All In The Past

2133 Words

Rose stared at Vince bracing herself nervously for his response. “Okay, so I got caught in a stolen car once, but at the time I wasn't aware the car was stolen. I was just cruising with a friend who claimed he'd borrowed it. Since I wasn't driving, they let me go and arrested my friend. Me and the other two guys in the car had to walk over fifteen f*****g blocks home. Lesson learned. If my friend's mom wasn't so hysterical and made such a big deal out of us getting home so late, my parents would've never even known about it. The driver is no longer anyone I hang out with." Vince stared at her hesitating to continue. “I was . . . I was at a party where a girl was gang-raped." Rose noticed how he clenched his fist and banged softly his own thigh. “I didn't even know about it, but when she

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