4 - Hearing ghosts

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Leander When we finally found Lilly with the help of the Dragon King, she was not the Lilly we knew. She fully believed that Thomas was her mate and that the doll she carried around was a living child. Lilly was pulled into her subconscious along with her Wolf, trying to make Lilly remember who she was. Lilly somehow pulled Bastian into her subconscious using an ancient spell, and we thought we’d lose both of them. It was Mom who finally took matters into her own hands. She paid Thomas a visit in his cell at Blue Fire Castle, where we’d been staying with the King and Queen of all Dragon shifters. Mom pushed a whole heap of hell inside Thomas’s mind, which broke the illusion spell he had over Lilly. However, Lilly didn’t return to her body, so my brother Lorcan took it upon himself to go and get her. Lilly did return, and her memories were restored, yet Bastian and Lorcan did not. It turns out that Bastian had been pulled from Lilly’s mind and taken by a Goddess. Lian was the Goddess of all Phoenix shifters and wanted Bastian for herself. Lorcan hadn’t returned because he had made a deal with the Moon Goddess and the Devil. If he helped them lock Lian away, Selene would grant Lorcan a body of his own one day. That still hasn’t happened, yet Lorcan did his part, returning Bastian safely to Lilly. It hasn’t been easy for Bastian and Lilly since all they went through. But they’re moving forward slowly each day, and I see a little more of the Lilly we once knew returning. The first time I saw Harry’s ghost was an hour after his death. The rogue was captured, and I’d been torturing him. I killed him right before Lilly arrived home, and she took off. I took to my room, my heart aching for my sister. Then I saw Harry standing before me, asking, ‘What’s wrong?’ Of course, the little boy didn’t know that he was dead, and it took weeks for me to make him believe it. He only believed it when he finally realized Lilly could not see or hear him when she arrived home. The poor kid cried and cried but refused to cross over. Harry swore that he’d never leave his mommy. Harry’s death is still fresh in everyone’s mind due to the fact it’s only been five months. I wonder if that’s what’s wrong with Lilly right now. She’d want her little boy here for her wedding, and he will be, in spirit, at least. I haven’t mentioned to Lilly that I can see and hear Harry. I didn’t think it would do any good, nor would it help her move on from what happened. However, the little boy doesn’t make it easy for me. “Who are you talking to?” I don’t answer Lilly; I don’t because I don’t know how to. ‘I can hear it,’ Harry’s curious smile as he makes his way over to Lilly has me narrowing my eyes. ‘Uncle Leander, can’t you hear it?’ “Hear what?” “Leander, what’s going on? Who are you talking to?” I wave my hand at Dad. I’ll tell him what he wants to know once I find out what’s wrong with Harry. “What can you hear, little man?” ‘The baby. I can hear Mommy’s new baby’s heart beating.’ “Harry, are you sure?” He nods his little head at me. “Harry?” My eyes snap to Lilly, and more tears fall from her eyes. “You’re speaking with Harry?” I nod once. I shouldn’t have said Harry’s name, but I slipped up, and it’s too late to take it back now. “He’s here? Where is he?” She asks desperately. ‘I’m here, Mommy.’ “He’s right in front of you.” Lilly gasps and looks down just as Harry places his hand protectively over her stomach. I know she senses it because she lays her hand, unknowingly, over Harry’s. “He’s curious that he can hear your unborn baby’s heartbeat.” Both Lilly and Bastian stare at each other in shock. I’m guessing because Lilly blocked us from sensing her pregnancy. Mom and Dad are dying to say something, but I feel Luther shake his hand, stopping them. ‘She’s sad because she feels guilty that I died, and now she’s going to have another baby.’ “Is that true?” I ask as if Lilly knows what I’m talking about. “Is what true?” Bastian asks. “Lilly, do you feel guilty because you’re pregnant? Do you feel as though you’re replacing Harry?” I can’t help smiling as Harry leans his head against Lilly’s stomach. He giggles, and I imagine he’s hearing the baby’s heartbeat banging in his ears. “Lilly?” Dad urges. Lilly sighs and leans her head against Bastian’s for a moment. She then lifts and looks at us all. “Yes, it’s true. I don’t feel that I deserve this baby. With all of my abilities, I couldn’t protect Harry. He died, and a part of me died with him. I know I wasn’t his birth mother, but that didn’t mean anything because I loved him as though he came from my body.” “The reason we kept the pregnancy from you,” Bastian picks up. “Is because Lilly is having doubts that she can be a mother.” “Lilly, you’ll be a wonderful mother.” Lilly gives Mom a slight smile. “Is that why you blocked us from detecting the heartbeat or even sensing your pregnancy?” Lilly nods at Luther. “I can’t imagine how you’re feeling right now, Lilly. But you really believe that you wouldn’t be able to care for your child?” “Harry didn’t die because of you,” Dad says with conviction. I listen to everyone giving Lilly and Bastian advice while keeping my eyes on Harry. He’s humming while kissing Lilly’s stomach. I know that she can feel something because each time Harry plants a kiss or strokes her stomach, Lilly looks down and smiles. ‘Uncle Leander?’ “Yes, Harry?” Everyone stops talking at the mention of Harry’s name. ‘Will you tell Mommy and Daddy something for me?’ He lifts his little dark head to look at Lilly and Bastian. “Of course I will.” ‘Can you tell them that I love them more than anything in the whole world?’ I smile. I look at my sister and her mate. “Harry would like me to let his Mommy and Daddy know that he loves you both more than anything in the whole world.” I try not to chuckle as Harry ensures I repeat his words to the letter. “Mommy and Daddy love you more than anything in the world, too, buddy.” Bastian is the one to speak. “Leander?” Lilly swallows hard while looking at me. “Can you. . .” “Can I what?” My sister bites her lower lip, and I try not to sigh. I know what she wants, but she knows how much it takes out of me. But can I deny her this one small thing when I’ve kept the truth to myself for months? After everything Lilly and Bastian have been through since mating, I can give them this just once. “If I do this for you, it can be only once. I know how addictive hearing a loved one can be, Lilly, so I need you to promise that you won’t. . .” “I won’t,” She cuts me off with a smile. “I know what it does to you to use your ability. But I swear that neither Bastian nor I will ever ask again. I just need to hear Harry’s voice just once more. Please, Leander?” I look at Bastian for confirmation. He nods his head as if agreeing with what Lilly said. I sigh and turn to look at my parents and Luther. “I wish I could bring you all in to hear Harry, but I can’t.” “We understand.” Dad tips his head. I can’t bring my parents and Luther in on this; dragging five other people with me is too much. Well, I mean, I can bring five people in with me, but I’d be bedridden for days afterwards, and I can’t afford for that to happen right now. I’m a busy man, pack responsibilities, duties, and so on. Regardless of how much energy it drains from me this time, I want to do this for my sister and her mate; they deserve the chance to say goodbye properly. I get out of my seat and take Lilly’s hand in my right and Bastian’s in my left. Bastian grabs Lilly’s other hand. The room becomes blurry, as my surroundings always do when I pull people into my gift. “Say whatever you want to,” I tell Lilly and Bastain. “Harry can hear you, and you’ll hear him too. Right, buddy?” ‘Right,’ He giggles, and Lilly gasps. I can’t make anyone see the dead, but I can allow them to hear their words for a few moments. “I miss you so much, Harry. I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there when you needed me.” ‘Don’t cry, Mommy. I don’t want you to feel guilty about what happened to me, nor about having a new baby. You will love him as much as you love me,’ “Every single day, little man.” Harry giggles at Bastian’s words. ‘Mommy, Daddy, I want you to be happy again; I want you to smile. Please don’t cry anymore. I know you won’t forget me, and I will always be with you. ‘I will always be watching over the baby, and I will always, always love all three of you. I will even love every pup you have next.’ Harry laughs because Lilly and Bastian do. I see a genuine smile on Lilly’s face for the first time since Harry died. “Harry?” “He’s still here, right in front of you, smiling.” Lilly nods her head and then looks in Harry’s direction. “I wish I could give you one more hug. I also wish you were here with Daddy and me so we could tell you every day how much we love you. Harry, this baby is not replacing you in any way; no one ever could. I’ll tell your little brother or sister all about you,” ‘Brother,’ Harry giggles as if he knows something no one else does. I simply smile and wink at him. “Remember that Daddy loves you, Harry. I will always keep you in my heart, safe and sound.” Harry’s smile is so genuine and happy that I’m smiling with him. Hearing Bastian’s words has Harry hugging himself as though he were hugging his father. “I love you, baby boy. I love you so much.” Harry leans up and presses a ghostly kiss to Lilly’s cheek. She gasps and touches said cheek with her fingertips before looking at Bastian. He smiles and leans in to kiss her. ‘I love you both,’ Harry whispers before I have to break the connection. I can’t hold it much longer; I can feel my energy waning, and I can’t let that happen right now. Talk soon turns back to Lilly and Bastian’s wedding. Lilly seems much happier, and that makes the rest of us relax. Harry left the room to go and play, so he told me. I have no idea what tiny ghosts do to entertain themselves, but whatever makes him happy. A voice suddenly fills my head. I don’t know how or why, but I hear it loud and clear: ‘Help me...’ My eyes flash gray, every sense in my body on high alert. Sara is calling me; I’d know her voice anywhere, my mate. “Leander, what’s wrong?” “Sara.” Is the only answer I give my father before moving at the speed of light. I have to get to Sara. I don’t know what’s wrong, but I know something isn’t right with my mate. ‘Save her,’ Valerius whispers inside my head. ‘You know that I will.’
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