I'm being ridiculous. I know that. Hugo probably knows that. Lennon probably knows that. Hell, this entire building can probably tell. I probably shouldn't have said what I said though... "For her? Please, Stella, be serious. Look at that dress. That was not made for Lennon. It's way too stunning, elegant, and classy. Definitely not a match." The words I spat after Stella screeched about Hugo having made that dress for Lennon hung in the air. I regretted it as soon as I said it. Especially the way it came out. My tone was mocking and snarky. That wasn't like me at all. It wasn't very fair of me either. Considering Lennon is the fu.cking most stunning person in the world. However, it was too late to take those words back. I wasn't sure how to do that anyway. I would have to admit tha