my stomach. I used to love her like a sister and I had trusted her because I thought she was my best friend. For years, I couldn't understand her motivation until yesterday evening. I finally heard her true feelings from her own lips and I finally started to understand a little why she had used my trust against me. When we arrived at school I told Cecilia, “I have to use the ladies' room. See you later." Cecilia didn't follow me and headed in her own direction. In the bathroom stall, I opened my bag. Of course, the necklace was inside. This was the second time I'd seen it. The first time I'd seen it was in my previous life when I was called to the principal's office, and they had found it in my backpack. I was unable to explain how it got in my bag or defend myself, and I was eventually expelled from school. History wouldn't repeat itself. I was almost relieved that Cecilia had chosen to betray me. That way, I wouldn't feel bad when she got what she deserved. My eyes grew cold. I had made a vow that I would protect myself and those I loved. Anyone who dared to mess with me would have to pay. *** 'Livy, I'm in the parking lot. Just come out,' Kain texted me. 'Okay, I'll be right there.' At the end of the school day. I grabbed my backpack, walking to meet with Kain. I saw him waving at me when a campus security guard walked in my direction. I sighed. I'd rather spend a quiet evening with my family than to go through all the drama that was about to happen. “Miss Jackson, you're summoned to the principal's office." Kain quickly walked to my side, shielding me from the security guard. He frowned, asking, “What for?" “We have received a report that a student has stolen valuables from the principal." Kain wrapped his arm over my shoulder. “So why has my sister been called?" The security guard stared at me and sneered, “Well, why don't you ask your sister?" He pushed Kain away and grabbed my wrist. “Let go of me!" I threw his grip away. “I can walk." “Livy!" Kain looked extremely worried as he caught up to me. “Please tell me you didn't do anything stupid." “We'll find out," I smiled. As we got into the principal's office, Cecilia, Patricia, and her four minions were all there. As I walked by one of the girls, Patricia cooed at me with a sinister smile. “Nice knowing you." The rest of Patricia's group let out light giggles as if they were very excited to see what was going to happen. Kain was holding my hand. Before he let go of me, he gave me a comforting squeeze. I knew he was ready to put up a fight for me if needed. I straightened my uniform and announced my arrival to the principal. “Hi, Mrs. Hartford." “Ah, Miss Jackson. As you know, I lost my necklace yesterday." Kain immediately protested. “What do you mean by 'as you know'? How would my sister know that?" Patricia scoffed. “How would she know? Of course, it's because she's the one who stole it!" Kain defended me. “Livy would never do that!" Mrs. Hartford raised her hand to quiet both Patricia and Kain, and then glanced at me. “Do you have anything to say, Miss Jackson?" I opened my mouth, but Cecilia answered for me. “Mrs. Hartford, Livy would never steal from anyone. Go ahead and check her bag. You'll see!" Her face was calm and sincere. Even I couldn't detect a trace of deceit. “Well then let's see," the principal nodded at the security guard as she pointed to my bag. I handed over the bag and let him search it while Patricia and her girls continued to hold amusing smirks on their faces. Cecilia, on the other hand, seemed a little nervous. Her eyes hadn't left my backpack ever since I'd passed it to the security guard. He took a moment to rummage through it then handed it back. “I'm sorry," he said to me. “It's okay. I understand," I said as I watched the color drain from Cecilia's cheeks and the smirk fade from Patricia's face. Meanwhile, Kain let out a long sigh of relief. “How is it possible?!" Patricia shouted, she glared at Cecilia. “You lied to me?!" Cecilia's face grew ashen as she stuttered to deny it. “I, I don't, don't know what you're talking about!" “Enough!" Mrs. Hartford dropped her face. “Patricia, you accused Livy of stealing my necklace and insisted on her bag being searched. Now, what do you have to say?" Patricia protested loudly, “No! It's not me! I… it's Cecilia! She's the one who told me that. She lied. It's all her fault!" Blood completely drained from Cecilia's face, and she broke down crying. “Mrs. Hartford, Livy, no, I'm just as baffled! I had no idea when I was called in here. I even defended Livy just now. I knew she would never…“ SLAP! Patricia's palm landed on Cecilia's face, leaving a bright red mark of five fingers. “Shut up, you disgusting, lowly b***h—" The security guard pulled Patricia away from Cecilia. Kain was about to help Cecilia but I tugged him back. “Patricia, watch your words. No need to blame others. Why don't you take a look at this yourself?" Mrs. Hartford turned on the TV, and on the screen was Patricia and her gang. She threw a necklace to someone outside of the screen and ordered, “Take this. Put it in Livy Jackson's backpack. I'll make sure tomorrow is the last day we'll see her at our school!" Patricia's face dropped in shock and she collapsed on the floor. Mrs. Hartford opened her drawer and took out the gorgeous necklace to show everyone in the room. “Miss Jackson had returned this to me earlier this morning as soon as she found it. She said it was in her backpack, but had no idea how it got there. I was also very surprised and confused until I received this anonymous video." She paused and nodded to me. “Miss Jackson and Miss Harris, you both may leave now. I have some words for the rest of the girls." I bowed to Mrs. Hartford respectfully and exited the room with Kain. Cecilia followed me out and seemed on edge. I was sure that she was unsettled and curious, probably wondering how I felt at this moment. “Livy, thank goodness for the video!" Cecilia finally broke the silence. I tilted my head and agreed with her. “Indeed!" “Do you have any idea who might have taken it?" she asked tentatively. I shrugged. “Not a clue. I'm just glad that the mystery was solved." “So true…" Cecilia let out a long breath, seemingly relieved thinking I wasn't the one who took the video. “Well, it's been a long day. Want a ride?" I offered, knowing she would turn it down. Cecilia shook her head quickly. Fear was still evident in her eyes. “No, thank you. You guys go ahead." I turned around and looped my arm around Kain's. A cool smile spread over my face. There was still plenty of time to adequately address her betrayal.
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