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CHAPTER THREE“What?” he screamed in thunderstruck accents. “Martina have you taken leave of your senses?” “I warned you it was difficult – ” “Difficult! My dear girl, I think you must have gone completely mad.” “If you would only – ” “I know I said I would do anything for you, but that most emphatically does not include marrying another woman. What on earth would we say to each other? Or are you proposing to come and live with us as well? Shall the three of us enjoy a cosy little ménage a trois by the fireside in the evening?” “I wish you would stop talking nonsense,” Martina said crossly, forgetting for the moment that she was here as a supplicant. “Nonsense? You come here with the most featherbrained scheme it has ever been my misfortune to hear, and you dare to accuse me of talkin

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