2023 Words

Of course, I am expecting you to come to it, dearest Neisa, and it will be so lovely to see you again. I have already received two proposals of marriage and I wonder how many you have had! I will tell you all about it when we meet, so please come to see me as soon as you can. Affectionately, Your cousin, Carol.” Neisa showed the letter to her father who remarked, “Well, I expect Waverton will do things in style for his daughter, which is more, my dearest, than I can do for you.” “I know that, Papa, but I am very happy, so don’t worry, please.” She did not want to admit it, but she thought that it would be impossible for her to attend Carol’s ball. She did not own a smart evening gown and it would be unthinkable at present for her father to find the money for one. They managed in

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